Thyme Acts As Anti-Viral Against Herpes and Other Diseases


...elusive dreamer
Apr 5, 2009
Thyme acts as an anti-viral against Herpes and other diseases...

Ebola is only one of many viruses that have been found among animals and transmissible to humans. While Ebola isn’t the first outbreak to catch public attention over the past few decades, it also likely won’t be the last.

The question lies – what is our long-term strategy to prevent future outbreaks? And how do we protect ourselves from getting a viral infection?

Increasing research has determined that plants provide some of the most promising opportunities to prevent the outbreak of these viruses, because not only are they easily cultivated and distributed, but they provide a source of resistance to viral outbreaks.

Case in point is Thymus vulgaris – Thyme. Thyme has been found to contain multiple antiviral constituents, including thymol, camphor, borneol, carvacrol, terpinenes, pinenes, cymene, terpinenols, citral and cineoles.

These and others have been found to be specifically antiviral, but more importantly, in combination, the plant and its essential oils provide significant antiviral protection.


perpetual student
Dec 3, 2007
Texas, USA
As typical with these articles, they don't list the dose. One of the studies specifically said "dose dependent". So, not very useful unless you see a naturopath.

Thyme leaves are typically used in herbal medicine. The essential oils from the leaves and stems were used in most of the research above. One might pose the question: Will spicing my food with dried Thyme leaf/spice provide medicinal benefit? Probably not too much unless enough is added to overwhelm the food being spiced, but it certainly is a good addition to a meal.
Jul 25, 2011
I have herpes. I should have it anyway, since it's supposed to be incurable. I haven't had an outbreak in 3 years now though.

I drink thyme tea regularly.

I'm not a scientist to confirm the health benefits, but I can tell you that thyme tea tastes very good, better than most other teas taste on their own (without adding honey or sugar etc)...


...elusive dreamer
Apr 5, 2009
Original Poster
Good to know about the Thyme tea, True...thanks for sharing that!


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Glastonbury, England
Thyme has been the new big thing here. Every chemist up and down the country has been stocking thyme anti-cough/bronchial lozenges, making bold claims too.

Since the new herbal licensing laws came in here in Britain, Big Pharm has been cashing in and now, ironically, is the main player in herbal products...
