The Cycle of Life


New member
Mar 6, 2009
In the cartoon Locked Horns Loretta has an automobile accident and a near death experience. Her comment: Oh it was awful. My whole life flashed before me and I didn't like one thing I wore.


Lovin' life~
Mar 2, 2009
On the subject of hell like NDE's, I believe this is what is projected from the consciousness of the person having the NDE. Take our dreams for example - we create the dreamworld we enter into when the physical body sleeps! So I believe we create the NDE experience we have.
What an absolutely lovely way to think.. I like that very much.


Active member
Oct 25, 2012
Chicago Area
That is going to be a lot of pets...

I imagine if they are all there waiting it's going to be quite the reunion.

Same for people. It might be like one of those huge reunion bar-b-qs last for 800 years just to say hi to everyone again! :D
I've actually thought about this possibility and I plan to say "excuse me just a few minutes" and then sneak away and get as far from them as possible. The last thing I want to do is go over why I did this and that and remember when -- for what would seem like an eternity. But then again, maybe that is a Sartre-style hell.


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Jul 24, 2010
Glastonbury, England
Original Poster
Spirits Reunited:
A gentleman named Dave approached me at a book-signing event in Seattle to tell me about a shared death experience he'd had with his wife several years earlier.
She had just completed a round of chemotherapy and was not feeling well. There was no reason to expect her to die anytime soon, said Dave, which is why he was so surprised to 'hear' her voice as he stood in the kitchen.
"I knew she was dying because I could 'hear' her talking directly into my ear," he said. "She was saying, 'I've just died, but that's okay. Everything is fine. Please don't worry.' "
Dave walked into the bedroom and found what he feared: his wife lying dead in bed.
What he didn't expect to see was his wife's mother (in spirit), leaning over her daughter and welcoming her to the other side.
"Her mother had died thirty years earlier, and I saw their bond renew right before my eyes," said Dave. The mother and daughter hugged and then "swirled up and out of the room."
It was a great relief to Dave , who said that there was cheerfulness in his wife's voice that "lifts me up and keeps me going every day."

-Extract from 'Glimpses of Eternity' by Dr Raymond Moody


Sep 11, 2010
What is it like to have a NDE? This will explain ...
My NDE was a beautiful experience, it happened 41 yrs ago and is still as fresh today as when it occurred. I will write it out and post it later.

I no longer use the word death - I prefer the word transition.

Other thoughts: no one is actually born and no one dies(I know I said I don't use the term death but in this case I will!); you have a body but, you are not the body - and you have a mind, but, you are not the mind.

No longer in use is the word g_d - I prefer the term Source.

We are all One.

Blessings to All.

Always enjoy PMH's interviews and love her books too!!!


Sep 11, 2010
I no longer use the word death! I instead use the word transition, as that is what happens! We need to understand that their is no death, and a good starting point is to know that we are not the physical body; the physical body is our temporary vehicle of transport - it is our soul(other terms used include spirit, awareness and consciousness)which is what energizes the physical body. Unfortunately many folk believe that they are the physical body and this is so limiting!

Anyway, here is a video I have just watched which is interesting! On the subject of past lives and more by the excellent Bob Olson and Brian Weiss


Active member
Oct 25, 2012
Chicago Area
I greatly appreciated hearing you say that. It is what my partner/GF and I both believe but I am shy to say it because many people think it is weird or unscientific. But if you want to get scientific it is a fact that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed - only transformed into another form of matter or energy.


Sep 11, 2010
:DAjax, I no longer restrain from saying what I want! For too long I was guilty of saying nothing for a quiet life :shock:

Not now! Their are scientists who say this too, such as Rupert Sheldrake and Peter Russell - both on You Tube, and both worth watching.

We are Consciousness experiencing the physical world via a temporary physical vehicle. I Am not the physical body, mind or emotions; they all exist within my consciousness. Here's another mind bending thought - when you look at the Sun you are not seeing a star 93 million miles away - it is withiin your consciousness! And this is true of everything that is seen! We are all One! Their is no separation - separation is all of the mind!

And yes many of my friends think I'm mad!
I don't care!!!
But, they can't think I'm that mad as they still remain my friends!!!


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Glastonbury, England
Original Poster
My brother was in hospital dying from emphysema. His breathing was very laboured, when all of a sudden it stopped and his breathing suddenly appeared normal. He looked at about 45 degrees upwards and smiled broadly, as if at something or someone. He turned to me and died suddenly in my arms.
I am positive to this day that he wanted to tell me what he had seen.
Those few seconds before he died will live with me for ever, it was so powerful
(From 'The Art of Dying' by Dr Peter Fenwick and Elizabeth Fenwick)


New member
Oct 10, 2015
What a wonderful thread to revive, proof that nothing truly dies! :3 Life is the flow of energy, which is neither created nor destroyed, one masterpiece of innumerable beautiful cycles and appendages from atoms to elephants to black holes. Whatever term we use, God, Goddess, Nature, the Cosmos, reality is all a self-sustaining endlessly alive system that our primate brains can't ever hope to fully comprehend. Organized religion and mainstream science are both equally limiting to perception. Many loved ones of mine have moved on, and while I know it would've hurt so much more, I also regret that I wasn't by their side to bid farewell. I know one day I'll be even closer to them than I'll probably be comfortable with, especially considering the disturbing things they've probably seen me do, but I miss the few beings I've truly bonded with and I'm a very impatient person.


Sep 11, 2010
My NDE was a wonderful experience ! Love was the overwhelming theme of my experience which I have written a poem about. There is nothing to fear ! Plus there are helpers ready to guide the departed. I no loner use the word death for it is a lie - transition is my word of choice.

On You Tube there are many wonderful videos telling of NDE's, the good - bad and ugly accounts ! The hellish accounts are in my opinion created by the individual's imagination and is a creation based on either their current life or past lives. Of course there are those who lie about their NDE's, so tread carefully !

My favorite NDE researcher(she had 3 NDE's) is PMH Atwater, a lovely lady, and worthwhile investing your time in.

And yes, this is a wonderful thread :D
