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  1. B

    Be on the Lookout for MSG

    Hey everyone, I have just published a blog entry on the dangers of monosodium glutamate and how it could be ruining your mental health and making you obese. I talk about where you are most likely to come across this ingredient in foods, how to detect it as well as how to avoid it as much as...
  2. B

    A Non-conformity is a Mental Illness?

    Wow! of course phyciatrists will agree to this! Just like how doctors wont recommend a remedy food for a symptom, a phyciatrists will verball diagnose you have a mental illness if you are grown up and following your dreams HAHA so ridiculous...
  3. B

    Restoring your Faith in "Natural"

    Hello everyone, I thought I would share with you my work on a blog entry discussing the natural food market niche and how many faulty products get away with being labelled as natural. I also discuss some brief tips on how to determine if a food product is as natural as it claims to be...
  4. B

    Anti Inflammatory Foods

    Hello everyone, I would like to share my blog post on foods that fight inflammation. I grew interest in this area as an avid fitness nut and practitioner of various physical activities. My perspective on inflammation in this blog post is more about athletic performance and muscle recovery. I...
  5. B

    Bad Coconut Oil article

    This article is good up until the dietitian sizes coconut oil up with vegetable, canola and soybean oil. The is the kind of mess that will keep people sick. these oils are highly inflammatory. Coconut oil has more saturated fat, so the dietitians can't recommend under the giudelines of major...
  6. B

    Whey Protein vs. Plant Protein

    Hey everyone, not sure who here has of great interest in the area of protein supplements, but I wrote a blog on it featuring a showdown of the two biggest rivals, Whey and plant protein powders. Hope the info is of value to people here;)...
  7. B

    Making Health Sexy

    Hey everyone! I thought I would share my blog post here. I discuss the importance of being wild and free and how it is complementary to our over over all health and well being. I believe as we embark on a health journey, we can lose sight of simplicity and freedom. I hope this is meaningful and...
  8. B

    Making Health Sexy

    Hey everyone! I thought I would share my blog post here. I discuss the importance of being wild and free and how it is complementary to our over over all health and well being. I believe as we embark on a health journey, we can lose sight of simplicity and freedom. I hope this is meaningful and...
  9. B

    Protein, Calcium and Alkalinity

    Hello everyone, I have here my latest blog entry on the myths of protein, calcium and the importance of alkalinity Here is the link to the blog Comment if you wish and enjoy!
  10. B

    Green tea vs White tea

    Hey everyone, I have come across an interesting article on green and white. White tea seems to have an edge over green in terms of antioxidants and less processing. Both are very healthy of course. pick your potion haha. Here is the link...
  11. B

    How Healthy is your Smoothie?

    Hello everyone! I am discussing the topic of what a healthy and natural smoothie is. How the typical smoothie shops are not as healthy as they appear and why you should stick to making your own. The blog entry is on my blog here...
  12. B

    Hey everyone, I am new here and saying Hello

    Hello everyone my name is Brendan Kearney and I am a 29 year old male from Ontario Canada. I am a natural health enthusiast and believe in the power of natural whole foods. Regardless of your level of health or fitness, there is a benefit to be gained when adapting more of a natural plant-based...