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� #1
Old 08-02-2012, 07:25 AM
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 1
xephys is on a distinguished road
Exclamation Raising Blood Pressure, Dilated Pupils & other wierd stuff.

Okay, I'm new here and this is my first post. The thing I'm curious about is that, at will, I can raise my blood pressure dramatically, this in turn increases my heart rate dramatically, and it looks like my pupils are dilated almost filling up my eye. Doing this makes my body temperature rise. It is an odd sensation to describe, if I were to try my best attempt would be to describe it as if I'm trying to push something out of my body, it goes out a little, then comes right back in.

I previously read the article concerning goosebumps. And since it was nearly two years ago since anyone talked about it I figured I would bring it up again to see if anyone had any new insights. I can give myself goosebumps at will. It is easier of corse when it is cold, but I can still do it when it is 110 degrees outside, just takes a little more work is all.

Also I spoke with an Eye Doctor about this next thing. Occasionaly I will see a patch of blurred light. I cannot see anything behind it, around it is usually different colored, little, sparkling lights. The doctor said this is called an Eye Migrain, and is followed by a headache, but the headaches are becoming fewer.

When I go to bed I can usually fall asleep in a couple of minutes. I've had two to three dreams within the first 10 to 15 minutes. I know they are dreams I can exert control over what goes on, to some extent, in the dreams. Also I don't really remember any other dreams I may have through out the night. I don't talk in my sleep, and I don't sleepwalk either. I've had Out of Body experiences uncontrolled and controlled.

When I sit quietly, with no major noise around me, and don't think of anyting I seem to see pictures in my head and hear people talking. I can't really say I hear them, but its like the words are put in my brain, there is no auditory sound though. Sometimes I can hone in on one conversation, but most of the time I cannot understand it and it all sounds garbled up, a word or two here or there, but that is it..., most of the time.

Last but not least, if I look at a bright colored background I see a lot, and when I say a lot I mean a lot, of what most people call "floaters", tiny little circles, sometimes lines that seem to float, move around, and disappear.

Well, I know this is a lot of info for one person to answer, so if anyone knows anything about anything I spoke of I would appreciate it relayed to me. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Oh and I've been able to do the blood pressure, pupil thing ever since I can remember as a little kid. I'm almost 30 now.

Last edited by xephys; 08-02-2012 at 07:34 AM. Reason: More questions about myself.
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