� #1
Old 02-08-2008, 04:57 PM
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Default Power Walking

Pinballdoctor, I understand you do this for 2 (or 3?) hours per day?

I was wondering why you chose this over just walking or taking up running? Any specific reasons? also, are there different methods of powerwalking?

any book or website your would recommend?
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� #2
Old 02-08-2008, 06:28 PM
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Default Walk/Powerwalk..

I walk alot in the spring, summer, and fall. However, its now winter, and where I live its too cold to walk. Hell, some days the car won't even start.

For anyone who is overweight, walking is better than running because its easier on the joints. Once the weight comes down, the pace can be increased, to the point of jogging. The whole point is to raise your heart rate to its optimal rate, then keep it at that rate for 30 to 45 minutes. That will allow you to burn calories, and eliminate toxins through sweating. Walking is great exercise. Almost anyone can do it, its great for the body, its free, you get the wind in your face, and a change of scenery every minute or two.

Powerwalking is just advanced walking. You start slow and soon you can go 10 miles at a fast pace. Even walking the dog is a good start.
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� #3
Old 02-08-2008, 06:57 PM
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ST, my folks used to be into Power Walking when I was a kid. And boy-oh-boy was it embarrassing.

As best as I can remember it, Power Walking is a lot like walking except that you also pump your arms enthusiastically and twist your hips with each step. The idea is to get the maximum benefit from each motion. By getting your arms and hips into the mix, you end up working-out more muscle-groups (and burning more calories).

But try telling that to a ten-year old kid. I remember having to go to a public park with my folks (and their Power Walking buddies) and having to (power) walk passed a bunch of bikers who were hanging out there (and probably getting high). It's hard to imagine why but they found our motion to be rather amusing ...
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Old 02-08-2008, 07:34 PM
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you know.. I think I've seen people power walking.. and didn't realize it. i have a neighbor that I think power walks.

well, duhhh.. I've seen it and didn't realize it.

some clips on power walking..

are you in this video, Harry?



these people always look so happy and excited to be doing these routines..
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� #5
Old 02-08-2008, 07:57 PM
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you know.. I think I had power walking confused with race walking. the race walking looks a bit smoother..



gosh.. they have television shows on this?

Dave McGovern is a known name in race walking.. he has a clinic in Carmel

ok.. nothing to do with racewalking.. but this is of the racewalker's weird cat

(pssst, Kevin, we need a cat smiley )
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� #6
Old 02-09-2008, 12:29 PM
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Default Powerwalking..

Here is a video on How To Powerwalk, From one of the masters'.

He looks pretty good for a guy in his 60's wouldn't you say?

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� #7
Old 02-09-2008, 03:22 PM
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He looks very good for his age. He would look even better if he improved his posture.

I keep looking for the speed dial so I can speed up his talking.

but, the videos are good, even without being able to speed up his talking.
thanks.. I've viewed a couple of them, and intend to view the rest.

And, looking at Gary, .. I've never understood that building up of that muscle around the neck. I don't like the no neck look on anyone. but, it seems to be popular among musclebuilders.
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