The Aluminum - Magnesium Link


perpetual student
Dec 3, 2007
Texas, USA
I'm not convinced that aluminum is a cause of Alzheimers. However, there must be a reason for Alzheimer patients to have more aluminum accumulation in the brain than is normal. Never the less, I do believe that aluminum and other heavy metals can cause problems in the body, and cause abnormal brain activity.

This is another good reason to take magnesium bound with malic acid in the form of magnesium malate.

ALUMINUM has been the focus of much negative attention lately– numerous studies have indicated that aluminum accumulates in the body, especially in nerve tissues, potentially causing harm. Recently, scientific researchers have discovered that one compound may have the powerful effect of diminishing this unwanted aluminum accumulation. On the cutting edge of nutrition science, Source Naturals is one of the first companies to introduce this powerfully protective compound: MAGNESIUM MALATE.


Aluminum is a naturally occurring metal. It has been the subject of recent studies on aging, and some scientists consider it to be harmful. It may come as a surprise that aluminum can be found in a wide variety of foods and manufactured products, such as baking powder, non-dairy creamers, antacids, deodorants, cookware, and food containers. Even tap water contains aluminum. With so many possible avenues for ingesting aluminum, we may be consuming more than nature originally intended. Mounting evidence that aluminum tends to accumulate in the body is even more cause for alarm. Unfortunately, there are no overt warning signs of excess aluminum accumulation, until levels become high enough to have adverse effects on health.


Researchers have suggested that aluminum may be more likely to accumulate in the brains of persons whose diets are Magnesium-deficient — which, unfortunately, includes 90% of Americans! Several studies have shown that animals fed diets low in Magnesium accumulate high concentrations of aluminum in the Central Nervous System. One of Magnesium’s many functions is to activate the enzyme tubulin involved in the maintenance of nerve tissue cells. It has been suggested that when there is not enough Magnesium in the body to plug into the appropriate receptor site on the tubulin enzyme, aluminum takes its place instead. This leads to the inactivation of tubulin and, consequently, inadequate nerve function. Because a Magnesium-deficient diet may increase the amount of aluminum taken up and stored by the body, it is vitally important that we take in sufficient amounts.


MAGNESIUM MALATE supplies a one-two punch in combating excess aluminum accumulation. In addition to providing 45% of the U.S. R.D.A. for Magnesium, MAGNESIUM MALATE also supplies Malic Acid. Found abundantly in fruits such as apples, Malic Acid is also produced in the human body. It is a metabolite of the Krebs cycle, the set of biochemical reactions used to produce 90% of all energy in the cells of the body. Malic Acid readily crosses the Blood-Brain-Barrier and has been shown to bind to aluminum. It functions in the body by drawing aluminum away from the tubulin enzyme, so that Magnesium can plug into the receptor sites instead. Malic Acid’s unique ability to bind with aluminum means it can be flushed out of the body, preventing unwanted build-up.


With all of the negative evidence mounting against aluminum, educated consumers will want to take precautions in order to maintain their health and well being. Of course, the best way to avoid excess aluminum is to cut back on aluminum intake from known sources. Use only stainless steel or cast iron cookware, and look for aluminum- free deodorants and antacids. Always use filtered or spring water for drinking and cooking. And for those who want to take a pro-active approach, adding MAGNESIUM MALATE to your supplement regimen may be your best bet in depleting unwanted aluminum build-up in the body.


1. Mitani, K. 1992 “Relationship between...aluminum load...and magnesium status.”Magnesium Research 5(3):203-13
2. Yoshida, S. 1991 “Environmental factors in western Pacific foci...role of Aluminum(Al)...” Rinsho Shinkeigaku 31(12):1310-2
3. Costello, RB.; Moser-Veillon, PB. 1992 “A review of magnesium intake...” Magnesium Research 5(1):61-7
4. Yasui, M; Yase, Y; Ota, K; Garruto, RM. 1991 “Aluminum deposition... from the Kii Peninsula of Japan.” Neurotoxicology 12(3):615-20 --

D Bergy

Apr 16, 2006
Very informative, thanks for posting it here.

Makes me glad I take Magnesium Malate. Another reason I was not aware of.



Beloved enlightener...always with us in spirit
Apr 9, 2006
S.W. Washington
Great article jfh. I was aware of the aluminum connection and I'm also allergic to aluminum so I started taking Source Naturals magnesium malate almost two weeks ago. The tablets are large but easily snapped in half with my fingers, so I break them. I used to swallow a fist full of pills all at once, but in recent years it seems that my throat tightened up and, the other day, four capsuls got wedged making it really hard to swallow them. I go slower now.


Sep 2, 2009
Will magnesium chloride do the same thing, most magnesium products I see have this form.


perpetual student
Dec 3, 2007
Texas, USA
Original Poster
Will magnesium chloride do the same thing, most magnesium products I see have this form.
I can't tell what country you are from. Most manufacturers, in the USA, use magnesium oxide, because the source is cheap. It is probably the worse you can take, as it can chemically burn the walls of the intestines. When the oxide finds water it binds to form hydroxide. Not good.

Magnesium chloride is probably the best for bioavailability. You can even find it, named magnesium oil, that provides the magnesium transdermally. This bypasses the digestive system. Normally, you cannot find it locally. Or at least I cannot. I order on-line.

Magnesium citrate is probably the best for bioavailability. It is bound with citric acid, which helps this process.

You can see where I'm going with this. Right? Much depends upon with what the magnesium is bound.

My favorite is magnesium malate. It is bound with malic acid. You can see my post about it above. It even helps fibromyalgia. Probably due to the malic acid helping the ATP (cell energy fuel).
