Nocturnal Enuresis


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Off and on since age 20 or 21,I have experienced occasional Nocturnal Enuresis (Bed-wetting).It began when I Worked at a high stress Job in a cold Environment.Sometimes when it happens,I tell myself in my Sleep I'm on the Toilet.Others who've had NE told me they also thought the same.Never had a full blown UTI,Kidney Infection or known Kidney Disease,so am trying to figure out why it occasionally happens.


...elusive dreamer
Apr 5, 2009
Off and on since age 20 or 21,I have experienced occasional Nocturnal Enuresis (Bed-wetting).It began when I Worked at a high stress Job in a cold Environment.Sometimes when it happens,I tell myself in my Sleep I'm on the Toilet.Others who've had NE told me they also thought the same.Never had a full blown UTI,Kidney Infection or known Kidney Disease,so am trying to figure out why it occasionally happens.
Hi Chatterbox,

I don't have any answers for you, but I'm surprised in a way that it doesn't happen more often to more people. It's like when I dream I'm falling, and wake myself up by jerking my body, or once as a child, actually falling out of the bed.

Being a frequent restroom user in my waking hours, I often dream of having to use a restroom, not being able to find one, finding one that is undesireable to use, etc. I guess I'm lucky in my dreams that I usually don't find the facility to do the deed! :)

Sometimes my dreams are lucid, where I know that I'm just dreaming. I think there are ways to train yourself to know this before sleep, through specific thoughts or affirmations, that may help in your case. I hope you can find some natural help with your problem.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Original Poster
Hi Kind2creatures,
I believe it happens more often than People admit,because it is humiliating and embarrassing to talk about.I hesitated discussing with my Physican for those reasons.Through the Years,I have dreamed that I'm falling,and wake up,but my Body doesn't jerk.The old Wives Tale is: If you dream your falling and you hit bottom,your dead!Nocturnal Enuresis is considered a Parasomnia.A Parasomnia is a "disruptive Sleep-related Disorder that can occur during arousals from REM Sleep or partial arousals from Non-REM Sleep.I either sleep deeply or lightly.I have vivid and colorful dreams appearing real.In saying this,I don't have to dream or sleep lightly for it to occur.Sometimes I don't know it happened until after waking.I have dreamed numerous times that I'm setting on Toilet and tell myself it's OK to use Bathroom.NE can be Primary or Secondary.In Primary Enuresis,a Person has been unable to have Urinary control from Infancy onward.Primary bedwetting appears to run in Families.Children are more likely to have it if their Parents or Siblings had it as Children.With Secondary Enuresis,a Person has a relapse after previously having been able to have Urinary control.My Enuresis is more than likely Secondary as I have relapses after having been able to have Urinary Control for Months and even Years..All my Physician said was,"It is related to sleep..sometimes People dream they are setting on Toilet..limit your Fluid intake and set an Alarm to wake and go to the Bathroom." When he should have referred me to a Gynourologist and for a Sleep study.I never had a full blown UTI or Kidney Infection,but occasionally,my Urine has a strong Ammonia odor,then other times does not smell right.The color ranges from a deeper yellow in AM,then a pale yellow,or it is so crystal clear,you can't tell I used bathroom.I have had Protein in my Urine,however,I had an Infection with a SED rate exceeding 100.SOMETHING is going on and I WANT it checked into and treated!Lately,it has been happening more than not..
