Search results

  1. Harry Hirsute

    The Battle of the Diets

    Atkins vs. the AHA Diet vs. Ornish vs. The Zone - The results of a one year trial, as explained by the author of the study:
  2. Harry Hirsute

    ABC Releases Sinupret Monograph

    Note: The actual monograph is available via (free) download. American Botanical Council: Sinupret
  3. Harry Hirsute

    News from Dr. Burzynski

    Life Extension Daily News
  4. Harry Hirsute

    Probiotics vs. Chronic Fatigue

    Vitasearch - search result
  5. Harry Hirsute

    DHA - Mutliple Cardiovascular Benefits

    DHA Supplementation Decreases Serum C-Reactive Protein and Other Markers of Inflammation in Hypertriglyceridemic Men
  6. Harry Hirsute

    NSAIDs and Cardiovascular Morbidity

    Increased Mortality and Cardiovascular Morbidity A...[Arch Intern Med. 2009] - PubMed Result
  7. Harry Hirsute

    Plums: The New Blueberries

    Plums Poised To Give Blueberries Run For The Money
  8. Harry Hirsute

    Diet Soda and Blood Sugar Abnormalities

    Diet Soda Intake and Risk of Incident Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
  9. Harry Hirsute

    Fish Oil vs Bipolar Disorder

    Reduced mania and depression in juvenile bipolar disorder associated with long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation
  10. Harry Hirsute

    Low Carb Diet for Fatty Liver Disease

    Low-carbohydrate diet burns more excess liver fat than low-calorie diet, UT Southwestern study finds
  11. Harry Hirsute

    Recipe - A Healthy, Homemade Protein Bar

    ST, I recall you asking about healthy protein bars (a long time ago, at a board far, far away). I just found this and I thought it looked pretty solid and versatile. Primal Energy Bar Redux: Making a Better Bar | Mark's Daily Apple
  12. Harry Hirsute

    Ayurvedic Oil Dripping

    I've never tried this but I've seen it performed on television and read about it in magazines. I doubt this has any more use than say an occasional massage would provide. Still, it caught my interest and I thought it might be interesting to some of you as well. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. - The...
  13. Harry Hirsute

    Black Currants - A Clinical Perspective

    Black Currant—A Clinical Perspective
  14. Harry Hirsute

    Vitamin D and Insulin Sensitivity

    A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the short-term effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on insulin sensitivity in apparently healthy, middle-aged, centrally obese men
  15. Harry Hirsute

    B-Vitamins May Slow Atherosclerosis Progression

    Latest On Antioxidants, Inflammation, Health And Longevity - Life Extension What's Hot
  16. Harry Hirsute

    Bilberries - A Clinical Perspective

    Bilberries—A Clinical Perspective
  17. Harry Hirsute

    Fibromyalgia and CoQ10

    I've read about some doctors using D-ribose and CoQ10 as part of a holistic protocol for fibromyalgia patients.
  18. Harry Hirsute

    Subtropical Ginger vs. Colon and Lung Cancer

    Zerumbone, a tropical ginger sesquiterpene, inhibi...[Int J Cancer. 2009] - PubMed Result
  19. Harry Hirsute

    Dr. William Davis - Fish Oil Dosage

    The Heart Scan Blog: Getting your dose of fish oil right
  20. Harry Hirsute

    Acupuncture During Pregnancy

    Acupuncture may relieve pelvic pain in pregnancy - Yahoo! News