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� #1
Old 10-11-2011, 06:21 AM
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Default Home Health Emergency Programs

Arrowwind09 recently posted this question on another post "What do you keep on your self for an at home health emergency or illness?" What a great question!

What is your trusted product of choice for ill health? Ill health can be whatever you choose it to be.

Currently I'm interested in detoxing from metals and pollutants. I've been using iodine, apple pectin, chlorella, spirulina, vit. C and homozone.

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� #2
Old 10-11-2011, 09:59 AM
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I always keep blackberry brandy, powdered golden seal root, white vinegar, fenugreek seeds, sage, and both adult and children's Benedryl on-hand for emergency preparedness, arnica cream or gel, and aloe plant.

A tablespoon of blackberry brandy will stop stomach cramps, intestinal cramps and diarrhea.

Powdered golden seal root will stop bleeding, if applied topically. I have successfully doctored severe gashes on myself and my dogs with this herb. Gashes which would have been stitched had a doctor been involved. I have successfully treated abscesses on cats the same way. The powder creates a natural bandage which will be absorbed by the body during healing. It is also antibiotic. The few times I have returned home from a restaurant feeling bad, wondering if I'd eaten bad food, ingestion of two capsules of golden seal has killed whatever bacteria was beginning to wreak havoc in my gut. I have healed myself of bronchitis by taking a capsule of golden seal powder twice a day for ten days.

Washing with white vinegar will neutralize any naturally toxic substance one might run into whilst gardening or hiking. If I begin to develop a rash because of contact with certain plant materials, application of full strength white vinegar will cure the problem. I also use vinegar as a disinfectant and deodorizer cleaner in my household and when washing my laundry. White vinegar can be used in place of fabric softeners when doing laundry.

Steeping about 25 fenugreek seeds in a glass of cold water creates a tea which will suppress coughing. The tea can be consumed hot or cold, no need to buy or use cough syrup. Fenugreek thins mucosa. It is very helpful when dealing with the illness caused by flu or colds. Thick congestion will be thinned to the point that it can easily be expelled.

A leaf of sage floated in a cup of hot tea will take the pain out of a sore throat. Two or three cups of tea with sage, consumed over one or two days, will usually cure the sore throat.

Benedryl comes in very handy for stings and bug bites, or other allergic reactions involving swelling. Some of my dogs regularly manage to cause harm to themselves by catching and eating bees and wasps. I pour a dose of liquid children's Benedryl down the throat of an afflicted dog. (There are charts available on the Internet as to dosage for size of dog.) It stops the pain, reduces the swelling, and sedates the dog (who is usually beginning to act badly in reaction to the pain and swelling).

Arnica cream or gel, applied topically, will prevent bruising. If I bash myself in a way which will cause a bruise, I apply some arnica. It takes the pain away and prevents discoloration. I once dropped a heavy object on my bare foot. I wondered if I had broken a middle toe, the pain was harsh. I immediately slathered arnica cream on my foot. The pain stopped. I was able to wear socks and shoes and go to work. When I checked my foot several hours later, there was black bruising just beyond where I had applied the cream. I applied more cream. The following day there was no mark of bruising and very little pain, except for a bit of pain in that toe, which I probably did break. I applied the cream on that toe for a few days.

I use the substance in the middle of a freshly cut leaf of an aloe plant on burns which will likely blister. Immediate application of the fresh aloe (not the brown part just inside the skin, only the middle gel-like part of the leaf) will usually prevent a burn from blistering, and it also mitigates the pain.

Of course, it is a good idea to have bandaids on hand. I keep a supply in the house, ranging from small size to very large.
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� #3
Old 10-11-2011, 10:12 AM
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- Nebulizer (pneumonia, lung problems)
- Colloidal Silver
- Activated Charcoal (poisoning, gas pain)
- Butterfly Closures (bandaids for small cuts that may need stich or 2)
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Iodine
- Non-Iodized Sea Salt (nasal)
- Honey (wounds, bee stings)
- Gauze, Ace Bandages (wounds, sprains)
- Anbesol (tooth pain)
- Duct Tape (hold gauze in place in emergency bleeding)

Can't think of anything else right now. I do have Chlorella that I take everyday, but didn't think of it as emergency item.
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� #4
Old 10-11-2011, 11:55 AM
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Colloidal silver plus my colloidal silver maker
Lugols iodine
Vitamin C - 6 bottles of 1000mg pills always on stock
Vitamin D3 in 50,000 IU pills
Beta Glucan
Oregano oil
Tea Tree Oil
Homeopathic Pharmacy of 600 remedies
Reference books of all sorts
MMS1 -
Huge Bottle of Citric Acid for activator
H202 - food grade is choice and know how to use it
Olive Leaf extract
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Charcoal tablets
Benadryl for allergic reactions
Pseudephedrine for severe congestion
neti pot
natural salt

For cardiac issues:
Magensium citrate and mag. oil
Cayenne tincture - Dr Schultze's
Heart Tonic - Dr Schultze

Ozone generator and 2 tanks oxygen
Mini ozone generator (needs no oxygen)

Suture Kits...
eye cup
ear syringe
Steri Strips - generally prefered over sutures
Bandages - all kinds
ace bandages
box non steril gloves
Hot water bottles

Empty 00 and 0 capsules
a capsule filling machine

Occassional use of the following will not be harmful
and can be implemented when discomfort prohibits good rest
which is essential for healing. That being said, I use homeopathy or enzymes
primarily for pain relief.
a variety of narcotics for pain relief

a bottle of whiskey
a bottle of everclear and vodka - for tincture preparations

I use to have this wonderful herbal tincture
but it got left behind in the house I use to live in
I will make more if ominous flu predictions surface.
Costs about $75 to make and should knock the socks
off of any flu :

Herbal Formula
Will probably treat 5 or 6 people, perhaps more. I purchased 1/4 ounce each of these, except the mushroom blend where I purchased 1/2 lb. Mix all ingredients and soak in glass jar covered with vodka for 6 weeks. Strain. put into dropper bottles. Start using as soon as flu hits the state, I mean the very first minute. Carry it with you. Will build immunity and attack virus, anti inflammatory properities.
Product Name Product # Price X Qty = Total
Astragalus Root Powder 11-035P1 $4.50 1 $4.50
Echinacea Ang. Root Pwd 11-187P1 $21.95 1 $21.95
Ginger Ground 11-260P1 $3.42 1 $3.42
Licorice Root Powder 11-395P1 $4.56 1 $4.56
Mushroom Blend of 4 Powder 11-6105X2 $31.56 1 $31.56
Olive Leaf – Powder 11-4905P1 $3.86 1 $3.86
Cat’s Claw Bark Powder 11-100P1 $4.89 1 $4.89
Total about $74 dollars with about $5 for shipping.
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� #5
Old 10-12-2011, 02:42 PM
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Cautionary reminder: people with autoimmune dysfunction should not take echinacea.
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� #6
Old 10-12-2011, 04:41 PM
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Lets face it, its very unlikely we will be invaded by martians or terrorists, however, very likely we will be affected by the plutonium from Japan, so should all have Lugol's iodine on hand. It will protect the thyroid, but will do nothing for the millions of poor souls that live within a hundred miles of Fukushima reactors.

I am absolutely flabbergasted that the Japanese government has lied to its people, and will cost so many lives.

The next big cluster fcuk we will have to deal with is the solar storms within the next few months. It will create havoc because there will be no power, no communication, no internet, and since nearly everything runs off power, there won't be gasoline, heat for homes, and no water.

What there will be is complete chaos. This will be like terminator rise of the machines, right after the nukes hit.. All the nuclear reactors in the world will meltdown because power is needed to run the cooling pumps, and the back-up deisel generators will only last a couple of days..

Having colloidal silver and iodine in your medicine cabinet is a great idea, but it won't help against these solar flares. The huge transformers that are used in each sub-station will explode, and the replacement time is a year or two, so that is how long we could be without power.

You won't even be able to complain to anyone because nothing will be working.

These solar storms have the potential to shut down the world.
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� #7
Old 10-12-2011, 05:22 PM
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He he he.

I am preparing for all of that pinballdoc.

we put a hand pump into our well next to the electric pump and food storage is good for at least two years.
We are now stocking up in wood for the wood stove.

You know, you can really get hung up into the paranoia thing. I prefer to look at it as living as our ancient ancestors did in Europe instead on the false and illusionary notions of prosperity and unending abundance that the materialistic world we currently reside in creates. The root cellar was always stocked, medicinal knowledge was held within the clan and the matron of the kitchen. Weapons were always at the ready to defend oneself. Meanwhile you lived a good live, charitable and in good commerce with your neighbors and hoped for the best.
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� #8
Old 10-12-2011, 07:04 PM
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Many years ago a Japanese doctor did a study on the people who survived the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki because he had discovered that some of the survivors did not suffer much radiation sickness. The one thing all of those people had in common was that miso soup was part of their daily diet. (Miso is fermented soy bean paste.)
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� #9
Old 10-12-2011, 08:59 PM
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Yep, miso is great. Dont boil it or even get it near tha temp! Add sliced garlic. A great broth that I eat frequently since Fukashima. Its self live is about 1 to 2 years depending on manufacturers recommendations for different products..so its good for storage as long as you rotate it
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� #10
Old 10-13-2011, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Arrowwind09 View Post

You know, you can really get hung up into the paranoia thing. I prefer to look at it as living as our ancient ancestors did
I don't think you understand the scope of this potential disaster.

There are currently 432 nuclear power plants world wide, and they all require power for cooling. These powerful solar flares will knock out all the power, which means 432 meltdowns, and that will poison the planet and everything on it.

NASA has stated these flares are coming, its just a matter of when..

We are still feeling the effects from the 4 reactors in Japan, now multiply that by over 100 and you'll have an idea why I'm just a little nervous..
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� #11
Old Yesterday, 03:45 AM
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I have a slew of preventative supplements such as Turmeric, Ginger, Vitamin D-3 and Krill Oil that I take daily. Also Dr. Mercola' multivitamins. I use other supplements but I do not always take them.

I only have three main treatments that I use for everything else. Nutramedix Cumanda, MMS, and my Rife Device.

I have not yet run into anything that one of these will not help with. The one exception is a homeopathic remedy for mold that I use for hay fever.
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� #12
Old Yesterday, 05:22 AM
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Originally Posted by pinballdoctor View Post
I don't think you understand the scope of this potential disaster.
Pinballdoctor, what is the solution? I come here for ideas for health and healing. Solutions. But there is no solution that I'm aware of to avoiding the flares and potential catastrophic disaster it could cause. It's so unhealthy to live in fear. I'm a scaredy cat - I admit it. But there is power in solutions and that brings confidence, calm and peace.
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� #13
Old Yesterday, 06:49 AM
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Originally Posted by pinballdoctor View Post
I don't think you understand the scope of this potential disaster.
I think I do understand the potential scope of the disaster. I have written on the topic here a few times but I can't say if anyone is really listening, I think perhaps a few people are. I have placed a hand pump that cost $450 on my well in anticipation this problem. I also have food storage for two years.

We have had a couple of quite huge sun flairs in the past month or so.. but it is like Russian Roulette.. it all depends on the earths relationship to the sun when it happens. The flair could just go out into space and largely miss us or it could have its most significant impact over the ocean... So far so good...

Some electric companies have been preparing as congress has made them well aware of the situation. ... some probably are not preparing.

I have always maintained that it is best to have food and fuel storage and to be prepared for whatever may come our way, whether in earth changes or in economic travisty.

I still say that paranoia is not called for.. If you want to survive anything paranoia will signficantly keep you from making rational decisions and getting through the ordeal.

for me its living with eyes wide open and fearlessly into the future.. keeping each day in an expression of peace and creativity. No one knows the time of their departing from this mother earth. Today is the only day you may have left so you might as well make it a good one for yourself and those around you.
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� #14
Old Yesterday, 11:20 AM
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Originally Posted by mommysunshine View Post
Pinballdoctor, what is the solution?
The only solution is to shut down all nuclear reactors now, before these solar storms shut them down.

The difference is in the month or two that is necessary for cooling after the plants are shut down.

If these plants meltdown, and they will, there is no place to hide where the radiation won't follow.
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� #15
Old Yesterday, 03:14 PM
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Well, they are not going to shut down the plants. So it is best to prepare for what may come, keep your lucky rabbits foot at your side and pray that our earth can duck the worst of catastrophe and god be with us all.
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