My 21 year old has a very bad ear infection. Her ear is swollen nearly shut.
We've been to one kinesiologist who helped relax some of the locked up muscles in the jaw, and she found no sign of virus, so this looks bacterial.
We went to the local Minit Clinic (since we are uninsured until Aug. 1st) and they gave us some ear drops that are antibiotic, which appear to do a little something, and a prescription for Zithromax, which is doing nothing at all.
This does not surprise me. My daughter and I both have some allergies to the "inactive" binders and fillers in drugs, and the harder a pill is, the more likely it is to be just ineffective.
But the biggest problem is really the swelling -- she is allergic (violently so) to cortisone and we don't dare use the ear drops with hydrocortisone in them to reduce the swelling.
I'm coming up short on ideas to help reduce the swelling. Dandelion herb is what I have on hand and that does seem to help, as does staying on aspirin as an anti-inflammatory.
But any suggestions would be most welcome.
We're off to a chiropractor who does Neurolink shortly who we already had an appointment with. With any luck the chiro can help with the jaw tightness and her skullbones being pulled out of whack, which has been a persistent problem since she had her wisdom teeth pulled (but that's another story and a long one I'm afraid.)
I have a lot of things around the house that normal Americans would not, and there are a raft of good health food stores near me where I could easily pick up anything you suggest.
I do already have a bottle of ear oil, but unfortunately one thing in it is garlic oil, and until we see the chiro who does allergy treatments, garlic isn't an option.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions. Sorry this post seems to have come out more than a little rambling.