� #1
Old 01-13-2013, 10:29 AM
Join Date: Jan 2013
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hussnainh8 is on a distinguished road
Exclamation Exercising and diet

I started insanity (Max interval Cardio exercises) and through out the workouts (about half way) I started to stop a LOT more e.g. I needed at least 5-10 stops to get my body to relax more so i could carry on as I was out of breathe. Shaun T says to max the training and do as much as you can with short periods of stops whereas I stop for at least a minute before I can carry on. Will this affect anything? As i don't want to keep going for the next 60 days doing this and then realise I haven't lost any fat at all.

2) When looking at the people in the Insanity video they sweat from everywhere e.g. arms, legs, stomach, chest and face. Whereas when I am finished there is very little sweat from my stomach but a lot from my back and face. I really do put my best into it but I don't sweat a lot from my stomach, will this still allow me to loose the stomach fat? or are there any ways to sweat from the stomach?
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� #2
Old 01-21-2013, 02:07 PM
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You will lose some weight because you are exercising -- any exercise done regularly will have at least some weight loss, although a minute stop does seem very long. I wouldn't worry too much -- just keep on exercising and try to make the breaks shorter and as you continue you should see the breaks naturally becoming shorter and shorter.

Where you sweat has nothing to do with where you will lose body fat. They are 2 entirely different processes. You should lose the fat where you have accumulated the most -- its a reverse process.
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� #3
Old 01-25-2013, 11:31 AM
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Originally Posted by hussnainh8 View Post
. Shaun T

As i don't want to keep going for the next 60 days doing this and then realise I haven't lost any fat at all.

2) When looking at the people in the Insanity video

Never heard of Shaun T.

Most people burn more fat watching TV at night than they do exercising in the gym.

Fitness isn't about insanity; It's about your endocrine system and 6.5 million years of evolution.

I've gone from 228 pounds to 178 pounds in three years. You cannot expect to lose decades of fat accumulation in ten weeks. it doesn't work that way.

I've never been stronger; my endurance and strength are at a peak, and it's easy to maintain. I'm never hungry, and provided I eat the foods that man is supposed to eat, I eat as much as I want, whenever I want. My hunger is now in tune to my activity and I self-regulate.

Sound easy? It is!!

Ready to try it?

Ready for the price?

It's FREE!!!!

C'mon aboard!
I'd rather meander for the prevention than race for the cure.
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� #4
Old 05-10-2013, 05:16 AM
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Diet and exercise can reduce body wait and risks of heart diseases
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� #5
Old 05-13-2013, 09:02 PM
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I say keep going, you will get stronger and stronger as you go, and like Solstice Goat said above, it will probably not be in just 10 weeks!

As for the sweat, it's a video, those people are models and trainers, and they don't sweat that much either, they get sprayed down with water, notice how it beads up? Rub baby oil on your body first, then run through a sprinkler as you exercise... VOILA! sweaty beads on your body!

Keep it up!
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� #6
Old 05-15-2013, 02:55 PM
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Exercise also boosts your immune system and the endorphins increase brain activity, metabolism, and mood. The positive effects are so great and in so many areas it is the most effective thing you can do to improve your overall health dramatically in a short period of time.
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