� #1
Old 04-26-2011, 03:07 PM
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Default HCG diet

Has anyone tried this diet? Either using the drops, spray or injections? I have a question involving the vegetables allowed.......can you mix the veg. and make a "salad" or are you suppose to pick one of the allowed vegetables on the list and eat ONLY that one for the meal you are eating? I recently read the article that Dr. Mercola had on his website and ALL the comments that followed. I don't have more than 10 lbs. to lose but they are being stubborn!

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� #2
Old 04-26-2011, 04:50 PM
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yes you can mix the veggies.... using hcg for just ten pounds seems sort of extreme to me. before you buy the hcg, what type of diet have you been on??? maybe the folks here can help you figure out how to get that last ten pounds off without wasting the money on the hcg. Yes I have used it before, and yes I will probably use it again... but, I have almost 200 pounds to lose... I lost about fifty the first round, but gained it all back when I went back to eating carbs....
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� #3
Old 04-26-2011, 07:42 PM
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I hadn't even heard of this diet, and had to Google it. I'm not a big fan of diets anyway. I have a stubborn ten pounds to lose, when I do lose it, it creeps back. However, I haven't been real serious about losing it either, I like good food and treats. But, there's NO way I'd take hormones for weight loss.

There's fiber supplements like Glucomannan that make you feel full. There's things like Chitosan to soak up some fat and eliminate it from the body, if you're not allergic to shellfish. The amino acid, L-Glutamine is know to supress cravings for sweets.

This is the only article on it that I've looked at, and I'm turned off.

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� #4
Old 04-26-2011, 08:32 PM
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K2C, if you read the whole book, you might think differently... But most people arent reading the book and following the whole protocol.... When I did it, I followed the complete protocol, which includes a month worth of detox... I honestly believe there are some benefits to this protocol.... but again, using the 500 calorie food eating part and not the detox part, in my opinion, I could see it being dangerous.... The big thing that would scare me, is that after the forty days of eating nothing but 500 calories, on day 41 people are going to pig out and eat 2000 calories or even 1200 calories and cause damage to your body....it is a scary concept.... the protocol as a whole should be used, not just parts of it
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Old 04-26-2011, 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted by just me View Post
K2C, if you read the whole book, you might think differently... But most people arent reading the book and following the whole protocol.... When I did it, I followed the complete protocol, which includes a month worth of detox... I honestly believe there are some benefits to this protocol.... but again, using the 500 calorie food eating part and not the detox part, in my opinion, I could see it being dangerous.... The big thing that would scare me, is that after the forty days of eating nothing but 500 calories, on day 41 people are going to pig out and eat 2000 calories or even 1200 calories and cause damage to your body....it is a scary concept.... the protocol as a whole should be used, not just parts of it
Good points just me! I also agree with you that someone that only needs to lose ten pounds should explore other options. By the way, congratulations on your current weight loss, I admire your determination to get healthy.
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� #6
Old 07-21-2011, 07:57 PM
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I have 2 uncles who are doing the hcg right now. the part of the protocol which is difficult for them is no physical activity for the 500 cal portion of the program. One of my uncles is a teacher and had to do his over his summer break due to his activity level during the school year. He was told to not even mow the yard, pretty extreme from my point of view. My mom commented that no mother could ever do he hcg program because you have be too active with children.
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� #7
Old 07-22-2011, 09:27 AM
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Did they buy the book???? they really need to get the book by kevin troudoue or however you spell his name.... Yeah, Im not a big fan of him, but the book is worth getting..... I did the hcg, with the 500 cal day....and I did all my normal activities and added richard simmons exercises to it.... Now you cant go and do army basic training, but you can do regular everyday living.... Im not sure about cutting the grass, in this heat wave, its not safe for anyone to be cutting the grass...but I would think as long as they are drinking alot of water, not over doing it, and doing it in the cool of the morning, or late evening, then it should be ok.....stopping all activities, seems counterproductive to me, and I sure dont remember reading that in the book....Alot of people have steered away from the original program....including the detoxing for a month before they start the 500 calorie part of the regime.....I would strongly suggest you get the book, so much different then what these other folks are pushing
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� #8
Old 11-21-2011, 02:50 PM
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here is an audio that talks about HCG....


at around number 37 on the timer counter
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