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� #1
Old 02-22-2008, 01:59 PM
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Default why does MMS make people nauseous?

just wondering why? What causes the nausea.
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� #2
Old 02-22-2008, 03:42 PM
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it's called a herxheimer reaction. when you take the MMS, it usually either kills alot of bacteria, parasites, viruses, or it oxidizes stuff like iron, magnesium, mercury, etc. when you have alot of that going on all at once, the liver and kidneys cannot process it all out fast enough hence the nauseous feeling. some people get fevers, some people get pains, others diaherrea. it's usually because when a pathogen dies the cell body that is the bacteria or viruses etc. explodes and the insides of the pathogen cell are let loose into the body. many times this stuff that is let loose is a toxin of some sort and will make you sick. do not worry though, it will pass usually in a few hours sometimes longer.
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� #3
Old 02-24-2008, 02:26 PM
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I've had a bug.. like a flu bug, and I was tempted to try the MMS... except the idea of taking anything that made me even more nauseous (after I had already thrown up)... was just - well, I just didn't want to do it.

so, I passed..

and this is the problem is that when you are sick, the idea of taking something that makes you feel sicker just isn't very .. appealing.

so, I don't think I will be trying MMS except for something dire (like malaria or MRSA), or for something where I am not feeling quesy to begin with.

wish there was a way to counteract the nausea.
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� #4
Old 04-06-2008, 05:28 PM
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Originally Posted by brando View Post
it's called a herxheimer reaction. when you take the MMS, it usually either kills alot of bacteria, parasites, viruses, or it oxidizes stuff like iron, magnesium, mercury, etc. when you have alot of that going on all at once, the liver and kidneys cannot process it all out fast enough hence the nauseous feeling. some people get fevers, some people get pains, others diaherrea. it's usually because when a pathogen dies the cell body that is the bacteria or viruses etc. explodes and the insides of the pathogen cell are let loose into the body. many times this stuff that is let loose is a toxin of some sort and will make you sick. do not worry though, it will pass usually in a few hours sometimes longer.
Chemotherapy makes you nausea and vomit too. It that's true, then they must be on the right track!
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� #5
Old 04-06-2008, 07:01 PM
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The goal here would seem to be don�t take an amount of MMS that will make you nauseous.
The trick is how to do that without first taking an amount that does make you nauseous.
Ah the perfect �catch 22�.
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� #6
Old 04-11-2008, 07:19 PM
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It doesn't cause nausea in everyone, my husband didn't have a herx reaction until he hit 6 and even then he didn't get nausea. His is more of a sinus/mucous issue. I on the other hand got nauseated from 7 drops this evening. It is the first time I actually felt like I needed to vomit, but I never did.

Having said that, I had serious herxing from a full body detox I did several weeks ago. So I don't consider it a bad thing at all, as long as the reaction is worth the end result.
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� #7
Old 10-16-2008, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by brando View Post
it's called a herxheimer reaction. when you take the MMS, it usually either kills alot of bacteria, parasites, viruses, or it oxidizes stuff like iron, magnesium, mercury, etc. when you have alot of that going on all at once, the liver and kidneys cannot process it all out fast enough hence the nauseous feeling. some people get fevers, some people get pains, others diaherrea. it's usually because when a pathogen dies the cell body that is the bacteria or viruses etc. explodes and the insides of the pathogen cell are let loose into the body. many times this stuff that is let loose is a toxin of some sort and will make you sick. do not worry though, it will pass usually in a few hours sometimes longer.
Brando, you mention in your post that MMS oxidises IRON. I have very high iron levels and have to have a litre of blood taken from me at times. It's a very disagreeable procedure. This is the first time I've heard about MMS oxidising iron. Could you point forum members in the direction of where this information is found?
At the moment I take 22 drops 3 times a day and still no herx. Is it possible I can beat the high iron readings in my blood? A blood test will tell. Any information on your post would be beneficial.
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Old 10-16-2008, 06:22 PM
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Originally Posted by brando View Post
it's called a herxheimer reaction. when you take the MMS, it usually either kills alot of bacteria, parasites, viruses, or it oxidizes stuff like iron, magnesium, mercury, etc. when you have alot of that going on all at once, the liver and kidneys cannot process it all out fast enough hence the nauseous feeling. some people get fevers, some people get pains, others diaherrea. it's usually because when a pathogen dies the cell body that is the bacteria or viruses etc. explodes and the insides of the pathogen cell are let loose into the body. many times this stuff that is let loose is a toxin of some sort and will make you sick. do not worry though, it will pass usually in a few hours sometimes longer.
BRAVO! This answer DESERVES a standing ovation!!!!!
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Old 10-16-2008, 06:28 PM
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Originally Posted by scorpiotiger View Post
I've had a bug.. like a flu bug, and I was tempted to try the MMS... except the idea of taking anything that made me even more nauseous (after I had already thrown up)... was just - well, I just didn't want to do it.

so, I passed..

and this is the problem is that when you are sick, the idea of taking something that makes you feel sicker just isn't very .. appealing.

so, I don't think I will be trying MMS except for something dire (like malaria or MRSA), or for something where I am not feeling quesy to begin with.

wish there was a way to counteract the nausea.
Let me 'reason' with you a minute (if you will) scorpiotiger. The Flu Bug will make you 'sick' for weeks... the MMS will only make you ill for a day or two at the most and after that you feel so vibrantly WELL & alive that you'll see it was worth it. MMS will help your body 'housekeep' and keep you 'clean' so that your IMMUNE system will perform at it's optimum... and this, in turn, will keep you perhaps from even catching the flu bug in the future? Sometimes you DO have to feel worse (temporarily) in order to get better.
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� #10
Old 10-17-2008, 10:09 PM
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I got Dengue fever which has flu like symptoms times 2 for most people. I took 15dr MMS after coming down with the symptoms. Within one hour I was feeling 50% better and I took another 15dr dose by the next morning I was symptom free. I friend of mine took only an 8 dr dose 2x one hr apart and had the same experience. I originally thought Dengue was a parasite carried by mosquito's like malaria but later found out it is a virus carried by mosquito's. Just my experience.
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� #11
Old 11-15-2008, 04:23 PM
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I understand why it makes us naueous. What I would like to know i swhy during high doese do some of us tend to feel tired after eating. Even when its far away from actually taking MMS?
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� #12
Old 01-11-2009, 12:47 AM
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Default MMS and Keratosis

Hi Arrowwind - keratosis as I understand it, is a build up of skin from sun exposure. Mine was white thickened skin size as described. I mix up 4 drops MMS to 20 drops citric acid + 3mins + distilled water then soak cotton pads and just slap them on my forehead. Smaller again today and it has changed in nature - softer.
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� #13
Old 01-15-2009, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Dorothy Hand View Post
Hi Arrowwind - keratosis as I understand it, is a build up of skin from sun exposure. Mine was white thickened skin size as described. I mix up 4 drops MMS to 20 drops citric acid + 3mins + distilled water then soak cotton pads and just slap them on my forehead. Smaller again today and it has changed in nature - softer.
If you're using it on the skin you might want to consider combining it with DMSO which is a natural byproduct of wood pulping.

You can find information on DMSO from these websites:

Dimethyl sulfoxide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An Interview With Dr. Stanley Jacob: Discussing DMSO

Dr. Stanley Jacob on '60 Minutes' featuring DMSO:
Part 1
YouTube - DMSO Dr. Stanley W. Jacob Part_1

Part 2
YouTube - DMSO Dr. Stanley W. Jacob Part_2

Part 3
YouTube - DMSO Dr. Stanley W. Jacob Part_3

Jim Humble talks about combining MMS with DMSO in this recent interview (November 2008):
Project Camelot | Jim Humble

This website explains the process of combining MMS with DMSO:
Chlorine Dioxide - DMSO Treatment

I visit this forum daily to read about peoples' experiences and inquiries regarding any/all forms of alternative medicine and treatment:
Cure Zone - cleanse and cure cancer allergies colitis psoriasis gallstones

The MMS Support section of that forum is located here:
MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Support: Sodium Chlorite: Page 72 of 72

My two topics there so far are located here:
My Grandfather and MMS at MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Support
MMS and medication for arthritis at MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Support

You can purchase DMSO directly from Dr. Jacob's Lab in Oregon here:

I personally purchased this one:

Last edited by jeremyofmany; 01-21-2009 at 07:05 PM.
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� #14
Old 03-15-2010, 08:58 AM
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Default mss and nausia

i've been taking mss for 2 months for systemic candidiasis and got up to 8 drops 5 times a day..it made me sick so i dropped back to 5 . didn't get sick but felt nausea. continued for a week or so but the nausea stayed. now i have stopped taking mss . i got to point where even smelling activated mss made me nauseous. i'd like to continue because i can feel it's helping, but i just can deal with the sick feeling..anybody got any suggestions? taking syntol probiotics now and i feel like i;m slipping back a bit...
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� #15
Old 03-15-2010, 10:22 AM
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First of all I suggest that if there is anyone who can mix the mms and activator for you and get it into the juice have them do it and bring it to you. Avoiding the smell during activation may help some.

If that is not a possibliity decrease your dosage significantly, like to one or two drops but take every two hours. Work up to 3 or 4 drops. This is becoming a prefered protocol for many. This should be a high enough dosage to take care of things.

If this is not helpful enough explore using mms topically mixed with DMSO.
This page will tell you how to do it.
You may choose to do some dosages topically, others orally.

You may also want to look into a product called Seaquest. It is a white fish that is predigested protien. It is known to help rebuild the mucosa in the gut wall. Candida escapes through the gut into the blood stream due to a gut wall that is damaged.

Also look into elevating your glutathione levels through the use of HMS90 whey through www.immunotec.com Its kinda spendy. If you can't do it for at least a while try Jarrow Whey, but I would expect faster results from the other product.

You may also seek out a naturopath who might be willing to help you do MMS via IV. If you could do that a few times it might reduce your load enough so that the nausea does not happen. I am always astounded how my son could do 15 and 20 drops without a reaction! picture of health I guess.
Please be advised
I advocate all health blogs linked to NMT.
Read them and explore MMS and CS.
It may be the best chance that you have to heal yourself
of long term and chronic illness.
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