� #1
Old 05-17-2012, 03:31 PM
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Default About Organic Milk

Some considerations when buying organic milk...https://www.naturalnews.com/035860_or...ation_UHT.html
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� #2
Old 05-18-2012, 06:54 AM
Join Date: Apr 2010
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limitme is on a distinguished road

I saw that. Most organic milk in grocery stores is high temperature pasteurization.
So, on paper, that pretty much leaves only Promised Land milk, which is not organic, but doesn't use hormones and uses a lower standard temperature pasteurization. And they use Jersey cows, not that I know what that means. : P

somethin about higher protein and calcium content from those cows...oh well...what can you do.
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� #3
Old 07-03-2012, 10:49 AM
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Originally Posted by limitme View Post
I saw that. Most organic milk in grocery stores is high temperature pasteurization.
So, on paper, that pretty much leaves only Promised Land milk, which is not organic, but doesn't use hormones and uses a lower standard temperature pasteurization. And they use Jersey cows, not that I know what that means. : P

somethin about higher protein and calcium content from those cows...oh well...what can you do.
Organic milk...How often have you seen a cow eating grass on a lovely pasture?Have the cows we are getting the milk from ever seen the sun outside their stables?I think no..From the very birth till the time of slaughter they are standing in their stable,getting fed with hormons and atibiotics..What kind of milk do you expect from such a cow,let alone the meat...In other words,it doesn't matter now whether the milk comes in a bottle or any other packing or even right from the cow..it all depends on the cow...
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milk, organic, pasteurization

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