� #1
Old 06-05-2006, 04:21 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 1
mntndiana is on a distinguished road
Default nitrous oxide doesn't work for me

This is a rather strange question, but I had a tooth filled this past weekend, and, having had extractions done for orthodontic work as a teenager, I was aware that nitrous oxide didn't affect me. I explained this to my dentist, who told me to try a glass of wine before the appointment to exacerbate the effect of the gas, which I did. Once at the appointment, he had the gas up fairly high (I am also a dentophobe), and waited for it to work. Long story short, 45 minutes later, he had the gas up to 70% and I still wasn't feeling any effect. Is this common? Is there anything that I, or my dentist, can do about it? He also hit a nerve in my cheek with the needle, which has been quite painful for 3 days now, so I am absolutely dreading having to go back in for one more filling that I need (to the point where waiting until the tooth actually starts causing problems is becoming appealing). Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
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� #2
Old 06-06-2006, 09:27 AM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: redondo beach, ca
Posts: 17
barry1817 is on a distinguished road
Default dental phobia

Sometimes it is just such a better idea to think of sedation, and paying for it to be comfortable than to put yourself through this situation.

I hope that if you drank before visiting the dentist that you had somebody drive you.

My experience has been that some patients do not respond to Nitrous and there was nothing that I could do to make them respond.

Sorry not to be a better help

[email protected]
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