04-11-2006, 05:54 PM
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Bladder infection cured with iodine
A few weeks ago I had a really bad bladder infection. I have always taken care of such infections with homeopathy with great results. I was in such severe pain. This time the homeoaphtic remedies, instead of bringing it to a swift resolution only cut the symptoms in half. In the 30 or so cases of bladder infection this was my first failure. What was the real failure was my inability to find the right remedy.
So I had been reading about the use of lugol's iodine to treat bladder infection. I was a little nervous about taking in this much iodine. But I read my articles over and over and finally decided to try it. I also went to the doctor and got a script for an antibiotic and a vaginal yeast cream cause everytime I use an antibiotic then I get a yeast infection. With 4 twelve hour shifts lined up for me I wanted to make sure I had something that would work even though my symptoms were not too severe anymore. At the doctors office they did a simple ua. I had a mild bladder infection reflected in the number of WBC found
Mild or not I was tortured.
Then I decided to do the iodine. I took 12 drops of lugols in about 5 ounces of water every 5 to 6 hours when awake. about 3 times a day. After the first day the symptoms were gone. I repeated on day two and on day 3 and 4 I only took one dose. I have been well now over two weeks.
Never needed those antibiotics and yeast medicine. Thank God!
I will now say that I will never take another antibiotic for bladder infection agian.... and I will always use homoepathy first.
I do not recommend iodine I only tell my story. If you decide you want to do iodine for the wide variety of treaments it offers get the info, read on it and make your own decisions for your healthcare. Some people (very few) are allergic to iodine. Be sure you are not one of them.

04-12-2006, 11:56 AM
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Very interesting Arrowwind! I would like to add my two cents worth here...I noticed you said they assumed it is UTI based on the WBC, I have had that experience, the elevated WBC implied infection and they gave me an antibiotic but they also sent it to culture, and it was surprising that the culture came NEGATIVE. That was last year.
This year I should share a whole new set of experiences maybe on a new topic, but I'll mention it here too, I found out in a lot of cases diagnosed prostitis is really pelvic floor dysfuction. I researched the topic because of my experience after my abdominal surgery, the burning sensation in the urethra, not IC but just the urethera, after a million tests and one clever doctor, I was diagnosed with pelvic floor neuralgia. I has no idea that a plevic floor dysfunction can cause such symptoms. I must have had a pre-existing condition, because I read all my symptoms of bladder retention, straining to go, weak flow, not emptying compeltely are due to pelvic floor tension ( not neuralgia), and I had them for five years, with no diagnosis...
So anybody reading this, and having symptoms of mild infection, straining, pressure, not emtying completely etc. etc. Please have a gyn or uro check your pelvic floor, this is done vaginally for women and rectally for men...
Thanks arrowwind, I am going to try the Iodoral caps, for a week, it is the same as the lugols but in caps.. I will post here if it helps. And if anybody has additional info on this subject, I will so appreciate it.

04-13-2006, 05:56 AM
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interstitial cystitis
Interstitial cystitis and vestibulitis cause a great deal of suffering. Customary treatments are low-yield and include eliminating oxalate-rich food such as berries and spinach. 15% of women are thought to now have vestibulitis.
The book �The Interstitial Cystitis Solution� by A n g e l a K i l m a r t i n sets forth the true cause of IC as being infection by mycobacteria or mycoplasma or ureaplasma. She believes IC is sexually transmitted, but I don't think that is always true. The following is from the book:
IC originates as a Sexually Transmittable Disease either by genital or oral / genital contact. It only needed the one initial contact perhaps many, many years ago, to set up a colony of Mycobacteria and cause years of pain. It is my contention from seeing and treating many patients that mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas are the result of some kind of sexual congress either oral or genital or both. In my opinion it commences from a dirty foreskin somewhere and this initial dirty foreskin infects countless vaginas and other penile skin during the course of a modern sexual lifestyle.
I maintain that Interstititial Cystitis is not mere inflammation. Specific lab cultures and in one case bladder biopsies, have shown our initial suspicions of Mycobacteria or Ureaplasmas to be correct. Effective use of strong courses of the sensitive antibiotic treatment has won the day with every single IC patient fully recovered.
A Myco/ureaplasma test bench costs a lot to initiate, the
bacteria are very hard to grow and observe, most labs are not so equipped, and few professionals are acquainted with it. The swab must be tested within an hour.
�Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma as a group of organisms are the least investigated and
are probably the greatest cause of more chronic urinary and gynaecological problems
than any other class of bacteria. They should be considered as a cause of I.C. in women and Non Specific Urethritis in men. They may also be a causative organism in Bacterial Vaginosis and vaginitis thought to be caused by Candida. There are presently no routine culture facilities for identifying such bacteria in the British National Health Service. A High Vaginal Swab may yield ureaplasma even if the urine sample is shown negative. Culture facilities for M.genitalis, M. hominis and M.urealyticum should be introduced as a matter of urgency.�
Dr Fred Lim, Private Consultant in Genito-Urinary Medicine.
In culture these two genital infections require great culture care. Dark-field or phase-
contrast microscopy should be used with temperature set between 360 and 380
Centigrade. They can be grown on a blood agar plate but for over six hours because
they are very slow growers penetrating into the agar so that they look a bit like a fried
egg. In a broth culture U.urealyticum may only take one hour to grow but
M.genitalium and M.hominis may take six hours. The culture medium is complicated
and includes several ingredients including yeast extracts, horse serum, blood, glucose
and others.
Remember also to check for a lab near you that can test for urine Mycoplasmas at all! They are few and far between and you may have to travel! Try to arrange for onsite testing in this case as samples must be fresh and dark in colour without storage at all.
Mycoplasmas may well be the causative organism behind the ubiquitous Bacterial
Vaginosis and indeed, I had that diagnosis off two State swabs before insisting on a
private clinic swab for Mycoplasma. It turned out to be M.hominis and I�d had it for
at least three years!
Of the seven known genital mycoplasmas, Urea urealyticum and M.hominis are very
commonly found in the general population probably giving rise to medical and
laboratory disinterest. Even if the lab sees evidence of colonization they may well not
be reporting it back because it is regarded as normal flora.
M.hominis has been found present in cases of pyelonephritis, kidney disease, and
U.urealyticum which is more usually seen in urine samples, can be found in some
types of bladder stones.
Mycoplasma causing Non specific Urethritis
In men, about 15-20% of cases show U.urealyticum as a cause for non-gonococcal
If the biopsies show positive for Myco or Ureaplasma hit it hard with VD strength Doxycycline .One of the patients I cared for, who travelled to see me from
Houston, Texas, passed her first pain-free urine in twenty years after a ten day dose of
6 capsules a day. Her urine samples, vaginal swabs and a bladder biopsy all showed
Ureaplasma urealyticum. All the patients I have ever counselled with so-called Interstitial Cystitis have been found to have a species of these two organisms, Mycoplasma or Ureaplasma, upon correct urine sampling and vaginal swabbing.
Blood samples are not location-specific and are consequently useless despite
company protestations on their websites. Only urine samples and vaginal swabs,
very freshly taken and on the specific bench within an hour can show genito-
urinary Mycoureaplasmas.
I am constantly finding that the VD dose of 6 x 100mg per day is the only one that
works; anything lower and the patient does seem to need repeated and unhelpful
courses. These never hit hard enough to finish the organism off and I think that
Mycoplasma may quite quickly become accustomed to the lower doses.
As the Mycoureaplasma dies, the infected and inflamed areas merely slough off, �fall
away�. This is now dead skin and is ready for excretion either in urine or as vaginal
discharge and within menstrual discharge.
Your sexual partner MUST also take a high dose to stop future transmission and re-
infection. Condoms are recommended when sex resumes. Circumcised men
are less likely to carry it but even so, may carry the organism, too, if they were once
infected by an infected female. Repeat episodes between you must stop because Doxycycline may eventually stop working.
� Re-infection also leaves permanent miniscule scars into which bacteria gain
easier entry each time to kidneys, bladder or urethra
� You must both sort this permanently because re-infection may have dire
consequences socially, sexually and for antibiotic resistance. Your quality of life may be determined by an unclean and bacterially contaminated foreskin. Merely using a condom before ejaculation is no protection whatsoever because oral sex and initial penetration may have done the damage already.
Cultures and Biopsies
Full blown so-called IC has horrendous impacts upon victims� lives. Bladder biopsies
taken from such victims usually show granulated or ulcerated patches which then
apparently confirm to any presiding physician that this is his idea of a verified case of
IC. A biopsy is removal of a small piece of skin or tissue from any organ, in this case
the bladder wall.
Whilst not every victim is biopsied at the ulcer stage it is perfectly possible to biopsy
granulated, reddened bladder wall patches, IF the surgeon has any inkling of what he
should be requesting a biopsy for!
How to set up ideal biopsy preparations
Do a full Kilmartin Bottle Wash so that instruments don�t push new bacteria inside,
� The operation should be performed in theatre within the same building as a
laboratory bench able to culture mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas
� The system and hospital should be known as efficient
� A member of staff in the theatre must be dedicated to walking your biopsy
specimens straight into microbiology
� Specimens should go quickly into specific broth or onto a culture dish with
the correct mediums for accurate organism enrichment and growth
� The surgeon or presiding nurse should have written �all bacteria, fungi,
PLUS Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma� on the specimen container
� Before anaesthesia, the patient should double check that this has been done
� Ask to see the containers!!! If they do not say Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma,
sit up and refuse the anaesthetic
You won�t want to go through anaesthesia and recovery for six weeks again simply
because some fool in theatre has �forgotten� to do this or because the surgeon is
behind schedule and can�t be bothered!

04-13-2006, 06:00 AM
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lab test for bladder infection
Dr. Fugazotto in South Dakota apparently had to shut down his website because he was so over run with desparate people wanting to be his patients. He tests urine meticulously, and finds infections in interstitial cystitis. He thinks if the other labs were more careful, they would not get the negative results. Also some practitioners think if a lab result names a common microbe, t can't be causing anyone a problem.

05-01-2006, 05:09 PM
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Wanted to give an update on my iodine cure for bladder infection.
I've been through a fair trial with this. Over a month now. Turns out the iodine did not cure the infection although it seemed to for some time. When it returned I did a course of antibiotics which was the least effective of all the things I tried. Then I pm Larry and asked for advice which of course was colloidal silver.
Since I have may own colloidal maker I used 10ppm about 8 ounces per day solidly for 5 days and had significant improvement but it was till there but at a lower level of pain and urinary frequency. I could function as a human being again.
The strangest thing was that I would feel great, cured for a few days and then the symptoms would return. On and off On and off with all the curres I tried. I could never be sure about how I would feel that day or the next.
Larry also recommended MSM which I did not do. I did do cranberry juice, the hard core stuff but it seemed to have no effect and a couple of times almost seemed irritating.
Finally I started to wonder if I had interstitial cysitis. With that thought I started on CMO 900 mg 3 x day and things significantly improved. In a day I felt much better. In several days the symtoms were just a trace. A couple of times the symptoms started to flair and a dose of cmo put them to rest. I'm still taking it. I had been on colloidal silver for about 5 days before the workshop this past weekend and maybe that helped too but I forgot to take the silver with me and I can definately see that the cmo is really affecting the improvememt in pain and frequency without silver.
This past weekend I went to a seminar and I met a surgeon from the philipines who had been doing trauma surgery in Arabia, but who had an interest in alternative therapies. We were doing some talking about RA and he said that he had found CMO to be by far one of the most effective treatements along with collagen supplementation Said he used cmo all the time. So I asked him if he ever used it for intersitital cysitis and he said yes, that in many cases it was curative and again recommended collagen along with it and he said that IC does not really have an infection but secondary infections can settle in the inflamed tissues. He thinks that it is an autoimmune problem more similar to RA than and infection.
so I am still working witht the cmo and now that I'm home again I'm back on the silver. Will let you know how it goes in a few weeks.
And no I did not have a biopsy. I would have to be near death before I did that. I've also heard reports that ozone therapy cures IC quite effectively also.
for cmo go to reachforlife.com and purchase inflameze, best price anywhere.
(this is not to say I would ignore iodine for bladder infections if thats what you really have)

05-01-2006, 05:29 PM
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Arrow, since I have no idea what CMO is, I googled it and came up with this, cerasomal-cis-9-cetylmyristoleate (CMO) but it is used for arthritis, and I still do not get what it is.
Inflameze is a ophtalmic prednisone. So I am a little confused here.
Could you explain?
If steroids are used for IC, well, it does stop inflammation whether you have IC or not... but I would assume it would be temporary... just thinking out loud here.
Today I went to see the surgeon who did my hysterectomy. And he confirmed the diagnosis of pelvic floor neuralgia or mayalgia, that is primary to the urethral syndorme I am experiencing. I brought this up because he injected me with steroids, low dose he said. It has been three hours but I still have not felt a difference.
A lot of things can be misdiagnosed as IC... such as in my case, Urethral syndrome, which really is female prostitis, what gets inflamed is the paraurethral glands around the urethra.... or pelvic tension causes UTI symptoms too, very similar to IC, the only difference is IC patients get up at night very often, in this case the frequency is more during daytime...
I also would like to know if you are on caffeine... I feel it does make a differnce, and I did have some improvement after stopping diet coke, food allergies can cause UTI or IC symptoms too, maybe you should keep a journal on what goes into your mouth and compare it to the flare ups you are having.
I am very interested in hearing how things go after CMO, again can you clarify what that is?
Take care,

05-01-2006, 05:31 PM
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I forgot to mention that I am taking Iodoral which is the solid form of lugol's iodine, I am afraid it did not help with my symptoms either, but it did make all the breast pain and tenderness disappear...

05-01-2006, 07:24 PM
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well to be quite frank about this, Josy, I don't know what the hell I have but it has been torturous!
Inflameze also happens to be the product name for CMO at ReachForLife.com any name similarity with a prednesone like drug is coincidence.
The only thing I can say for sure is that this surgeon I met recommends it for IC along with collagen.
CMO is the short for cetylmistoleic acid which is a modified medium chain fatty acid ester made from cetyl alcohol and is derived from the sperm whale and is found in small percentages in all fats and oils. The bottle reccomeds for synergestic effect use with glucosamine and MSM, which I did not do.
The one that you came up with in your search is a similar or may even be the same type product but is more expensive, and the site tries to confuse and make controversy over products if its the same site I was on last year.
Where I get it its cheap and it works.
Where I purchase it, listed in the other post, it is only $15 a bottle.
Here's an informative site.

05-01-2006, 07:27 PM
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Josey, even if you have this pelvic floor neuralogia I would try cmo as it works in many conditions where docs ususally prescribe steroids. CMO just turns the inflamatory switch off.

05-01-2006, 07:33 PM
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One other thing I wanted to mention about treatment for IC is DMSO. some people have good results with this and I talked to a couple of practitioners who have used it with good results. Sometimes the treatment has to be repeated periodically.
Here's an interesting site on it and if I thought I needed it I would not hesitate to try it.

05-17-2006, 12:47 AM
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Arrowwind, just wondering if you had any relief yet from the bladder condition...
I did not yet meet with my doctor to discuss CMO, I am dragging my feet, because I have an appointment with a new doctor in about a month and would like a fresh start. Can't trust this guy anymore. He does not admit the fact that my abdominal hysterectomy had something to do with this....
I was researching alternative therapies for Trigonitis, which is the non bacterial inflammation of the base part of the bladder wall. I could not find much, and I wonder if you know any homeopathic treatments for Trigonitis. Anti bacterials won't help.

05-17-2006, 07:48 AM
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I was researching alternative therapies for Trigonitis, which is the non bacterial inflammation of the base part of the bladder wall. I could not find much, and I wonder if you know any homeopathic treatments for Trigonitis. Anti bacterials won't help.
Hi Josy,
I can not say for sure what I had but it is gone now. It was about 6 weeks of suffering. At times it was really bad. I do think that what I had was more like what you describe above.
In my case the CMO definately helped. Every time I took it I could feel the difference. I had talked with a doctor I met recently who said he found it effective for interstitial cysitis, but I wonder if this Trigonitis is mistaken for IC. I had never heard of Tigonitis before you brought it up.
Homoepathy does not treat specific diseases only symptom pictures. I tried a number of remedies and I did manage to cut the intensity of the symptoms in half but no cure. Thats when I went to iodine and that I thought had cured it but it came back. Then on to antibiotics with really no good effect at all. Thats when I tried CMO, not for that, but for a little skin rash I had had in the past that CMO took away. It was llike BINGO! as soon as I took the CMO I felt better. Kind of lost track on how long I took it . Maybe two weeks or so. Now my bladder feels normal. It can hold a normal amount of urine with no bad sensation at all. All seems well.
Autoimmune issues? I suppose it is. I have been riddled with little autoimmune issues for years.
this is where i get my CMO- $15 www.trcnutritionals.com it use to be reachforlife but they have gone through some changes. The product name is Inflameze.
Larry advised me to use MSM. I didn't, but I think its a good idea to use in conjunction with CMO.
another thought. Perhaps the antibiotics, Iodine, homeopathy seemed to help in part due to an overlaying infection. Infection not being the cause but the result of the inflamation. What causes the inflamation? Anybodies guess is as good as mine. Probably a microplasma as morning suggests, impervious to antibiotics.
At an ozone seminar I attended Dr Shallenberger states that IC can be cured with ozone instillations into the bladder and he gave me a protocol for it.

05-17-2006, 08:43 AM
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Thanks Arrow, I will start the CMO I guess. Interesting about the ozone straight into the bladder, now if I could find a doctor who would do it for me... I don't think I could do that myself, right? I do have MD doctors who are practicing 100% althernative, but unfortunately they are not gyns or urologists and they will not go below the waist...
I tried Jarrows MSM in very high doses, it did not help me.
From what I read, it is possible to confuse Trigonitis with IC, even with a cystoscope doctors do not seem to agree if the white bumps on the bladder are normal in the Trigon or are they inflamed. Some think because the tissue of the tirgon is the same as the vagina, hormonal changes have a lot to do with it. Others are sure it is neurological. Meanwhile I am stuck in this situation since my hysterectomy, (only the uterus, I still have my ovaries and cervix). I have done a lot of frequency therapy, acupuncture, chinese herbs, antibiotic for microplasma, physical therapy to stretch the pelvic muscle, it seems there is an agreement that pelvic floor tension can be contributing to IC, trigonitis, retention and I was surprised to find out prostitis too... but so far there is only some improvement but no cure. Sitting and peeing seems to bring the symptoms back (not during urination but five minutes after), the Pudental nerve came up on some of my discussions with the PT.
Thanks for your input, I will post here if the CMO helps me.

05-17-2006, 09:07 AM
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If you had the equipment you could do the ozone therapy yourself. Many people cath themselves, women included.

05-18-2006, 02:53 AM
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