� #1
Old 09-01-2011, 03:19 PM
cmu cmu is offline
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Default possible eye infection

While on the city bus 2 hours ago, I rubbed my eye. It immediately became red and watery. Should I wait to see if it gets better or should I go to a Dr. quick?

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Old 09-01-2011, 04:02 PM
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You can start flushing your eye with warm mildly salted water. Flush it every hour or two.

If it is not better by tomorrow you can flush it with colloidal silver that is available at any health food store.

Another option is to purchase a tube of Neopsporin ointment. Make sure it has no tylenol in it. This can be used in the eyes. My pediatrician ordered it for my kids when they had pink eye. It says not to use it in the eyes on the tube but I disregard that.
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� #3
Old 09-01-2011, 08:47 PM
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I agree with the use of colloidal silver. Just a drop or two in each eye will kill any bacteria before they multiply and cause pink eye.

Buy a small bottle of good quality colloidal silver from a health food store, 6 to 10 parts per million in strength.

It is not necessary to visit the doctor unless you really feel the need. There is nothing he can give you that will work better than the silver.

Here are some testimonials for eye infections:


Opinion 2
I live in a very remote area & developed a very bad eye infection (conjunctivitis). I started putting CS drops into the affected eye 3 times a day. In 3 days the infection was healed. If I had seen a physician, it would have taken 7-10 days for the Garamycin ophthalmic ointment to treat an infection of this magnitude; not counting the money it would have cost me in doctor fees & medication costs..........

Angie Richter
I have seen eye infections disappear overnight that I have lost track. Colloidal silver just does wonders against Conjunctivitis.
Opinion 3
I emailed you about 10 days ago right after i started on cs about how bad my right eye has been for 9 mos, i was told that i had herpes in the eye, i took all of the medication that they gave me and all it did was eat my eye away and make it burn and sting and water and pain very bad, i have been taking cs for about 10 days and i can't tell you how thankful i am that i found you. my eye is almost heeled, it feels almost normal, the blurryness is so much better, no more hurt of any kind, i deal blackjack here in sparks nv, and all the gals that i work just can't believe how my eye looks now, it was so red all the time that i had to wear dark glasses while dealing, so no one would notice how bad my eye was now no more glasses, every one is wanting to try the cs. i will not stop using ever. thank you so much for this God given miracle.

Pat mcnally,
if anyone wants to email me please do so [email protected] thanks again

Opinion 4
Dear Utopia Silver,
The silver is a miracle drug!. Last night I had such an irritating, scratchy feeling in my eye, I was ready to go to the hospital. It had been getting steadily worse throughout the day. I had tried eye drops and soaking it with warm water, nothing helped. Finally I thought what the heck, I'll try the silver in my eye. I soaked a cotton ball and rubbed my lid and squeezed a little into my eye. After about a minute, I had a stinging sensation that lasted about 10 seconds, then the pain and the scratchiness was gone. I couldn't believe it. Today I am completely back to normal. I did another dose this morning just to make sure it didn't come back. Thank you so much for such a wonderful product. P.S My 14 year old cat became very ill. The vet said the only way to "maybe" keep her alive was a series of $70 a day treatments for a week or two. She was supposedly suffering from a liver problem. I decided not to spend the money for the treatments that had no guarantee, instead I put silver in her water. Within 3 days she was back to normal and is still doing fine 6 months later.

I am a believer!
Opinion 5
My 8 year old daughter had pink eye recently. My wife and I discussed taking her to the pediatrician and knew he would prescribe the usual antibiotics. We would be out of pocket $75 between the office visit and the prescription and she would end up missing at least 3 days of school. I decided to try the colloidal silver and used one drop per eye 2-3 times a day. By the second day, her eye was nearly clear of the redness and by day 3 she was all better. I never would have believed this 4 months ago, but after several good results on myself, I am a believer now. I've also used a mister to apply a small amount into my nose when I felt a sinus infection coming on, and also to finally cure a stubborn ingrown hair on my shoulder I'd had for nearly 20 years.

Amazing product!!

Opinion 6
Ok , ok , i'm guilty --- so here is my testimonial. I was in ga. This summer visiting -- i got a bad cold, my sinus were acting up i was congested -- i would place drops of cs in nostrils to clear -- it worked i was able to sleep--- i also used for my sore throat -- it helped clear throat phlegm and cured the discomfort also, i went swimming in the swimming pool and got a terrible conjunctivitis in the right eye-- my eye was red, painful and burning thank god i had a small amount of cs left!! I placed in my eye and immediate relief followed the red and pain began to diminish and by the next night it was clear i was so glad i thought of taking the cs with me. So there's a suggestion: never leave home without your cs ;-)
Opinion 7
Hi, I have been using CS for many years. Mostly for cold prevention ear and eye infections and stomach problems. I recently subscribed to your newsletter and have gotten other great ideas from your newsletter. I would like to share a recent discovery that CS has done for me. I had my ears pierced about 15 years ago. From some reason though I was never able to wear earrings without discomfort even though the holes were fine. I would go without earrings for months at a time but as soon as I put a pair in, my ears would ooze and become very painful. I tried different types of metals including the ones they said were for sensitive ears but nothing worked.

This past May I had a brainstorm. Why don't I try CS. So for about three days after I put my earrings in I would dab some CS on my ears. Well needless to say I have been wearing earrings comfortably for several months now with no problems, pain or irritation. What a blessing CS is. I pray for the day the medical community wakes up and realizes what a wonder CS is.
Thanks Kim NJ

Opinion 8
My family has been using CS for about 2 years now. I bought your generator and TDS tester so have been making CS for my family, friends and even a little to sell. Essentially I get my CS for free if I sell a little on the side.

We have had great results with CS. A few examples: My mother-in-law cured toe nail fungus, so did a friend of hers, cured eye infections, cured infected cuts and scrapes. It seems to be extremely effective when used topically.

I have also used it to cure sore throats. I work outside and would get a sore throat 4 to 5 times a year which needed antibiotics to clear up. But the antibiotics were hard on my digestive system. Since I found CS when I get a tickle in my throat I lay down and hold CS in the back of my throat for a couple a minutes 2 -3 times a day. In a day or two no more tickle, and no sore throat.

We have not had colds or flu in our house in over a year. At the first sign of a cold we increase our daily dose from 1/2 tsp once a day to 1/2 tsp 2-3 times a day. We may get some minor symptoms but never a full blown cold.

I have a friend who runs a day care in her home. She used to have problems with the kids sharing colds, runny noses etc.. Now she give each a few drops of CS in their mouths each day and no more runny noses.

Feel free to contact me about these "cures".
Thanks for sharing CS with us.
Ron in North Dakota

Opinion 9
I want you to know, that I had Pink eye start on the right eye and the left one was not comfortable, so I sprayed the Colloidal silver on both eyes like a mask across them and my pink eye and the 'uncomfortable feeling' was gone by the end of the day, and with only the one application. It was cool, and soothing. The itch was stopped immediately and the irritating pain was gone in seconds.

Thank you for the Silver. Oh yes one more thing, Spraying it on my forehead even relieves a headache and gets the migrane headache.

Teresa Smith, Houston, TX
[We have had many testimonials of success against pink eye, conjunctivitis and eye infections in general.]

Opinion 10
I've started to wear contacts every day and I noticed that my eyes were getting irritated. There were red lines like blood vessels were broken. I didn't want to introduce bacteria into my eyes by putting them in and taking them out, so I started putting a drop of colloidal silver into my eyes each evening when I take them out. The redness went away from the first time I used it. Now, I just do it regularly to prevent infection.

Denise Fernald [Yes, we are still finding new uses too]
Let Food Be Your Medicine And Medicine Be Your Food.(Hippocrates)
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eye, infection, redness

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