Unlike Vitamin C, which is water soluble and Vitamin E, which is fat soluble,
Alpha Lipoic Acid is a unique antioxidant that is both water and fat soluble,
which allows it to enter all parts of the cell to neutralize free radicals.
Alpha Lipoic Acid contributes to and is important for the production of energy
inside the cell by utilizing sugar to produce energy contributing to mental and
physical stamina, reducing muscle fatigue and neutralizes free radicals. Alpha
Lipoic Acid recycles and enhances the effects of both Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
Scientists first discovered the importance of alpha lipoic acid in the 1950s,
and recognized it as an antioxidant in 1988. It has been the subject of research
around the world, some being done at UC Berkeley by Dr. Lester Packer, a leading
expert in the area of antioxidants and a professor of molecular and cell biology
at the University of California at Berkeley. He believes that Alpha Lipoic Acid
could have far-reaching consequences in the search for prevention and therapy of
chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Because it's the only antioxidant that can easily get into the brain, it could
be useful in preventing oxidative stress and damage from a stroke. [21].
Alpha Lipoic Acid is easily absorbed when taken orally and once inside cells is
quickly converted to its most potent form, dihydrolipoic acid. Because both
Alpha Lipoic Acid and dihydrolipoic acid are antioxidants, their combined
actions give them greater antioxidant potency than any natural antioxidant now
known. This also makes it important for regulating aspects of the immune system,
in particular, T-lymphocytes. [22].
The incidence of inflammatory diseases such as arthritis increases with age.
Free radicals promote inflammatory reactions, which antioxidants have been
successful at diminishing.
Scientists recently stimulated the inflammatory response of white blood cells,
resulting in an increase of Intracellular Adhesion Molecule 1 (ICAM-1), which
encourages white blood cells to stick to other cells, thereby inflaming tissues.
Alpha-lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant, was then added to the mix. Researchers
said the acid reduced the activity of ICAM-1 to levels in normal, un-stimulated
cells in a dose-dependent manner. It also lowered the activity of NFkB.
According to the study, these changes suggest that alpha-lipoic acid may help
reduce the effects of inflammatory diseases such a rheumatoid arthritis and
psoriasis. [23].
Suggested dosage for Alpha Lipoic Acid is 100-200 mg in divided doses daily.
SIDE EFFECTS: with alpha lipoic acid are rare but can include:
• Skin rash and the potential of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients.
• People who may be deficient in vitamin B1 (such as alcoholics) should take
vitamin B1 along with alpha lipoic acid supplements.
• Chronic administration of alpha lipoic acid in animals has interfered with the
actions of the vitamin, biotin. Whether this has significance for humans remains
Alpha Lipoic Acid is good if you dont have a high mercury body load.
Those with a lot of amalgam fillings should be careful, as ALA binds with mercury in the body and can distribute it to other organs including the brain.
A comprehensive study carried out on Glutathione,ALA and Mercury found this problem.
The evidence that ALA may mobilize heavy metals to other tissues from tissues where the metals are most concentrated, specifically the brain, is troublesome. An explanation for this finding may lie in the complexing of heavy metals with glutathione and lipoic acid.
I've been on ALA with Acetyl L Carnatine for several years. My alternative med doc encouraged it and she knew I had mercury fillings, she'd nag at me for their removal each time I saw her...shes usually pretty hip to details as such but never made an issue on the use of ALA.
guess that doesn't really prove anything..
But Hey, fillings are all gone now!
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius
The problem with people who have a large number of amalgams is the constant absorption of mercury vapour into the system which causes high blood levels of mecury.
The body will try to eliminate this, which means the normal detox pathways are working constantly to attempt to eliminate mercury at a relatively slow rate, assuming the pathways are working well.
Taking one off, fairly high doses of ALA once a day, which binds to mercury,means there are high levels of mercury bound ALA which the detox pathway cannot cope with, and the mercury/ALA is forced into soft tissues including the brain. Unfortunately ALA is one of the few nutrients which can pass the blood brain barrier into the brain.
ALA degrades quite rapidly to 10% of its value in 24 hours and in so doing 'dumps' the now unbound mercury in the brain.
People like Andy Cutler who specialises in using ALA as a mercury chelator for autistic children, uses very low doses of ALA (12mg), taken every 3 hours(8 doses per day), nonstop for 4 days, to maintain a STEADY ALA blood level which SLOWLY binds and eliminates the mercury and doesnt overwhelm the detox pathway.
Its the steady level of ALA blood levels which overcomes the rapid degredation of ALA and the 'dumping problem' found with with relatively one a day dosage of ALA.
Some peoples detrox pathways will work better than others and the number of amalgans as well as the amount of amalgam in the mouth will determine how well we detoxify. Our nutritional status will also be critical.
I'm sure you are all aware that glutathione is a significant factor in heavy metal mobilization and excretion and that Vitamin D upregulates (as indeed does alpha lipoic acid) glutathione.
As an aside following Stephan's post here I've been looking at butyrate and glutathione and it looks like it does a similar job to Vitamin D3 in upregulating glutathione in the colon.
I'm sure you are all aware that glutathione is a significant factor in heavy metal mobilization and excretion and that Vitamin D upregulates (as indeed does alpha lipoic acid) glutathione.
As an aside following Stephan's post here I've been looking at butyrate and glutathione and it looks like it does a similar job to Vitamin D3 in upregulating glutathione in the colon.
Taking high levels of vitamin D is a problem for people who usually have high body mercury levels in such diseases as CFS/ME.
Dr Paul Cheney, a leading CFS specialist, finds vitamin D toxic to his patients.
The high glutathione levels generated by higher Vitamin D intake, cause a high binding level to mercury in the body tissues which draws it into the bloodstream, and can overwhelm the normal elimination via the liver and gut, especially if the gut and liver are not in good condition.
Because the blood levels of mercury are elevated, this causes an immune reaction which considearably worsens the CFS symptoms.
This is the sort of scenario which can send people into the Marshall Protocol camp, thinking they have a 'bacteria' problem caused by Vitamin D when it is really a mercury detox problem.
The main problem in the gut is usually candida, which binds to mercury preventing elimination and instead generates hydrogen sulphide(rotten egg) gas. Hydrogen sulphide(H2s) has been found in studies to be implicated in colon cancer by interfering with butyrate synthesis. H2s can also be reabsorped into the body through the liver portal and cause all the damage that mercury does.
Your CDSA may say you have low Butyrate. Butyrate is one of the main nutrients used by cells that line the colon (last meter of your gastrointestinal track). If one is low here, they can easily supplement Butyrate, which is available from most health food stores. Butyrate synthesis can be inhibited by H2S and Sulfites.
The Infamous Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
When gut bacteria or fungi are attacked by something like a heavy metal molecule (e.g. mercury), they have a special defense mechanism (called a "resistance gene") that produces Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) gas, which binds to the attacker and neutralizes it. Subsequently this highly toxic and poisonous H2S gas is created in the gut. H2S can impair the immunity system, especially in the area of neutrophil function, which is used to fight the original yeast in the gut, and hence one can hit a vicious cycle. H2S is very similar to mercury, in that it can bind to many of the things that mercury binds to and inactivate them. In other words, all the bad things that mercury can do, as described here, H2S can do. H2S can also convert the safer Inorganic mercury to the more dangerous Organic mercury, as described here. H2S has a very special circular relationship with the heavy metals; and therefore, it is a very special gas.
I constantly see adverts for lots of products that "raise glutathione levels and eliminate mercury from the body", as the advert blurb goes. Not if you have high levels of mercury, unless you have got a liver and gut in good condition and a good bile flow. Even then glutathione levels have to raised slowly to not overwhelm the detox system.
Taking high levels of vitamin D is a problem for people who usually have high body mercury levels in such diseases as CFS/ME.
I would like to see some scientific evidence to support such a claim.
Mercury amalgam dental fillings: an epidemiologic assessment.From this we see One condition, involving self-reported symptoms, but no objective signs, is chronic fatigue syndrome (ICD-9 code 780). There is a widespread popular belief that this condition is associated with dental amalgams, but little epidemiological investigation. In a retrospective cohort study of 20,000 New Zealand military personnel, no association was found between cumulative amalgam exposure and chronic fatigue syndrome (Bates et al., 2004). The relative risk estimate for an exposure unit of 100 amalgam-filled surface-years was 0.98 (95% CI: 0.94–1.03).
Overall, the weight of evidence, particularly from large studies, suggests no association between number of amalgam-filled tooth surfaces and prevalence of subjective symptoms or chronic fatigue syndrome (Bates et al., 2004; Ahlqwist et al., 1988; Melchart et al., 1998).
Dr Paul Cheney, a leading CFS specialist, finds vitamin D toxic to his patients.
The high glutathione levels generated by higher Vitamin D intake, cause a high binding level to mercury in the body tissues which draws it into the bloodstream, and can overwhelm the normal elimination via the liver and gut, especially if the gut and liver are not in good condition.
Cilantro is know to bind with mercury and even cross the brain barrier to do so.
A study by Dr. Yoshiaki Omura from the Heart Disease Research Foundation, New York, N.Y. has discovered that the herb cilantro will detoxify mercury from neural tissue and is used to help stimulate the appetite and relieves minor digestive irritation. https://stason.org/articles/wellbeing...-Fillings.html
I really believe that release of mercury from amalgams only happens in the first couple of years. I know that studies disprove this; so I can't fight the trend of belief. It's just that I have not been convinced of those studies.
Dr. Omura performed another study in which three amalgams were removed from an individual using all of the precautions available to prevent absorption of the mercury from the amalgam. Even with strong air and water suctioning, water rinses and a rubber dental dam, significant amounts of mercury were later found in the individuals lungs, kidneys, endocrine organs, liver and heart. No mercury was detected in these tissues prior to the date of removal. It is therefore very important that you continue to use the herbal tinctures, Soft Heat infrared sauna or chelatin to detoxifying your body.
Of course, I realize this was not a major study; but this was presented in the same article that tries to tell us to detox mercury from amalgam fillings. Yet it is more evidence to me that amalgams are only a problem when they are first implanted. Just my weak opinion; so you won't get an argument from me.
Still, it would be interesting to hear from our resident chemist about the binding of all substances in amalgams and whether the binding stabilizes the metals.
Also MMS and iodine will oxidize the mercury; rendering it unusable by the body and non-destructive.
- Jim
"We all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own." - Emperor Marcus Aurelius