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#1 �
Hi, I have been on pretty much an alkaline diet to treat chronic candida/bad bacteria (no grain, no fruit/sugars/sweetners, no fermented foods, no fungi, etc.) for almost 1 month now. I have also been taking the bajillon supplements my ND perscribed. My ND said I could, however, eat vegan nuts/fats/proteins freely but, unfortunately, my body couldn't handle all those nuts, coconut oil, etc. and I actually am experiencing a recurrence of a yeast infection. Very discouraging and now I'm even off nuts and coconut oil for a little while! Though I don't understand how this could cause a recurrence of my yeast infection, my ND said all the nuts, etc. stressed out my liver/gallbladder. But anyway, I wanted to know how much it would set me back to have a few alcoholic beverages this weekend at a party I am going to. As I said I'm a little discouraged and I thought, now that I already have a yeast infection, I might as well enjoy one night before I'm back on my diet for the next 3 months. But it wouldn't be worth it if, like, gave my bacteria tons of fuel. So let me know what you think. Thanks!!!
#2 �
I think that you would be PLAYING THE ASS with your health.
#3 �
Endives, if you have yeast the alcohol can really set you back. Think of it as drinking an 8 ounce glass of white sugar. Alcohol changes to sugar so that is what you get.
Just wondering how you know you have yeast. What kind of symptoms do you get?
"The nurse should be cheerful, orderly, punctual, patient, full of faith, - receptive to Truth and Love" Mary Baker Eddy Visit www.HealthSalon.org |
#4 �
Thanks guys!
Blood tests plus symptoms show lots of bad bacteria, VERY low good bacteria. And low level Candida. |
#5 �
I wonder about these kind of tests. You know everyone has candida and should have it. So is it causing disease or is it maintaining its rightful place?
MMS I think is likely the answer for you, then when your done with it build up good bacteria.
"The nurse should be cheerful, orderly, punctual, patient, full of faith, - receptive to Truth and Love" Mary Baker Eddy Visit www.HealthSalon.org |
#6 �
Hi, what is MMS?
Also, I have had chronic yeast infections, bloating/abdominal pressure, and of and on fatigue for over a year immediately following a course of antibiotics. What could it be if not bad bacteria or candida overgrowth? Thanks Again! |
#7 �
You should be thinking Probiotics instead of Alcohol.
Arrow- What do you guys mean by saying "when your done," do you mean "when you're (you ARE) done?" |
#8 �
I mean that when after you have done a treatment with MMS I think its a good idea to do focused work on building up good bacteria. It is contraversal as to what mms does to good bacteria. In endives case she should be working on eliminating candida and bad bacteria. My experience with people who have her symptoms is that it is most likely bad bacteria. When bad bacteria are brought down to level the good bacteria do much better.
If mms is not chosen as a protocol, Grapefruit seed extract will take care of these gut issues...but you have to do a hefty dose for a while, maybe up to 3 months. General feeling is that GSE will not negatively affect good bacteria...but with MMS its anybodies guess...and Jim Humble recommends to take probiotics when doing mms. Endive, to learn about mms we have a thread dedicated to it here. You can also visit Health Salon and read the testimonials in the top toolbar and category section in the column to the right.
"The nurse should be cheerful, orderly, punctual, patient, full of faith, - receptive to Truth and Love" Mary Baker Eddy Visit www.HealthSalon.org |
#9 �
For vaginal yeast infections you can try colloidal silver douche. Get a 10 cc syringe, instill 10 cc colloidal silver 2x day
or you can use this formula that works wonders for yeast.. INGREDIENTS: 16 Oz. bottle of water 4 Tablespoons of Boric Acid Powder 16 Drops of Gentian Violet Solution 1% (see end of article for more information) Mix together in bottle and shake well. You will need to shake solution every time you use it to disperse the Boric Acid Powder. Purchase a flexible plastic bottle with the opening at the top so that the solution may be gently squeezed out and dispense solution to affected area. The ideal is a hair-dye bottle available at a pharmacy, Wal-Mart, Target, etc, or a beauty supply store. You can get the boric acid at iHerb.com - Vitamins, Supplements & Natural Health Products and do a search for gentian violet. This is an old time remedy that works very well. Douche 2 x day, maybe 1/4 bottle each time. This is an adapted recipe for other conditons. you would want to use a douche bag.
"The nurse should be cheerful, orderly, punctual, patient, full of faith, - receptive to Truth and Love" Mary Baker Eddy Visit www.HealthSalon.org |
#10 �
The way you guys use "your" is amazing. "Your" is a possessive pronoun, like in your house, your computer, your health.
You guys use "your" like in .... when your done... your cured.... your rich. You should be saying.... when you are(you're) done .... you are(you're) cured.... you are(you're) rich, etc. |
#11 �
I'm going to have to look into MMS a little more but I definitely agree that probiotics are your best course of action. Do a little research and get a good probiotic.
#12 �
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"The nurse should be cheerful, orderly, punctual, patient, full of faith, - receptive to Truth and Love" Mary Baker Eddy Visit www.HealthSalon.org |
#13 �
Endives, I would also suggest that you learn about supplementing with Iodine in the form of Lugol's iodine. Do a google search on Health Salon for all the articles, and details and watch the Berstein videos.
I just put together this iodine dosage page collected from the above readings. You will also see here an alternative treatment for vaginal yeast infection, and I would try this before the gentian violet, as your body does not need gentian violet, but it does need iodine. Of course if you are allergic to iodine don't do it. Very few people are. I know all of this is a huge learning process, but you have everything to gain. Dosage For Iodine So when we’re forced to travel by air, Holly and I drink a few ounces of water with 10 drops of SSKI. The SSKI rapidly accumulates in any in the sinuses, where it inhibits or kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi before they can cause an infection. There have also been times when we’ve gotten to our destination— usually a conference somewhere —and one of the women in embarrassing and uncomfortable symptoms of a bladder infection. Certainly not the sort of infection you want to catch when you’re far away from home (and your doctor). Luckily, I always carry a small “backup” bottle of SSKI, which I give to her with instruc- tions to take 10 to 15 drops in water or juice every three to four hours (while awake) until the infection is gone. SSKI is close to 100 percent effective in eliminating bladder infections, but the amount needed is a relatively high dose, so it’s “Its potential goes far beyond being a simple disinfectant. There are literally dozens of uses—and most of them are ones you’d never expect.” Per Dr Johathan Wright MD SSKI means potassium iodide = Lugol's Iodine Vaginal yeast infection 20 to 30 Lugol’s Iodine drops in a douche for 5 to 10 days will usually clear It up – per Dr Jonathan Wright MD Lugols loading dose = 8 drops daily for 3 months 12.5mg is maintence dose (2 drops) 15 mg is upper maximum daily dosage for safety Severe hypothryroid can require up to 20mg per day Another valuable iodine preparation is saturated solution of potassium iodide. This does not have the correct ratio of iodine iodide recommended by Dr.Abrahams for correcting iodine deficiency but it does have a multitude of valuable healing properties. Some people use it for replacement therapy and do well. Read all the information available on this website. Ultimatley the decision is up to you. My medical doctor recommends Lugols. It can help open up blocked arteries, disinfect water, cure bladder infections, reduce or eliminate ovarian cysts, diminish unsightly keloids, loosen thick bronchial secretions, reduce or eliminate Peyronie’s Disease and Dupuytron’s contracture. If you intend to long term therapy It is recommended that you periodically get your thyroid hormones checked. Lugols: 2 drops= 12.5mg 4 drops=25 mg 8 drops=50 mg 16 drops=100 mg 20 drops=125 mg ……………………………………………………………….. The Iodine Test If you are one of those who would like more proof that your body needs or does not need iodine, let me share a simple test. But a bottle of Tincture of Iodine at the drug store and paint a 2” square spot on your inner arm. If it disappears in less than eight hours, you desperately need iodine. If it disappears in 24 hours, you also need iodine. If it simply stays on your arm and begins to slowly fade in color after a full 24 hours, you have already reached iodine sufficiency. You can retest yourself every one to two weeks while on therapy. And you can use the test to help you judge your individual dosage need for iodine. Remember that contrary to current medical opinion, the real thyroid experts have proven that most patients who need iodine therapy require from three to 37 mgs/day. And that means from one to 12 Prolamine Iodine tablets daily. Always start out slowly. Judge your results, monitor your symptoms and any side effects, and use the thyroid patch test to help you along the way. ……………………………………………………………………………. Dr. Abrahams thinks that the correct quantity of iodine needed to maintain sufficient amounts of iodine in the body is 13 mg. daily. This is 100 times more than the government recognized RDA for iodine. Dr. Abrahams recommends taking 50 mg of Iodoral (four 12.5 mg. tablets), Lugol’s solution (8 drops)or Triodide (8 drops) daily for 3 months as a loading dose. Then this dose should be gradually reduced to the 12.5 mg. maintenance dosage under the supervision of a knowledgeable health care professional. Dr.Abraham feels that 14 to 15 mg. of iodine/iodide daily is the upper maximum of safety. This is close to the recommended dose of 12.5 mg daily so caution is necessary in managing iodine repletion. Japanese researchers have discovered patients with hypothyroidism who were taking 20 mg. of iodine or more daily. Prominent thyroid researcher, Dr. Benjamin Eskin, has shown that the thyroid gland and skin prefer to concentrate the iodide form of iodine while the breasts concentrate iodine. His research suggested that the body needs both the iodide and iodine form of iodine. This is easy to accomplish with Lugol’s solution developed by French physician Dr. Jean Lugol in the 1820s. His solution mixed iodine (5 %) with potassium iodide (10 %) and 85 % water. Dr. Lugol’s solution killed germs and was used with success in treating infections and many other conditions. This solution in the recommended 2 drop dosage contains 5 mg. of iodine and 7.5 mg. of iodine which is exactly the quantity of iodine recommended for daily intake by Dr. Abraham. Lugol’s solution tastes metallic unless greatly diluted and stains clothing and skin. Japanese women, who are eating lots of seaweed, have the highest iodine intake (13.8 mg. daily) of women anywhere in the world. They also have the lowest incidence of breast cancer in the world. Japan has one of the lowest worldwide rates of every type of cancer with the exception of stomach cancer. In addition Japan has one of the lowest incidences of iodine deficiency, goiter (enlarged thyroid gland), and hypothyroidism. Iceland, another high iodine intake country, has low rates of goiter and breast cancer. Two countries with low iodine intakes (Thailand, Mexico) have high rates of breast cancer and goiter. This Clarkson Labs product is a 2% solution. Most iodine advice is based on a 5% solution so you will have to do the math. 1 Lugol's Solution 5% + "Folk Medicine" by Dr.Jarvis. Includes S&H. Calculating Number of milligrams of Iodine per Drop of Lugol’s Solution: LUGOL’S 5%: Each VERTICAL drop is about 6.25 mg of iodine. (The correct way to make a drop is to hold the dropper vertical and squeeze the rubber topper) HORIZONTAL drops - when the dropper is held side to side there is twice as much iodine per drop. Approximately 12.5 mg LUGOL’S 2%: Approximately 1/2 half the above measurements Where to purchase Lugols: https://www.healthsalon.org/422/purch...lugols-iodine/
"The nurse should be cheerful, orderly, punctual, patient, full of faith, - receptive to Truth and Love" Mary Baker Eddy Visit www.HealthSalon.org |
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