� #1
Old 01-21-2010, 08:11 PM
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Default Oesophagus symptoms? Anyone else?

(I think the spelling in the States is esophagus.)

I am on 6 drops of mms about 5 times daily as after 7 drops I was very ill. I am following the new protocol which is fewer drops more often. I want to go up to more drops, but I don't think that is going to happen. I am still sick every time I take it for at least half an hour.

I can handle that, although I wish to God it would go away. What is worse though, is that I cannot eat much. The nausea is a barrier already to eating, but I also have this oesophagus problem. You know when you eat too much too fast and your throat kind of clamps shut for a few moments and it hurts and you can groan through it or take a drink to push the food down? It's like that. Only all the time, and all the way into my upper abdomen. I'm breastfeeding and not eating is causing me to feel quite tired. I am taking kelp as a supplement now to replace iodine and other trace minerals. I take it before bed as it is the only time there is no mms in my system for it to interfere with.

I can't swallow very well, I have to take tiny bites, chew them a long while and then wait after swallowing for some time for the discomfort to pass. Drinking is the same. Today isn't as bad as yesterday and it feel further down than yesterday, like it is healing if I had damaged something there. I haven't thrown up, so I'm not sure how I would have damaged it. Perhaps I was harbouring gross-ness in my throat or thyroid. It feels like swelling and there is definitely something going on there. My daughter experienced it today - also on mms, but child dose. She has thrown up twice in the past week she has been on it, but otherwise I have managed her dose quite well. It is much harder to tell when someone else can go up a drop than with yourself.

Has anyone else had this problem? I hear about nausea and diarrhea and headaches and stuff but I haven't heard of this specific thing before. Could it be due to the pressure the stomach goes through in this treatment with the chlorine dioxide in that area? Or is it specific to me, perhaps clearing something in that area?

Thanks for any help.
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� #2
Old 01-21-2010, 09:02 PM
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I have had such esophagus problems in the past but not caused by mms. I used homeopathy to rid myself of it.

I was surprised to hear that you are doing all this while breast feeding.

I can't help but wonder what is motivating you. Are you very sick?

Seems you should be focusing your attention on feeding that baby correctly, seeing to it that your nutrition is superior and not stressing about detoxing at this time or doing something much more gentle that will not stress you or your babe. I think a lot of the esophagus issues is from stress, wether it is stress from doing the MMS or other things.

I do think that often such esophagus symptoms are psychosomatic or stress related.

My personal opinion on mms is that it should not be done unless there is sickness that needs to be delt with or it should be done during a metered cleanse for about 2 to 3 weeks once a year under the best conditions possible.

At the very least if you are sick for half an hour after taking a dose reduce your dose again.

You owe it to that child to eat right and frequently and not be transfering a lot of stress via your milk and your general demeanor.

Sorry, this probably was not the answer you were seeking.
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� #3
Old 01-22-2010, 11:36 AM
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I understand your concern but he is almost two and I have no intention of stopping any time soon. A woman can be either breastfeeding or pregnant for twenty years in a stretch, esp if she feeds for four or more years, there is almost no time to tend to her own needs between that. I have always disagreed with the idea that a woman should not do anything except breathe while breastfeeding. Our culture is the only one that has this view, to the expense of breastfeeding itself, it scares women off. I personally think, aside from things such as drugs or severe malnutrition, that is a myth. Actually, the milk of severely malnourished women in Africa has been compared to the well nourished milk of western women and there was almost no difference. Breastfeeding is a very natural thing, and the body will put into the milk exactly what it needs (plus some undesirables, which is what I'm trying to eliminate). I trust that process and encourage other women to but I don't put it on a pedestal as any kind of delicate situation. The only person who is at risk here is me. My body puts him first, at my expense.

Having said that, I have some issues I need resolved. Although there are other things the most important is my splenic cyst, which is growing and if it gets too big the treatment is to remove my spleen. I would not allow this, of course, but the risk of rupture grows by the day. A ruptured spleen would be the end of me because unless they can get to you in minutes, and even then if they can clean up the spill, you're a gonner. It has been diagnosed as a hydatid cyst, and if this is correct, that means it is a tapeworm cyst, full of lavae. I've had it at least 5 years. Nothing touches this thing. My last hope seems to be MMS. The cysts spread to my ovaries and into my uterus and whole pelvis, causing all kinds of pain for me cyclically.

I have now reduced my dose to 4 drops hourly or so. So far, I am coping well with this. I have renewed confidence. I am so determined to deal with this that I wanted to go up faster than I could, and I still want to go up beyond the "normal" dose of 4 drops per hour as I am not convinced that dose will touch my parasites. Parasites I may be transferring to my children. That was my intention by going to 7 drops as I was hoping to do that per hour but I couldn't even do it once. I'm very toxic obviously.

My son responded amazingly, didn't react at his highest dose (of 3 drops per 12 kilos of weight, so his was 3 drops). So he was only on it for a week at about 4 times a day. However I don't understand the instructions for children. They say 3 drops, but they don't say how often or for how long. He still has a blocked nose at night. So does my daughter, who has a more severe night time running/blocked nose. This is driving me to absolute distraction as I have tried everything, absolutely everything in my arsenal, and I have a MASSIVE arsenal. Everything from herbs, homeopathy and probiotics even to an antibiotic cream in the nose, which was the most effective btw. But they came back, which is typical of toxic medicine like antibiotics.

I was hoping mms would reach all those bugs up in the sinuses, and with my daughter I have done a little bit of the inhaling of mms, but I am probably over-cautious with that due to the warnings.

But I think I might need to find other forums for a broader opinion. I need as many differing viewpoints as possible.

I appreciate all the help. If you think of anything else, I'm open to it. Except to quit doing this until I'm not feeding. I don't have the time. Jim Humble himself has treated many pregnant and breastfeeding women and recommends it. I intend on being another success while feeding story.
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� #4
Old 01-22-2010, 06:16 PM
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My main concern with mms and breastfeeding is the nausea and consequent poor nutritional status for YOU. That being said, if you choose to take that risk that is up to you but I see now what you are up against. Are you concerned about the transfer of tapeworm via breast milk? Is that possible?

Cysts are very difficult as I am sure you know because often medicines do not get through them and only time will tell if the mms can. They can be very tough. I have heard that ozonated olive oil can be curative but I don't know the dosages. I would have to look around to see what I can find. . Paul at this site may have an opinion for you and I would call him.
He makes excellent ozonated oil products that I highly recommend at a reasonable price. https://www.ozonatedoilonline.com/catalog.html

One thing for sure, if you are feeling so ill from the MMS you are likely killing a lot of stuff. But with tapeworm, when you kill them they release a whole new batch of stuff to kill.

Have you looked at or tried Hulda Clarks protocols for tapeworm:
www.HuldaClark.org I can't seem to get the website to open today....oh, here finally. The pages take forever to load up: https://www.drhuldaclark.org/therapy_tapeworm.asp
She says megadosages of CoQ10 will get the cysts.

It might be wise to assume that your children have tapeworm also even if you cannot determine for sure. Live blood analysis should tell you.

My neighbor has been doing Activated MMS sinus flushes and it has been helpful for her ages old sinus condition. She did say that the flushes burned initially. You might also look at www.nutrasilver.com for a sinus flush. I am not sure if silver products helps with things like tape worms. Nutrasilver, at 3,600 ppm is the most powerful silver product on the market. You could call Russel at nutrasilver and see what he thinks. There is a difference in silver products and their effectiveness.

If the mms cleanse does not eliminate the worms having a surgery to remove the cyst in the spleen is not the end of the world. Certainly better that your children being raised motherless. You can heal and overcome it. People live long lives without a spleen. Surgery is one of the most beneficial aspects of conventional medicine when used judiciously.

Regarding homeopathy, I don't know what kind of homeopath you are or your experience level, but sometimes a consult with a well matured homeopath is worth quite a bit, and a perspective from the outside can be worth its weight in gold. I have found few naturopaths with the skill in homeopathy that is required to get to the crux of the matter unless they truely focused in classical application of study for several years.
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� #5
Old 01-22-2010, 07:04 PM
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here is a page where Hulda gives dosages for ozonated olive oil for tapeworm. She thinks you need to take cystine with it. I would not make my own ozonated oil even though I have my own medical grade ozonator. I would leave it to the pros like Paul and after talking to him about it I understood why.

"The nurse should be cheerful, orderly, punctual, patient, full of faith, - receptive to Truth and Love" Mary Baker Eddy
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