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Conversation Between Arrowwind09 and pinballdoctor
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Arrowwind09
    08-20-2010 01:25 PM
    Hi Pinballdoctor,

    I just found your message to me as of 7.18 when you thought your were on your way out. Glad you are still here! and to keep reminding me of fugnus and so many details I miss.
    Thanks for the compliment. I try to be of service to people around me with the truth the best I can. I didn't learn much truth about healing as a nurse, but what I did learn was about people, dicipline, communication, dedication, work ethic, and assessment which was invaluable... so I am thankful for that.

    We have a great forum where more truth is spoken than not.
  2. pinballdoctor
    07-17-2010 10:39 PM
    Hello Barb, I have a feeling I'll be banned soon and just wanted to let you know of all the people here I respect you the most. Most nurses that I know don't know much about health, however, you are an exception. You know about ozone, iodine, and fungus, which most doctors are clueless about.
    I enjoy reading your posts as well as the tons of information on your website. I think this forum would be lost without you. Keep up the good work. PBD (Mel)