� #1
Old 01-08-2011, 02:04 PM
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Default FDA Ban Vitamin C Injections

The FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) has struck again. Linus Pauling must be spinning in his grave.


NaturalNews) Not content to kill 100,000 Americans each year with deadly Big Pharma drugs while censoring the truth about the healing effects of herbs, nutritional supplements and natural medicines, the FDA has now set out to deny Americans access to yet another lifesaving medicine known simply as vitamin C.

As reported by the Alliance for Natural Health, the FDA has notified a manufacturer of injectable vitamin C that it will be criminally prosecuted if it continues to manufacture this lifesaving nutritional therapy.
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� #2
Old 01-08-2011, 03:11 PM
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Liposomal vitamin c works as well but don't tell the FDA.
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� #3
Old 01-08-2011, 09:57 PM
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This is just the start.

Within two years most supplements will not be available, and the ones that are still allowed will be sold in such low doses that they will be useless.

Also, now that bill S510 has passed, organic farmers will disappear, as will organic food.

Growing organic tomatoes in your garden will become a crime, much like growing pot is now.

That shows the incredible power of money and the never ending greed of big pharma.
Let Food Be Your Medicine And Medicine Be Your Food.(Hippocrates)

Last edited by pinballdoctor; 01-10-2011 at 03:49 PM.
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� #4
Old 01-09-2011, 07:37 AM
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I just do not believe that we won't be able to have our own home gardens.
The others, yes, are possible.
May you always have..Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!
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� #5
Old 01-09-2011, 10:24 AM
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Default demand elimination of social security

Social security was originally designed to be a moneymaker
for the government. Now we are living too long, which
creates a threat to governmental vote buying behavior.
The only way that we can expect to profit from beneficial
health discoveries is by eliminating the social security threat.

Oh, and by the way, be very careful who you vote for. The
country at large made one hell of an mistake a couple years
back. We are now going to have to become more involved
and thoughtful in order to return to rational governance.

It certainly appears that there are many in government who
really do want us to die sooner.
Imagined knowledge kills learning . . .
The cure for boredom is curiosity...there is no cure for curiosity..

Last edited by Donee; 01-09-2011 at 10:27 AM. Reason: Add capital to first word in title, but can't
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� #6
Old 01-09-2011, 07:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Donee View Post
It certainly appears that there are many in government who
really do want us to die sooner.
I would say that it is not so much people in government but rather an elite (well at least they think they are elite) group of people who have taken over control of the government by bribing and buying out many of our representatives. I suspect that many of the bought off representatives have been made to feel that they are now part of this �in crowd�.
It has been the stated goal of these eugenics elitists to reduce the world�s population of �useless eaters� by 80%. They figure that the remaining 20% should be enough to allow them to continue living in their current lifestyle. Thus by reducing the population, through wars, famine and disease, the remaining slaves will be much easier to control. What many of those who are helping enabling the plan fail to realize is that they are also part of that 80%.

So could you be prohibited from growing tomato�s in your backyard? Technically yes, because you could not afford to get all the �proper� paperwork to do so legally. Plus you might be growing healthy non-genetically altered food. How can they kill you off if you are not eating their poisoned food?
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� #7
Old 01-09-2011, 08:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Mad Scientest View Post
I would say that it is not so much people in government but rather an elite (well at least they think they are elite) group of people who have taken over control of the government by bribing and buying out many of our representatives. I suspect that many of the bought off representatives have been made to feel that they are now part of this �in crowd�.
It has been the stated goal of these eugenics elitists to reduce the world�s population of �useless eaters� by 80%. They figure that the remaining 20% should be enough to allow them to continue living in their current lifestyle. Thus by reducing the population, through wars, famine and disease, the remaining slaves will be much easier to control. What many of those who are helping enabling the plan fail to realize is that they are also part of that 80%.

So could you be prohibited from growing tomato�s in your backyard? Technically yes, because you could not afford to get all the �proper� paperwork to do so legally. Plus you might be growing healthy non-genetically altered food. How can they kill you off if you are not eating their poisoned food?
Your statement is absurd and crazy! Those that are helping "them" will be part of the 20% slave force.
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� #8
Old 01-10-2011, 02:25 AM
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Vitamin C injections: Like Essiac and colloidal silver, persecuted because it has committed the cardinal sin in the eyes of allopathic medicine - it works!!!
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� #9
Old 01-10-2011, 07:29 AM
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doesnt matter who is in the white house, the elite controls everything that happens in there. We're all puppets to the "privileged" few. There is no love, no concern, no compassion. Humanity is sacrificed to the "gods" of greed for the promise of more money.

sometimes im truly grateful to live in a 3rd world country. if i go down, i'll go down fighting rather than being brainwashed by mass media and ludicrous legislation. just let them try to touch my potted herb.

45 says nay.
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