Leaky gut and supplement/vitamin effectiveness
I am pretty sure I have leaky gut and candida. I am slowly fazing out candida culprits until I am ONLY eating wild game and veggies, which is pretty much the only foods one seems to be able to consume on the highly restrictive dietary regimen. Anyway, right now I am taking a slew of vitamins, supplements, etc. in order to combat my condition. I drink aloe vera juice, use colloidal silver, grapefruit seed extract, spirulina, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, B-complex, digestive enzyme, orobiotics, milk-thistle and Fo-ti. If my gut is not properly absorbing things, am I really getting any benefit from these things? So frustrating trying to figure this all out.
I wish I could just have a doctor cut open my stomach, do some quick surgery and have everything fixed quickly and easily. I have had a pregnant looking belly ever since I was about 10. It is hard to think that I will ever have a normal, healthy and beautiful body. Sorry to be so pessimistic.