� #1
Old 05-11-2012, 04:30 AM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 546
truestorytotell is on a distinguished road
Default Puking...

Ok here is the story from the last 2 days, i just want to rule out anything dangerous...

On wednesday i went to work at 18:00, finished around 2 in the morning (now thursday) and a co-worker-friend suggested we go out of the city to some clubs and after party, so i said ok and we went, was out all night drinking and smoking and i drove the whole way, we were back in our city around 12 i left him home and i went home to sleep too, i slept for some 3 hours and i woke up and went to work at 17:00,thursday...

i ate at work some poure and meat, it sucked but i was hungry so i ate,around 18o clock, and than around 19o clock i started feeling like shit, started sitting around wherever i could, it helped sitting but i always had to get up bcuz i was working at the time as a waiter...
so around 20o clock i went to the bathroom, did my needs and pooping was really weird, thin and not solid at all, it was weird...soon as that was done on my way down (out of the building thanks god) i suddenly got the feeling and puked, it sucked but i puked once, still feeling bad, than i honestly thought i would feel better but i didnt, some time later i puked again, twice this time, it was terrible...

than i asked to go home bcuz no way i could work, and i came home, fell in bed trying to sleep, fell asleep, woke up some time later and puked all over the floor, my roomate was here, he was suggesting i go to a hospital, i said no, and he suggested it many times, well around the 5-6th time i fell asleep and woke up again to puke and go to the toilet occasionally, i thought about going to the hospital too, but it would definitly be hard to drive...

so what was that, im thinking either the drinking and smoking and lack of sleep combined (i have not drinked like that for months or smoked as much)

or just some food poisoning?
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� #2
Old 05-11-2012, 06:10 AM
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sounds like food poisoning to me but granted not helped by buring your wick at both ends.

Mix one drop of mms with one drop of citric acid add two ounce water or juice and take. If you can tolerate one drop take two drops next time. Try to repeat this every two hours.

Try to take fluids to prevent dehydration. If you develop a fever it is time to see a doc.
Please be advised
I advocate all health blogs linked to NMT.
Read them and explore MMS and CS.
It may be the best chance that you have to heal yourself
of long term and chronic illness.
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