� #1
Old 12-21-2011, 08:46 PM
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Default Problems with digestion

So the last few days I have been eating very light ( steamed veggies and rice) and juicing. I have been having some digestive problems I believe and this has only solidified my thoughts on this. When I eat the steamed carrots and broccolli they come out the other end about 8 hours later partially digested. The raw carrot juice that I make and drink right away does the same thing. I don't think my body is assimilating all the nutrients I need, especially if I can't even digest juice. Anyone have ideas? I used to take some enzymes, didn't find that they helped, and besides I would like to find a way that my body and do it on its own like its suspose to. Any ideas on where to start on figuring this out?
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� #2
Old 12-21-2011, 11:14 PM
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If it were me I would add coconut oil to my diet, start with 1 teaspoon then move up to 3 days, if you can tolerate that without the runs increase to 2 tsp 3 x d.
Coconut oil can really help to heal the stomach.

Lots of people have juices just run out of them.. its not all that unusual and they tend to see carrot and beet the most...

but still I think you have a digestive enzyme deficiency issue. Eat slowly and chew your food well for digestion really begins in the mouth. Get a good digestive enzyme product and you may need betaine HCL also. For some people taking these for a while may acutally turn their own enzyme systems back on. If it doesnt then you just have to keep taking them. If you didnt notice a difference last time maybe you need to change your product or increase the dosage.

8 hours is a very fast transit time.. I would be a little concerned about this.. you need to eat something that will slow it down a little. Is this short time span common for you?

Eating lots of juices and veggies should in time turn enzyme things back on.
Also try adding a different grain like Quiona or Amaranth. You can cut it 50/50 with rice. Its a good way to get a little extra protien and the bulk may be good for you.
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� #3
Old 12-21-2011, 11:45 PM
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Arrowwind had a good point. Fat can slow down digestion if it's moving too quickly and can help your food digest better. Minerals need fat for digestion. I know for me, I had the most problems with digestion when I ate a lot of vegetables and grains. The worst was when I juiced. I would bloat that day. Frustrating, so I feel your pain.

Probiotics are known to help digest food. Try one after each meal.

I would blend your vegetables and steam them longer. Even raw juices are difficult to digest so cut them and try to boil and make a tea or broth of them. The cell walls of the vegetables isn't digestible. Check this site out:

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� #4
Old 12-22-2011, 06:30 AM
jfh jfh is offline
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When you say you are experiencing "digestive problems" do you have symptoms of H.Pylori?

If you are a carrier of H. pylori , you may have no symptoms. If you have an ulcer or gastritis, you may have some of the following symptoms:
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating and fullness
  • Dyspepsia or indigestion
  • Feeling very hungry 1 to 3 hours after eating
  • Mild nausea (may be relieved by vomiting)
If so, the digestive problems can can be due to low stomach acid. With hpylori, the stomach will try to produce more acid to try to compensate for the ammonia being produced by hpylore. The ammonia is highly alkaline, neutralizing the stomach acid. This would definitely interfere with digestion of nutrients, especially minerals.

You need zinc and vitamin Bs to help the stomach produce acid. Make sure you are getting about 30 to 40mg per day of zinc in a supplement. The rest will come from your diet. Don't take more than 50mg per day.

Chewing is the first part of digestion. It draws out and also produces enzymes from your food. With proper chewing, you would not identify any food particulate in your feces. It still does not mean that you are digesting it properly though.

Try TMG before meals. https://www.iherb.com/Jarrow-Formulas...blets/141?at=0 Unacidified betaine is trimethylglycine (TMG), and performs far more functions than betaine HCl. TMG is commercially produced from beet leaves.

I assume you are getting enough salt. Sodium choride is something we all tend to get too much of, but is is a necessary building block for stomach acid. The sodium chloride is split and the chloride forms hydrochloric acid. The sodium is converted in to sodium bicarbonate, which is a buffer for acids in the body, including stomach acid when digestion is finished, so you won't have too much acid build up in the stomach. After the age of 40, we tend to have problems building acid in the stomach anyway. The most common reason the body will not produce this lining is if the body' prostaglandins are being inhibited. For example, the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.

You could help your situation by taking raw apple cider vinegar for a while. The acids in apple cider vinegar improve digestion and deter the growth of disease-causing bacteria in the digestive tract. The minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium) bind to the acids and neutralize them when the digestive tract needs to be more alkaline, if you are worried about too much acid. The body knows what to do.

I've already written much about digestive bitters, but they could be your best help. They help the body produce enzymes, help balance hormones, and among several other things gently flush the liver.
- Jim

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� #5
Old 12-22-2011, 08:17 AM
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Do you have other intestinal symptoms? If so you may have dysbiosis which is a disturbance in the microbial balance in your intestines and therefore--candida, parasites, bad bacteria or all three.
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