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Old 04-05-2011, 03:39 PM
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Default Get the Gut right?


How do you get the gut right?

I am a 50 yr. old, moderate health problems but from the time I was in my teens have had a swollen looking belly, I have had lot's of antibiotics over lot's of years, (for every little sneeze) and have just begun taking some digestive enzymes (digest gold) a few months back, don't know if they are doing anything or not but they got off the daily tums ...just started taking some probiotics a couple of weeks ago, this might be doing something.

For years I ate tums every day, and would have never believed that adding acid (digestive enzymes) would help acid indigestion...go figure...

I am taking some ultra primal defense and vs-3, trying to get at both angles, if anything the bloating/gas has gotten a little worse, the white coating on the tongue maybe a little better, I think I have some candida or fungus as the tongue has had it's coating as long as I can remember along with bad breath, I have a case of dandruff that no matter what I use it won't go away, bad allergies, sneezing attacks that can be brutal, sometimes an asthmatic feeling of shortness of breath and the bloated stomach.

With all the reading and trying to put together a game plan, I guess getting the gut right would be the first main step, should I try some hcl? or just keep using a plat based digestive enzyme combo?

I will keep on the probiotics, is there anything that should be added to this game plan? I don't think a short term use of candidase could hurt?

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Old 04-05-2011, 04:35 PM
jfh jfh is offline
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If you have just started the probiotics vsl#3 and primal defense, you will get bloating until things begin to normalize. That is different for everyone of course. I think you are over supplementing when using the 2 probiotics that you've chosen. You will see that the vsl contains 250 Billion bacteria. That's much much more than you will find in any other supplement.

I agree that fixing your digestive system, which includes the gut, is the best you can do for yourself right now. I'm not familiar with that candidase supplement, but it appears to be high quality enzymes. That certainly should not hurt. However, it would be best to take it at a different time from the probiotics. Some of those enzymes might do damage to some of the bacteria. A half hour at least.

Check out this forum's posts on Candida. Use the 'search' menu. One thing for sure is if you have a bad case of Candida, you can attribute that to your use of Tums. We all have candida, but if normally resides as the yeast state. Your digestive system and your friendly bacteria can normally control that. However, when you neutralize your stomach acid, you cause numerous problems in the body, including the management of the candida. An alkaline leaning environment will cause the candida yeast to morph into the more aggressive candida fungus. That may be what is happening to you, or has happened to you. Don't be afraid of acid. All those probiotics produce acid in their normal cycle. The acid, normally lactic acid, is what controls the bad bacteria. One thing that controls candida and actually kills it is coconut oil. This is because coconut oil has about 9 very excellent fatty acids. The main one is lauric acid, but the one that controls the candida is caprylic acid. Many people have great results buy taking to tablespoons of coconut oil per day. By the spoon or in food preparations. Be sure to get the unrefined or virgin oil, so that the acids won't be disturbed.
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Old 04-05-2011, 05:43 PM
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I appreciate the info...

I am using only 1/2 packet of vs-3, funny you take it with food and most others including primal defense they suggest an empty stomach...interesting!
And am taking 1 primal defense before bed on a mostly empty stomach, so I wanted to do the with/without food combo, don't know if it will do any better but I figured it couldn't hurt.

And will cooking with coconut oil hurt these acids or do you have to take it raw?
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Old 04-06-2011, 06:15 AM
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Coconut oil has a high tolerance for heat. Longer duration of such heat can cause the acids to become transfatty acids. But coconut oil is the best for high heat cooking. The acids will remain reasonably well as long as the food or oil does not smoke.

Some probiotics are taken with food, because the stomach acids need to be diluted. High acids can destroy the bacteria. It is a good thing that we have such a digestive system that gives us a first line of defense, such as stomach acid, to kill bacteria. Unfortunately good as well as bad.
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Old 04-06-2011, 09:09 AM
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Is it ok to eat virgin coconut oil raw right out the jar on a spoon I read somewhere on here it was but wanted to double check
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Old 04-06-2011, 10:28 AM
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Originally Posted by I wiil beat this View Post
Is it ok to eat virgin coconut oil raw right out the jar on a spoon I read somewhere on here it was but wanted to double check
Yes it is. Although I like the smell and taste, I find it hard to eat it this way. I try to get a tablespoonful in a hot drink everyday, like hot water with lemon juice & honey.
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Old 09-20-2011, 03:56 PM
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...To continue this...I ran into someone and we were discussing this and they said it could also be that I don't have the proper enzyme amount in my stomach and that could be a source of the gas from incorrect digestion...are digestive enzymes/aids a must? How do you know when you are taking the right amount or have established a good enzyme amount in your stomach?
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Old 09-21-2011, 12:21 PM
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Raw organic foods are full of enzymes, that is why most good doctors advise patients to eat a diet of 75% raw foods.

Different enzymes are needed to break down proteins, fats, and carbs, however, all are available in raw fruits and veggies.

Your swollen belly and white coating on the tongue are two very distinct symptoms of yeast fungus, thus requiring a phase one diet as well as prescribed and natural antifungals... and time.
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