� #1
Old 04-20-2012, 05:58 AM
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Default herbal tea loosing weight

I weigh myself every day, so I know what my weight is give or take. Well I started a few weeks ago drinking about 4 cups at night of hibiscus and rooibos tea mix. I've been doing it because hibiscus has really lowered my blood pressure and started to drink rooibos because of the benefits for allergies, relaxes you and all the antioxidants.

Well to my surprises I've lost 7 pounds. I honestly think it has to be the tea, because I weigh myself every morning and every night. So I know when my low and high numbers for the past 6 months the low number hasn't changed. Ever since I started to drink this tea my weight is dropping. Nothing else changed.

When I started to google if rooibos or hibiscus aid in weight loss the only thing I've read is that it's an appetite suppressant. I only drink the tea after dinner, so I'm not sure how that could be helping me lose weight.
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� #2
Old 06-15-2012, 09:08 PM
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 4
cyuen025 is on a distinguished road

I used to drink Rooibos daily, but never noticed any difference in weight. Never tried hibiscus though so can't comment on that.. However I found this info on hibiscus and weight loss: https://www.livestrong.com/article/53...o-lose-weight/

Maybe it is the hibiscus that's causing the weight loss?
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