� #1
Old 08-16-2011, 11:50 AM
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Default alcohol question (liposomal vit. C)

My 4 year old just LOVES to drink the liposomal vit. C. I give it to her but I'm starting to think otherwise because it contains 12% alcohol. Is this a big deal or do the benefits outweigh the risks??? She hates regular vit. C but if it's encapsulated she'll take it. What do you think?

I became alarmed a couple days ago when I noticed a white line along her pinky nail. Research showed liver problems could cause it.

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Old 08-16-2011, 02:08 PM
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The whole idea of using liposomal vitamin C is to coat it with an oil, such as non GMO soy lechitin, so it can bypass the stomach acid without being broken down, and be more beneficial to the body.

You can make your own at home according to the following youtube video, and no alcohol is used in this process.

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Old 08-16-2011, 02:20 PM
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No wonder she likes it so much!... but at 12% I would not make it a daily thing.
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� #4
Old 08-16-2011, 09:06 PM
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How much, a teaspoon? I have jus arrived back in thge states and have been binging for 5 days. Time to detox.
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� #5
Old 08-17-2011, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by saved1986 View Post
How much, a teaspoon? I have jus arrived back in thge states and have been binging for 5 days. Time to detox.
The entire supplement is about a tsp..

Iherb has lecithin in 10 pound packages which just arrived yesterday. The timing is funny to have pinballdoctor suggest making it myself.

The recipe seems easy enough but the jewelry cleaner is probably made of aluminum and I hate to think how the vit. C would leach some of that out. I wonder if a vitamix would do the same thing as the jewelry cleaner? Hmmm...have to look into that.

Arrowwind09, lol - I do hope this isn't a forwarning of upcoming alcohol cravings.
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alcohol, liposomal vitamin c

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