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Naturel is on a distinguished road
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\r\n \r\n\r\nQuestion\r\n\r\n Anyone tried acupuncture?\r\n
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\r\n \r\n I\'m considering going to acupuncture next week because of my aching back. Does anybody have experience with that? I\'d appreciate shared stories. What about electrical stimulation compared to manual procedure?
\nThanks in advance,
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� #1
Old 03-25-2013, 02:29 PM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 1
Naturel is on a distinguished road
Question Anyone tried acupuncture?

I'm considering going to acupuncture next week because of my aching back. Does anybody have experience with that? I'd appreciate shared stories. What about electrical stimulation compared to manual procedure?

Thanks in advance,
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