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� #1
Old 02-22-2012, 09:21 AM
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bewell is on a distinguished road
Default 11 week infection (ear), requesting advise please


Long story short: I've had a persistent infection in my left Eustachian tube/ear area for 11 weeks now. It started with just fluid behind the ear and the usually symptomology of fluid in the middle ear and tube. Went to three Drs, including my homeopath and I still haven't gotten better. I'll experience days when I feel normal but mostly not.

Symptoms are: extremely hot and flushed feeling on the left ear and side of face. Ringing in the ear; very mild upper sinus congestion that seems mostly isolated to the left side. At it's worst, I"ll feel like a I have a mild fever but with no other symptoms of a fever. So, I finally got tired of it all and started taking MMS again as nothing else I have tried is working. MMS is my last option because it tastes so awful. Though, I was grateful to come across the modified 1000 protocol with the baking soda, that helps be take it every hour.

So far it's been about 4 days of my taking a 24 drop solution of the 1000 protocol. I still feel the heat and the odd feelings, every day. With the addition of feeling a foggy feeling while I take the MMS through out the day. At first, I need feel some mild nausea but I pushed past it.

Being outside in the chilled air helps a lot, as does being in the sun. I also noticed that my symptoms are made worse by being at work (IT support, a lot of wifi, and EM radiation around here). Other times, the symptoms will increase no matter where I am. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat either, except for sugar. Sugar makes it worse, reliably within 30 mins. By worse, I mean "OMG my face is going to burn off" from feeling so heated and flushed.

For breakfast I usually make a smoothie that consists of about 10 grams of spirulina, some frozen blueberries, a raw egg, about 8 ounces of raw milk, a quarter of an avacado, some psyllium husk (that stuff is awesome BTW) and perhaps a few table spoons of chia seeds. I generally don't eat lunch and if I do it's some chia seed yogurt or a piece of fruit. I don't smoke, eat sugar, drink sugar, eat breads, or anything like that. I'll eat every once in a great while and I'm picky about where it comes from.

Only thing I can think to do, nutritionally, is to increase my intake of the spirulina to 20 or so grams per day with about 15 grams of cholrella and increase my intake of Vitamin D3. I'm hoping that combined with the MMS will finally give me what I need to get past this. I dunno, I'm out of ideas. I mean, this can't go on forever, there has to be end.

At this point, I will entertain any notion and am willing to do just about anything to feel normal again. I've never had such a persistent infection; these things usually resolve (for me) within a week. It seems as if the healing process is being hindered some how and isn't completing. I dunno.

Should I increase the amount of MMS in my 32oz mix? I'm even considering a job change to get me away from all of this EMR; but when I'm normal, it doesn't bother me. EMR only makes me feel worse when I'm already weakened from something else. Sigh, who knows.

Thanks for whatever advise any one may offer.

PS: is it common to feel weaker and foggy during the first week of MMS protocol 1000?
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� #2
Old 02-22-2012, 10:22 AM
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Yes, it is common to feel foggy during the first week. This should pass with some time. You are detoxing thoughout your whole body.

I would keep up with the mms.
I would add serrapeptase to your protocol. 40,000 units 3 times a day on an empty stomach. This will reduce inflammation.

I would flush your ear with common 3% hydrogen peroxide.

If you have an ozone machine I would intill ozone gas at about 30 ppm for 3 minutes once a day... or you could purchase some ozonated olive oil and intill it into the ear with a q tip.

I would add an immune system booster like beta glucans or colostrum.

You may experience some ear drainage if you use the ozone. This is common.
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� #3
Old 02-22-2012, 10:32 AM
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bewell is on a distinguished road

Understood, thank you. I've never heard of serrapeptase. I don't have an ozone machine but it gives me something to research and consider.

The outer ear and ear drum are fine and I do have some garlic/olive oil ear drops I use when it gets bad. I'll try the peroxide next time I feel I need drops in my ear.

How do you feel about the nutritional stuff I mentioned?
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� #4
Old 02-22-2012, 11:38 AM
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The nutritional stuff is fine...

I was thinking about this some more about why you are having such difficulty and two things came to mind

One is that you have a resistant infection and that is why the antibiotics did not work but a resistant infection is not that relevant when put up against ozone. Ozone readily kills mrsa and other very dangerous infections.

and that you could possibly have a foci, a cyst of infection or an incased infection somehow where medicine is not getting to it. If that is so ozone should be able to penetrate it. It is a known fact that when ozone is applied to the inner ear that the gas will penetrate into the surrounding lymp and to the brain.

I think that a basic enlay ozone machine could do what you need. You will find it easily on a search. its about a $60 unit.
There is a lot of controversy about using a medical grade ozone machine or not. I know someone who cured their lung cancer with a non-medical grade ozone room air purifier by enlay simply by cranking it up to high and sleeping with it in an enclosed room every night.

This site sells ozone stuff and it is a good company but they dont sell enlay anymore. they have the ozonated olive oil and I have found that effective for some ear afflictions

I was thinking that castor oil packs to the neck and side of the head might be helpful
dont know.
you can read this page and see what you think https://www.healthsalon.org/41/castor-oil-packs/
Ozone gas will go right through the tissues. It is active in the body for about 30 minutes when it kills pathogens. you want to go slow. Only once a day. Increase the minutes as tolerated. It can cause your ears to itch ALOT but I assure you it will go away
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� #5
Old 02-22-2012, 11:56 AM
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I was prescribed a Z-pack when I went to my PoC Doc, I didn't take the antibiotics out of bullheadedness and a general awareness that they should really only be used for life threatening situations. Besides, the type he gave me was known to be ototoxic and my ears ring enough as it is.

Fortunately, I don't really have much issue with the ear itself, any longer. I think most of the issue with the odd feeling about the ear is air pressure from the Eustachian tube being inflamed. I have to hold my nose and pop my ears frequently throughout the day; at times the left won't pop at all. The homeopath said the tissue around the exit point of the tube was inflamed in whereas the right side was not.

Would MMS have any effect on this foci, or incased infection? I wondering if I should give the MMS more time to do it's thing and maybe take a day or two away from it to recover before I try something else. I dunno. I am going to incorporate the Serrapeptase you mentioned as soon as I get it in the mail.

I've read a bit regarding the same controversy on ozone; I have no idea if it will help, though at this point I'm willing to try.

Do you think an increase in the potency of the 1000 protocol would do any good? I would hope that after a few more days of the MMS that I will stop getting so inflammed and heated. What is odd is that the skin never darkens or turns red; it's just a feeling of a mild fever without the aches and pains. But like I said before, it's worst with MMS with the feeling of being weaker and foggy.

Thanks for help so far, gives more to consider; at least I don't feel totally out of options any longer.
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� #6
Old 02-22-2012, 12:01 PM
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bewell is on a distinguished road

BTW, it's really dry in my bedroom during the winter and if I'm too get one of these ozone machines; would it be fine to leave it running most of the time to act as a humidifier as well?
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� #7
Old 02-22-2012, 01:18 PM
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Ozone is not a humidifier and should not be used with a humidifier in the room. Humidity can affect the ozone production and many units or companies offer a dryer filter to put on line to keep humidity out, mostly needed in humid climates
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