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Default Feng Shui

Article about Feng Shui...

Celebrating Chinese New Year: The Contribution of Feng Shui

Feng Shui: Wind and Water

"Allow things in your life which make your heart sing, feed your soul
or nourish you on a daily basis."

Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway) is the ancient Chinese art of
placement to enhance the flow of "vital life energy" known as Qi.
Practitioners believe that rooms, buildings and all environments can
be arranged and decorated in a way that maximizes the flow of Qi and,
resulting in improvements to health and happiness of those who live
in that environment. Although the translation of Feng Shui basically
means "Wind and Water", its scope and breathe are much deeper than

Feng Shui is an expression of the oneness and interconnectedness of
all things on all levels and all dimensions. This is a "key concept"
in understanding how our essence relates to everything else around
us, including our environment. As we begin to sense this oneness we
then find that it is possible to gain insight from looking at our
environment on a broader scale. It is often said that "Feng Shui
teaches us what we already know".

Schools of Thought

"A place for everything and everything in its place"

The Art of Feng Shui is just that; an Art. You may have heard that
there are several schools of thought in Feng Shui- the Form School,
the Compass School and the Intuitve School. Yet another Feng Shui
derivative, Blackhat sect is said to have originated in Tibet, is
newer, and was introduced to the West by Professor Lin Yun.

Form School is a more traditional Chinese, older form of Feng Shui.
This school of feng shui began in southern China. It is based on
looking at and evaluating land forms, waterways and geography.

Black Sect Tantric Tibetan School, which has gained popularity in the
United States, disregards compass directions. Instead, you stand at
and use the entrance of the room, house or office as your main
reference point. Then you place objects and other enhancements
according to what you aspire to and wish to accomplish.

Both the Form school and the Black Sect are used extensively in the
West, and both are good introductions to Feng Shui. The difference is
that in Blackhat sect, the career area is centered on the wall that
contains the main entrance, while Form school has the career area
always in the North.

Compass School is the most predominate practice. The absence of
geographical and geological features and the relative flat topography
of northern China necessitated the development of the Compass School,
which dominates throughout most of the world. This is the
traditional, classical feng shui practice which uses either a Chinese
(luo pan) or Western-style compass to determine the eight compass
directions in a room, office or home. This compass is used to
determine the direction in which a building faces, and where the
portents will fall based on that direction. Because those directions
govern various aspects of your life, you place the corresponding
colors, animal symbols, numbers and elements in the areas that you
wish to activate.

The ancient text, the I Ching, describes the one universal flow of
nature's energy. Feng Shui derives from the ancient Taoist tradition.
The I Ching is the definitive text in which all Chinese Metaphysics
is based. It includes a full range of techniques that include Chinese
Astrology, compass methods, form methods and divining techniques.
Feng Shui utilizes two Chinese astrological systems. These are called
the Batzu - or "eight word" (also called "the four pillars"). And the
Jyo Hsing - or "nine stars" (also called the "north star method"
or "study of Qi").

The Bagua

In Feng Shui, a map called a Bagua is used to maximize the Qi or
energy of a given environment. The map divides a room into 9 squares
of equal size, with each grid corresponding to a specific "gift" in
life, such as health, love, and knowledge. The various schools of
thought in Feng Shui all use the bagua in one form or another. The
bagua, generally an octagon or square divided into nine areas, which
are sometimes referred to as "guas", is superimposed over a floor
plan of the building, room or property. Blackhat sect and Form school
Feng Shui use essentially the same bagua.

The nine areas of the bagua are (clockwise, from the northern area)
career, knowledge, family, wealth, fame, marriage, children, and
helpful people. The ninth area is the center. Each area is associated
with direction, elements, and I Ching trigram (the ancient system of
Divination). In arranging a room, 9 areas are noted to be of special
significance. The following table, which cooresponds to the Baqua,
illustrates the relationship of areas in a room (or home) in relation
to the room's Main Entrance. Imagine dividing your room (home,
office) into the following 9 areas. We have highlighted the ideal
items to enhance the movement of Qi within each location.

Direction -- north
Elements -- the color black, and water
I Ching trigram -- K'an (This is the water trigram.)

Direction -- northeast
Elements -- the color blue (black and green may be substituted or
used in addition to blue), and earth
Trigram -- Ken (This is the mountain trigram.)

Direction -- east
Elements -- the color green, and wood
Trigram -- Chen (thunder trigram)

Direction -- southeast
Elements -- the color purple (blue and red may be substituted or used
in addition to purple), and wood
Trigram -- Sun (wind trigram)

Direction -- south
Elements -- red and fire
Trigram -- Li (fire trigram)

Direction -- southwest
Elements -- pink (red and white may be substituted or used in
addition to pink) and earth
Trigram -- K'un (earth trigram)

Direction -- west
Elements -- white and metal
Trigram -- Tui (lake trigram)

Helpful People
Direction -- northwest
Elements -- gray (white and black may be substituted or used in
addition to gray)
Trigram -- Ch'ien (heaven trigram)

Direction -- the center
Elements -- yellow and earth
Trigram -- none, but it is represented by the Tai Chi symbol which
symbolizes balance, the ultimate goal of Feng Shui.

Once the bagua is superimposed over the floor plan, one can see what
parts of the building, room or property lie in each area of the
bagua. Feng Shui may be begun, using the colors and elements to
correct deficiencies or an overabundance of an element.

Deficiencies are corrected by adding the needed element or by using
its associated color. An overabundance of an element can be corrected
by adding its controlling element, by lessening the element itself,
or by using the associated colors. For example, if fire were
overabundant, then a water element could be added, thereby bringing
fire back into balance.

Everything is relative to each other. When using the bagua to
determine the Feng Shui layout, start with a floor plan of the
building and superimpose the bagua over it, as a whole; then apply
the bagua to each individual room.

Discover Feng Shui cures for your particular situation here:

"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." ~Immanual Kant~

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Old 02-05-2012, 07:27 AM
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The library had a feng shui class that I attended & it was interesting.. the instructor handed out all kinds of easy-to-follow guides as it really can get rather confusing/involved.
One of the changes I made was I took the mirror off my dresser & it made a big difference in the amount of times I 'jump' during the period when you're drifting off to sleep. lol That sounds strange, but perhaps some will understand what I mean..

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Old 02-05-2012, 07:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Cookie View Post
One of the changes I made was I took the mirror off my dresser & it made a big difference in the amount of times I 'jump' during the period when you're drifting off to sleep. lol That sounds strange, but perhaps some will understand what I mean..
Interesting Cookie, I haven't had a mirror in my bedroom for many years now. I do remember a long time ago, 'jumping' while drifting off into sleep...never even thought to relate it to the mirror over the dresser.
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Old 02-05-2012, 08:16 PM
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Yep, has something to do with your spirit exiting to travel while you sleep & reentering your body afterwards. It sees itself in the mirror & gets confused(?)
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Old 02-05-2012, 08:23 PM
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Interesting how anything that reflects (computer screen, glass in a picture frame) in your bedroom can have the same effect.

5: Mirrors, now this is another misunderstood topic as again many homes we visit have all the mirrors covered in the bedroom. It is only a problem if the mirror faces your bed and you can see your face and upper body in the reflection. If the mirror looks sideways onto your bed it is not a problem, why are mirrors in bedrooms considered bad? Two schools of thought, the first belief is when you sleep at night your soul is supposed to leave your body and when it leaves the first thing it sees is a reflection of itself and gets startled and this is what causes nightmares and a restless sleep. The second is when you sleep your body recharges itself with fresh Ch'i and the negative Ch'i leaves your body, if there is a mirror facing you the negative Ch'i cannot leave you. This does not just apply to mirrors, anything reflective like a photo, painting, computer screen or metal surface. If you cannot move the mirror place a cloth over it when you sleep.
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Old 02-05-2012, 08:44 PM
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Feng Shuid environments feel so good and nourishing. I like the decluttered aspect of it. Keep nothing under your bed.

Mirrors are not to be placed facing the front door as the chi would be reflected out of the house.

What is the name of that billionaire who has a ton of real estate. He had a TV show. He only purchased homes that had fung shui.
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Old 02-06-2012, 08:14 AM
jfh jfh is offline
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Even though I believe in astral projection, I find hard to believe that our souls venture out into the material world and interact with it. What a dichotomy of my mind. I have witnesses astral projection from a friend of our family that could do it at will. That is a special extrasensory talent. Otherwise, I think the soul only interacts with the spiritual world.

BTW, did you know that Krishna was the first divine prophet of God to teach the world that we even have a soul and that it is eternal?
- Jim
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Old 02-06-2012, 09:10 AM
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Originally Posted by jfh View Post
Even though I believe in astral projection, I find hard to believe that our souls venture out into the material world and interact with it. What a dichotomy of my mind. I have witnesses astral projection from a friend of our family that could do it at will. That is a special extrasensory talent. Otherwise, I think the soul only interacts with the spiritual world.

BTW, did you know that Krishna was the first divine prophet of God to teach the world that we even have a soul and that it is eternal?
I would love to be more spiritual and even receive spiritual healing but it scares me a little because I haven't been able to discern faith healers with my Christian beliefs. Many faith healers don't give Jesus any recognition.
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Old 02-06-2012, 09:16 AM
jfh jfh is offline
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Originally Posted by mommysunshine View Post
I would love to be more spiritual and even receive spiritual healing but it scares me a little because I haven't been able to discern faith healers with my Christian beliefs. Many faith healers don't give Jesus any recognition.
Agree. But remember that Jesus said that by your faith, you are healed. In other words, it is not Jesus or anyone else that heals you. You heal yourself. And in your case, you heal yourself, because of your faith in Jesus.
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