� #1
Old 01-21-2012, 01:19 AM
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hobo is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up MMS1 upgrades to the New CDS

Chlorine Dioxide Solution.. I sincerely hope that some of you who are well versed with the MMS protocols will help out here! To help with the information needed with the latest protocols and various questions some may have concerning the CDS. Thank YOU!!
~To start off with "some" information, a few weeks ago, I brushed up on how to make it and it sounded so intriguing that I gave it a try...
I first had to go out shopping for a few supplies, such as a one burner elect. hot plate that operated with adjustable-heat-setting, found one in a Goodwill store for 3 buck.
~ I got 10 of the 4oz. and 1 of the 8 oz. Pet plastic bottles on order,
~ I already had some Sodium Chlorite and Citric Acid left from way back when..so I was covered with those item,
~ Thanks to my wife, we already had a candy thermometer that's easy to ready the temps.
~then I took a short piece of ozone 3/8 ID, tubing and cut it about 2 ft. long, and then cut one end again at a 45 degree angle, [to squeeze into the rubber stopper top], plastic oxygen hose/tubing won't work, it has to be able to handle chemicals processes being passed through it.. Ace hardware also carries some..or the internet...
~The other item that I needed was a "candy thermometer", as the temp of the MMS/Citric acid mix is not suppose to get above 150 degree to the low end ~ 180 at the high RED zone! Go over 180 and you might as well start over again!
~As for the distilling process, I had a 4 oz. old glass tincture bottle, [sterilized it of course], which I pulled the rubber top off of the dropper, and with a pair of scissors, carefully cut a very small hole out of the tip of the dropper top, just a hair smaller than my ozone tubing, for a good tight fit, I then forced the ozone tube end, that I had cut a 45 degree angle cut on, through the end of it, just far enough to be seated well into the rubber dropper top. That way it will not go down into the heated distilling solution.
~ Next, I cooked a bottle of MMS1 ~ then I mixed up another bottle of Citric Acid 50% solution. [not the 10% mix]
~ That way, I'm will be ready to throw together 1 fluid oz. of ea. [MMS1 with Citric acid 50% mix when it's time to start" the distilling process.
~ 1 oz. of ea. will give me a total of 2 oz. of the working solution in the 4 oz. glass tincture bottle, and will leave about 2 oz. free space for the CDS gas to vaporize out of the 4 oz. bottle,
~ then this will be kept on the hot plate at 150-175 degrees to be on the "safe side". The lower the heat ~ the longer the distilling process.
~The other end of the "ozone tubing" will go in the bottle quickly after the distilling process begins, there will be a little room for the gas to escape off of the cold side of the mixture..so a fan or whatever might help, I simply stayed out of the kitchen while it was being distilled, other than stepping in to check the temps every 10 mins. or so..so it didn't really bother me..
~I put the 8 oz. plastic Pet bottle, almost full of distilled water, in a bowl of ice cubes and wrapped a kitchen towel around it to keep it cold.
~ After the whole process of distilling the CDS was completed, I quickly put the final 8 oz. bottle of CDS into two 4oz. Pet bottles and then cap it tightly and put it in the fridge to keep "cold". [Never freeze it though]

Okay.. I'll try to fine tune these steps again, to help clarify them..
~Putting all the above together~ Here's what we have to do to make the CDS.

1. Put your kitchen top home made distillery items together ~ Get a shallow-small pan of regular water [ just deep enough so your 4 oz. glass bottle will sit in it without rolling over on it's side, you might want to sit your hot plate up about 3 or 4 inches higher than your cooler bottles set up ~ get the water heated up to temp. Takes approx. 20 min. leaving your candy thermometer in the water at all times for continued monitoring.
2. Once the heated water is ready, pack your ice cubes around your 8 oz. bottle of distilled water, and wrap a small towel around it to help insulate the coldness, leaving this bottle uncapped so you can later stick the other end of your ozone tubing into it at the time needed. It might help to do a test run of all the steps, to avoid any unforeseen delays when the real distilling set up begins.
3. Put approx. 1 oz. MMS1 solution into your 4 oz. tinture bottle, then quickly mix in 1 oz. of your Citric acid 50% solution. give it a gentle swirl to start it's gas making process, cap it off securely with the end of the ozone tubing fitted with the rubber stopper cap and quickly sit this into the hot water, don't forget to keep the candy thermometer in the water throughout the entire process. Maintaining at a 150-175 temp.
4. Quickly put the other end of your ozone tubing, into your 8 oz. plastic Pet bottle, running the tubing all the way down to the bottom of the "cold" distilled water bottle, this should already be sitting in your bowl of ice cubes.
5. The CDS gas will immediately start to flow slightly "downward" through the ozone tubing into the cold distilled water bottle, turning the water yellow in color, [the same as you see when waiting 3 min. for a regular mixing of MMS with Citric acid], allow the process to Keep Working for approx. half hr. [ I have done a batch and left it working for 1 hr. and it came out just fine], You will be able to know when the solution is all worked out by giving a smell check of the gas escaping the bottle in your ice bowl, it will become faint compared to the stronger smell when it is working soon after the distilling process begins.
6. Once it has worked off about all it's going to, then quickly shut everything down, "Quickly" pour your 8 oz. of CDS into two 4 oz. plastic Pet bottles, cap em' off and sit them in the cold fridge.. That's it ~ You're Done!
~Dispose of the solution left on the hot plate..it's already done it's job. Leaving you with two 4oz. bottles of GOLDEN CDS.
Okay, now you have a supply of CDS already bottled up for use.
Instead of "drop" of you will be using "CC's"
~At your local farm n' feed store, you can get a small syringe with the CC's marked on the side of it, I personally use a 20 ga. syringe which works fine to draw the CDS up and measure out doses. I'm very careful with needles, but you can use the syringe without the needle on it too.
Something else I picked up at the Goodwill store, is a small 1oz. glass, any 1 oz. shot glass will do too.
I uncap 8 of my 4 oz. plastic Pet bottles, "almost fill them" with Cold Distilled Water, gently pour about 1/2 to 3/4 oz. of the CDS into the small shot glass, I then quickly draw up 1 CC and squirt this CDS into ea. of the 8 plastic 4 oz. Pet bottles, capping them off one by one as the CDS goes into them. [quickly, so as to not let too much of the gas escape] then after they are all done, I gently turn them upside down to mix up the solution and immediately get them out of the light into the fridge, this last process takes about 10min. a day, to drink 1 of the 4oz. bottles down, don't sip at it, get it down quick, even though there's very little noticeable taste with it.
1 cc of CDS = 3 drops of MMS1 8 doses a day = 24 drops of MMS1
2 cc of CDS = 6 drops of MMS1 8 doses a day = 48 drops of MMS1
STOP right there!!..
CDS is not what you might be use to as "Ramping upward".
If you do 3 cc's per dose 8 times a day, you won't like the "sore throat" that you'll end up with. CDC has a cumulative effect.. the continued 1 cc dose does it's job exceptionally well... More doesn't result in better healing necessarily!
Only in emergency cases, Jim has used up to 4 cc's with Malaria's Life threatening cases!
~According to Dr. Jennifer Gomez, who works with Jim's team, said that taking the CDS should be taken slowly at 1 CC per dose, if all goes well, after a period of time, but in the case of any sore throat or any reactions at all, drop back to 1/2 cc or even 1/4 cc. as she explained that the body needs time to slowly heal itself as the benefits and progress continues, 1 cc of CDS is the standard dose and with some that has been taking it for awhile has worked up to 2 cc's with no problems.
CDS ~ The break down Potential, [or methods used to determine how active an oxidant is], Chlorine Dioxide comes in at 0.95 volts, oxygen rates at 1.28 volts, Hydrogen peroxide at 1.80 volts, and Ozone at the top at 2.07 volts.
So chlorine dioxide is the weakest oxidizer. Wishing you all much success and wellness always and in all ways!
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Old 01-21-2012, 06:52 AM
jfh jfh is offline
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That's way too much trouble for the reward. Seems like a combination of MMS1 and MMS2 should do everything you need. From what I've read, MMS2 is all you really need.

How stable is that? Can you make a batch and store it for a long time? If so, the finished product could be sold on the market using some fake purpose, like water purification.
- Jim

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Old 01-21-2012, 09:23 AM
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CDS has to remain cold to stay active. So refrigeation is required. Its probably really helpful for those who cant tolerate the taste or smell of MMS1
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius
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Old 01-21-2012, 10:29 PM
Join Date: Mar 2010
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hobo is on a distinguished road

I've only made 1 batch of CDS, ~that was 2 weeks before Christmas, ~I don't take it everyday, and still have 3/4 of a 4 oz. bottle left, it's still shows a Golden Yellow color and seems to be just as potent as the day I made it.. [about 45 days ago.]
When the CDS starts to lose it's potency, it will start turning back to clear color.

According to one of the youtube video's on it, Jim said that 8 oz. of the Pure CDS will last a user about 2 weeks,
[assuming 8 doses a day]
~ So I'm assuming some adjustments can be made for a user to double the receipt and make up a months supply as easily as a 2 weeks supply.

With MMS1~
~ a user waits the 3 minutes for the MMS1 to mix with their Citric acid, then mixing it with a drink. Prep time about 5 min. ea. dose~8 doses a day = 40 min. per day.

With CDS ~
~ 8 of the 4oz. distilled water bottles, takes me 10 min. to prepare, and that's it.

10 min. ~ verses ~ 40 min. per day. = 30min. a day less time spent.

*Of course it takes about an hour to distill 1oz. MMS1 & 1 oz. Citric acid into 8 oz. of cold distilled water every couple of weeks, [if taking 8 doses a day.]

To carry this on for 2 wks. @ 30min. day X 7 days = 210min. or 3 1/2 hrs. per wk. & Times 2 = 7 hrs. for 2 wks.
Less approx. 1 hr. to make the CDS still leaves approx. 6 hrs. less time spent over a 2 wk. dosing period.

The CDS in distilled water doesn't have the acidic issue to deal with, this is what many found upsetting their stomachs. I don't know if anyone here is getting Jim Humbles newletters or not, but almost every issue he gives more and more information about what he and his team are doing with CDS and the results of it's use over the MMS1.
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