� #1
Old 09-02-2011, 06:38 PM
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trailingedge is on a distinguished road
Default DMSO and Herpes HSV2

I have had great success with DMSO and healing genital outbreaks. Previously on anti viral meds, an outbreak would only last a few days. DMSO works just the same. For me, It stops any itching and prevents any blisters forming.
All that is apparent is a small, slightly red area but it progresses no further than that.
I have a question.
Assuming that the DMSO is killing the virus at the genital area, does that mean that the total virus numbers so to speak are diminishing? In other words, if I keep killing it at an outbreak stage, will there eventually be a time when there is no more virus left?
I ask this as I'm not 100% sure how the virus operates...whether it replicates on continual basis at the base of the spine or is there generally a certain amount of infested cells to which killing them over time will reduce their numbers to practically zero.
I'd appreciate any feedback or comments.
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� #2
Old 09-05-2011, 01:49 PM
Join Date: Jul 2011
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truestorytotell is on a distinguished road

Ok i hate saying this but you cant cure herpes,you can only treat the symptoms...According to the modern medical community,whatever what do they know,dont let that bring you down listen,like someone said ''Once the body heals it heals''

i have as a goal to eliminate my herpes,but im not dillusional i know it will take years,and there is a chance i might not sucseed,but thats where mind power comes into play,you need to believe that it will work...

The first step is to decide that you will not let that virus live in you,it hides in a nerve and it comes out when your immune system drops,and when the immune system recovers the virus goes into hiding again,consider it as gorilla warfare

So start,excersise,correct adequate sleep,supplements,nutrition,vitamins,no smoking no coffees no alcohol none of those sh stuff you already know are bad for you...

all i can say is,when the body heals,it heals...

my honest advice would be to move to the mountains,in a village,eat the fruit and vegetable as soon as its cut,drink the milk and eat the yogurt as soon as they are made,you get me? breathe the fresh air,drink clean good water...

its hard,but i believe it can be done,and i will do it,but it takes time...step by step,one day at a time
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� #3
Old 09-05-2011, 03:44 PM
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I think the virus hides also and comes out under periods of stress, either mental or physical.

There are people who believe that they have cured herpes because they have gone for years without an outbreak. Its hard to say if the virus is really gone as I don't think there is any kind of test for it without an outbreak in progress.

Fortunately it is only contagious when an outbreak is happening.. which includes the early stages during just the itch.

Some people also find that Lugol's iodine will stop an outbreak. Good to know about the DMSO. I am not too surprised as DMSO is a sulfur compound and sulfur is historically curative to a number of skin conditions.
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius
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� #4
Old 09-05-2011, 03:57 PM
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truestorytotell is on a distinguished road

Ive also read that it can be contagious even if no blisters are visible...basically something about shedding if i remember correctly,and it only happens from time to time and its not constant(im talking about periods with NO outbreaks)

i could be wrong dont take my word for this one,i just read it somewhere or in a few places on the net...

Stress is correct,it affects everything the partybreaker

Arrow there is a test actually,i dunno if its fo real and if it works or not and how effective it is in giving accurate results,but here i have a link somwhere

The PCR test is not commonly done on the skin lesions themselves but it is best for testing spinal fluid.

i got nothing on DMSO...
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� #5
Old 09-05-2011, 04:00 PM
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truestorytotell is on a distinguished road

i found some more interesting stuff i had left somewhere deep in my brain...or my facebook inbox :P

here take a link,arrow or anyone check it out and let us know your opinions...?


Herpes is difficult to kill, and the establishment preaches that it is impossible to cure herpes. You will need to forget everything that you have learned about health care from modern medicine, because what I am going to tell you will fly in the face of it.

Herpes hides when the immune system is strong, so the only time it can be killed is during an outbreak. This means that the only time the immune system has an opportunity to kill herpes is when the immune system is already weakened. When the immune system begins recovering and winning against the herpes, then the it goes into hiding again. This is the endless cycle for herpes suffers. It is an internal gorilla warfare perpetually sapping the strength and health from its victim.

  • Wait until you are sick with the flu, and it triggers an outbreak of herpes
  • Do NOT use any antibiotics or steroids
  • Remove carbohydrates, chocolate, and all sugars from your diet for the 2 weeks
  • Take lysine, zinc, and a food based multivitamin during this time
  • Increase your protein intake, but avoid nuts (due to arginine counteracting lysine)
  • Apply a patch of 2% iodine to your skin which is about the size of a large coin, every day. Increase the amount if absorption takes **12 hours or less.

It may take more than one attempt to kill it, but it is worth the effort in the long term considering the benefits upon your health of being herpes free. To have a good chance at success, this protocol must be followed religiously. Good luck.

I have found that the herbal supplement Astragalus taken at the first sign of an outbreak of herpes 1, usually tingling or soreness on the lip, will stop the virus. Take two capsules together of the root extract, at least 400mg. It works great!
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� #6
Old 09-05-2011, 04:03 PM
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I mean its simple,and i like it...wouldnt hurt to try right?

i havent and im not saying anyone should,but i will at some point probably...
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� #7
Old 09-05-2011, 04:07 PM
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truestorytotell is on a distinguished road


and another link,this is differend procedure completely,it has nothing to do with the link i posted previousley...

this one makes me want to live on a mountain somewhere,in a village y know (fresh food and everything)...Oxygen mmmm,clean oxygen,it would be awesome...where i live the humidity is unbearable...
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� #8
Old 09-05-2011, 04:10 PM
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I see nothing wrong with the protocol... harmful I mean.

Use Lugols iodine. Its the best. In fact you would do well to take it orally. 5 or 7% is what you want and this is the place to purchase it. www.herbhealers.com

As I said topical lugols stops an outbreak dead in its tracks. I have not heard that the above protocol is curative. Its not a new plan except for the addition of the iodine.

I don't know exactly where the virus hides in the nerve cells so its hard to say.
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� #9
Old 09-05-2011, 04:39 PM
Join Date: Jan 2010
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trailingedge is on a distinguished road

Thanks truestorytotell for your comments.
On the contrary, I am of positive mind and already live a healthy and very active lifestyle...for most of your lifestyle suggestions, most informed HSV2 people are, I would imagine, already aware of.
My question was really regarding the virusus movemental and replicating behaviours...
DMSO is killing the virus at the outbreak stage...but is it to the detriment of the total virus numbers? That I am not sure.
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