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Old 11-04-2006, 09:45 AM
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Default HOW to make your own Colloidal Silver

I originally copied this from that other health forum but did not copy the authors name so I can�t credit him. But this came up as a topic on a different forum totally unrelated to health so I though I should post it here.

In a nutshell this method describes a way to make best quality CS for internal use. The trick is to use a very low current between the electrodes but run it for a long period of time. At the same time you want to have an aquarium fish pump bubbling air through the water.

� 1. Buy a 6 volt DC transformer (your typical black wall wart) for about 5 clams. (Radio Shack, etc.) Better yet, pick up one at a flea market for $.50. The current doesn't matter as this method uses less than one ma.

� 2. Clip the connector off the end of the wire.

� 3. Get two alligator clips from Radio Shack for a buck.

� 4. Carefully separate the two wires. Strip the insulation off for about 1 inch.

� 5. Connect each lead to the clip.

� 6. You need two electrodes. Don't waste $15.00 for 1/4 oz. pieces of silver wire. Go to a any coin store and buy two Canadian Maple Leafs for about $6.50 ea. Each has 1.2 oz. of .9999 pure silver, enough to make more CS than you will ever use.

� 7. Buy a gallon of distilled water for about .70.

� 8. Buy a tiny fish tank bubbler machine for about 8 bucks. They will have the neoprene tubing as well. You will need about two feet.

� 9. Be sure the coin is squeaky clean. Clamp them to opposite sides of an 8 oz. glass of distilled water.

� 10. Place the tubing to the bottom of the glass.

� 11. Fill the glass with distilled water ONLY up to the bottom of the clips. One does not want the metal, from the clips, in contact with the water. (this is, a definite no no.) only the coins.

� 12. Plug in the little transformer and oxygenation machine.

� 13. Run for about five hours.

� 14. Carefully remove the coins. There will be residue on them and you don't want that in the solution. For even more purity, use the neoprene tubing and siphon the solution into a clean glass/or plastic container. (In these parts a siphon hose is referred to as an "Arkansas credit card".)

� 15. Keep the CS out of sunlight in an air tight bottle.

� 16. Clean the coins thoroughly preparing for the next batch.

Now you have high quality CS in about 5 PPM. Some scoundrels claim their CS is 100-800 PPM. This is rubbish. At such concentrations the particles would agglomerate forming much larger particles. Basic chemistry.

{Last night I spoke with Frank Key, the scientist who owns the laboratory. He observed, "You have stumbled on to a fine way to make CS." He did state that the potency would diminish over time and suggested that one make a new batch every fortnight. Considering that costs you nothing it makes sense.

He said the secret was the low voltage and the fish pump. I thought it was due to more oxygen in the water. He stated it was because of the introduction of carbon dioxide, explaining in chemical terms which were over my head. The fish pump in 100% vital to the process.}
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� #2
Old 08-23-2008, 09:59 AM
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Default SOTA news

I think Mad Scientest's post is the best place for this news.
I get a newsletter from SOTA, and this article is in today's letter.

Continued threats ... the Politics of Health in Canada, the US and Europe
Bill C-51
Protests from Canadians who want the freedom to choose Natural Health Products has slowed the progress of Bill C-51. This bill is designed to bring all Natural Health Products (NHPs) into the same class as prescription and over-the-counter drugs and organs for transplants—all are lumped together as “Therapeutic Products.” Bill C-51 would replace the current Food and Drugs Act with a proposed new Food and Therapeutic Products Act.
Canadians have a champion on the government side of the House of Commons. Member of Parliament Dr. James Lunney sent a letter to the Minister of Health. He reminds the Minister “… if it is not the government’s intention to restrict access to NHPs or remove products from the market, why do we need a notwithstanding clause that permits a product that meets the legal definition of an NHP to be classed as a drug and thus removed from the public domain?”
The letter posted at www.jameslunneymp.ca/speeches.php continues, “The search and seizure powers in C-51 are also troubling. Inspectors seizing or ordering recalls of products that Canadians rely upon for their health and well-being amounts to making health decisions that inspectors are not qualified to make; surely it is not too much to ask to have inspectors justify their enforcement decisions to a judge before proceeding.”
Bill C-52 and further Loss of Freedoms
Bill C-52 is a potential threat to Natural Health Products and would directly impact SOTA. This Bill, “The Canada Consumer Product Safety Act,” swiftly passed second reading in parliament. It is now in the hands of the Standing Committee on Health for review.
The government already has the power to ensure the complete safety of Canadians. Bill C-52 gives the government police state powers by eliminating all the safeguards Canadians and Canadian businesses currently enjoy against any excessive actions by government bureaucrats. It allows government to trespass and trample on Canadians and Canadian businesses without any recourse.
more... United States
We are passing along a press release concerning a renewed threat to Natural Health Products in the US. Health regulations in the US are being pushed to restrict the sale of Natural Health Products in accordance with International regulations.
In this press release, the National Health Federation (NHF) provides information to support the Health Freedom Protection Act (H.R. 2117). The NHF is the only consumer health organization with recognized observer-delegate status at Codex meetings. Scott Tips of the NHF speaks eloquently at the meetings in an effort to bring common sense to the drive to limit access to Natural Health Products.
This link provides information and suggestions for action:
International regulations have advanced further in Europe. Two organizations representing consumers are involved in the fight for freedom of choice in health care and the need to save natural health products. Both groups are based in the UK.
Consumer for Choice in Health Care:
The Alliance for Natural Health:
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� #3
Old 08-23-2008, 10:12 AM
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All this proves is that if certain people want certain outcomes, money can talk. Seems though that sometimes money talks dirty, when it's used to influence things that shouldn't happen.

When will people just leave what isn't broke alone. It's nobody but the consumers right, to buy non-prescription products, and choose their own protocols of treatment.
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� #4
Old 09-02-2008, 07:00 PM
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Quite true, but the official health care providers and the drug companies what you to buy only their services and this is of course a way to force you to do that. Naturally it is for your own safety.
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� #5
Old 01-12-2011, 07:41 PM
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So I am going to build my own colloidal silver machine. Your original post Mad Scientest is the same directions I found that I will use for a basic guideline. If anyone else has any input or any info that contradicts what I have here, please feel free to post it, I would like to make the best quality stuff I can.

As far as I understand it, higher voltage is better and that 30V was ideal. Smaller current is better because it produces smaller pieces of silver. When you build a standard CS machine, when you first start off your batch, it draws very little amps, less than 1mA. This is good because you are splitting small pieces off of the silver. As the water accumulates more and more silver, it becomes more conductive, allowing more Amps to be drawn. The process starts to speed up, but at the cost of the size of silver particles. With more current flowing through, the pieces of silver come off in bigger chunks. This is why if you can keep the amps low, it will take longer but you will get a better product. The bubbler I believe has two funtions. One is to introduce carbon dioxide. The other is to keep the solution mixing. I think this helps the particles of silver from amalgamating,, espcially inbetween the two electrodes.

I am going to use two 10guage .9999 pure silver rods, a AC to DC adapter that is output at 24V 200mA. A little aquarium air pump with the hose blowing air up right between the two electrodes. Just waiting on the silver to get it all going.
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� #6
Old 01-14-2011, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by jofus View Post
With more current flowing through, the pieces of silver come off in bigger chunks.
This is not how it works.

One single electron is removed from each silver atom, creating positively charged silver ions, not chunks of silver. It is very important to use only distilled water when making a batch of colloidal silver. The reason is simple. You must start with pure water, void of any chemicals or minerals.

The resistance of distilled water is very high and this is very important because it needs to be in order to make proper colloidal ionic silver. If you start with any other type of water, it will greatly affect the quality of the batch.

The bubbler I believe has two funtions. One is to introduce carbon dioxide. The other is to keep the solution mixing.
The sole purpose of the bubbler is to constantly stir the silver ions, thus keeping the solution "balanced". There is no carbon dioxide produced.

I think this helps the particles of silver from amalgamating,, espcially inbetween the two electrodes.
This is also not true.

The silver being produced is ionic silver, however, silver particles are also being produced. These silver particles are bigger than the silver ions.

Once the solution is completed and is stored in a glass or approved plastic container, a process called agglomeration takes place. This process consists of the silver particals "absorbing" some of the silver ions. This will take place over a few days to a couple of weeks, and it is this process that gives the silver solution its golden color. The solution also gets darker as up to 50% of the silver ions become absorbed by the silver particles.

This does not mean the solution becomes weaker. It only means there is now more silver particles and less ionic silver.

Just a word of advice when making your own colloidal silver generator. I made my own generator years ago, but instead of using silver rods I used two pure silver Canadian Maple coins. I used reverse osmosis water, which was a mistake. I also didn't have a TDS meter, so I couldn't measure the total dissolved solids in the water I was using, thus, really had no idea what quality of silver I was making.

The bottom line is start with distilled water. That way you know you are going to produce a decent silver sollution. Also make sure you clean the silver rods after each batch. This is very important because this will help to keep the solution free of silver hydroxide, which is something you don't want in your solution.

Buy a copper pot scraper to clean the silver rods. Copper cleans silver! These copper pot scrapers cost only a buck or two and you will be surprised how good it works to keep the rods clean. Other than that, don't contaminate your silver rods by touching them with your fingers or any chemical cleaners... just copper and kleenex, and use only distilled water to clean the glass container that you use to make the solution in. Don't use a metal container or plastic.

And finally, keep your finished product out of direct sunlight.
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� #7
Old 01-15-2011, 07:29 AM
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What do you think about using deionized water? It is the most pure water I can find and it has less than .08 ppm. Culligan Water sells it, and the manager there told me its what the labs use for experiments.
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� #8
Old 02-02-2011, 11:54 AM
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Anyone that has made or knows anything about making colloidal silver please give me some advise. I built my silver generator yesterday and could not produce any silver water after letting it run 12 hours. I am using 10guage .99997 pure silver wire electodes about 6" long. I have them in about 3 liter glass jar of distilled water. My power source is an ac to dc wall adapter output 5V 400mA. I also have a little aquarium air bubbler hose down to the bottom, blowing bubbles up inbetween the silver electrodes. After 12 hours, one of the elctrodes had some oxidization visible on it. My TDS meter read 0-1PPM when I started, and 0-1PPM after 12 hours, and the Tyndall effect was not changed. My electrodes are approx 3.75" apart. I am thinking maybe they are to far apart, or maybe my voltage is to low for the amount of water I have in the jar. Any help, suggestions, or insight is appreciated.

PS My TDS meter does work, I have tested it on other waters and it has been acuruate with in 1 PPM.
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� #9
Old 02-03-2011, 01:05 PM
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Try moving the electrodes closer together, distilled water is not know for its conductivity.
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� #10
Old 02-03-2011, 10:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Mad Scientest View Post
Try moving the electrodes closer together, distilled water is not know for its conductivity.
I agree.

Also, the voltage could be higher. On the generator that I have, the voltage is 30 volts. As the solution increases in ppm, the voltage drops in direct proportion, eventually ending up at around 15 volts upon completion of the batch.

As well, the silver rods are less than one inch apart. That helps with conduction, especially at the beginning of the process..

On a final note, the silver rods are #7 guage rather than the standard #12 gauge (much thinner). This allows for a greater silver to water ratio.
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� #11
Old 02-04-2011, 11:40 AM
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Too late, I purchased a silver puppy last night. No use messing around when for a couple hundred$ I can have a proven method of generating silver water.
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