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Frater Aegagrus
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\r\n \r\n\r\nLightbulb\r\n\r\n Niacin (Vit. B3) and Alcoholism.\r\n
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\r\n \r\n Took a 1000mg Niacin capsule on an empty stomach yesterday.
\nGlad I knew what \'niacin flush\' was before that storm kicked in! It felt like I was tied between two stakes in Death Valley at 2:30 in the afternoon. This lasted for 30 minutes; the beet red skin. Total flush was about one hour, concluding with the trademark pin pricks typical of smaller flushes. Curiously, once the discomfort left, I had this feeling of euphoria. During the beet red phase, I did a little research and found a few things I thought were truly remarkable.

\nThe Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism: Orthomolecular Treatment of Addictions

\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n Orthomolecular regimens of vitamins complemented other treatments but contrasted with the standard methods. Most psychiatrists only offered talk therapy or treatments with drugs, talks or electric shocks. Why bother telling drunk, depressed, anxious or psychotic patients that their brains need optimum nutrition? Don�t sick patients know that alcohol can deplete nutrients and interfere with brain function? Dr. Hoffer remained true to the principles of good medicine; he considered the root causes of symptoms before making a differential diagnosis and recommending treatments. He knew that certain nutrients are essential for health and wellbeing. Hoffer researched metabolic, biochemical and nutritional factors involved with mental illness. He identified alcohol as a liquid sugar, just by looking at its chemical formula. Hoffer believed that biochemical individuality and sugar cravings contribute to alcoholism especially if patients have low blood sugar or problems metabolizing alcohol. As a biochemist, Hoffer reasoned that niacin (vitamin B3) could restore mental health, even after repeated episodes of drinking. He researched vitamin therapy for decades, found it safe and effective and helped thousands of patients recover and live well. \r\n \r\n
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\nDoes it work? I can\'t say for sure, but based on the theory and the euphoria I felt yesterday, if I was battling ANY addiction I\'d certainly give it a try. \r\n
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\r\n __________________
\r\n I\'d rather meander for the prevention than race for the cure. \r\n
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� #1
Old 12-03-2012, 10:01 AM
Solstice Goat's Avatar
Frater Aegagrus
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 1,192
Solstice Goat will become famous soon enough
Lightbulb Niacin (Vit. B3) and Alcoholism.

Took a 1000mg Niacin capsule on an empty stomach yesterday.

Glad I knew what 'niacin flush' was before that storm kicked in! It felt like I was tied between two stakes in Death Valley at 2:30 in the afternoon. This lasted for 30 minutes; the beet red skin. Total flush was about one hour, concluding with the trademark pin pricks typical of smaller flushes. Curiously, once the discomfort left, I had this feeling of euphoria. During the beet red phase, I did a little research and found a few things I thought were truly remarkable.

The Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism: Orthomolecular Treatment of Addictions

Orthomolecular regimens of vitamins complemented other treatments but contrasted with the standard methods. Most psychiatrists only offered talk therapy or treatments with drugs, talks or electric shocks. Why bother telling drunk, depressed, anxious or psychotic patients that their brains need optimum nutrition? Don�t sick patients know that alcohol can deplete nutrients and interfere with brain function? Dr. Hoffer remained true to the principles of good medicine; he considered the root causes of symptoms before making a differential diagnosis and recommending treatments. He knew that certain nutrients are essential for health and wellbeing. Hoffer researched metabolic, biochemical and nutritional factors involved with mental illness. He identified alcohol as a liquid sugar, just by looking at its chemical formula. Hoffer believed that biochemical individuality and sugar cravings contribute to alcoholism especially if patients have low blood sugar or problems metabolizing alcohol. As a biochemist, Hoffer reasoned that niacin (vitamin B3) could restore mental health, even after repeated episodes of drinking. He researched vitamin therapy for decades, found it safe and effective and helped thousands of patients recover and live well.
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Does it work? I can't say for sure, but based on the theory and the euphoria I felt yesterday, if I was battling ANY addiction I'd certainly give it a try.
I'd rather meander for the prevention than race for the cure.
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addicition, alcoholism, niacin, vitamin b3

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