� #1
Old 01-20-2011, 12:38 PM
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Default irritated urethral opening (meatus)

So the end of my urethra/meatus/opening has been irritated on and off for over a year now..

its not very bad.. it seemed to start around the time my prostate issues started .. however, im not convinced its an infection or anything like that.

A few times around taht time, my urethra got stuck to my boxer shorts, then i moved and it sort of pulled/ripped on it, and caused the tissue to swell and become irritated.. I think its just sort of never properply healed since then.. granted its not very bad most of the time, just slightly red.. but sometimes, especially after mastrubation, sex, it gets a bit puffy/irritated.. Also I seem to rub it against my shorts from time to time, which makes it puff out and sort of pulls the inner part outwards a bit..

Any remedies for this? I was thinking of buying silk boxers to try and limit friction/irritation during the day.. but I would like to apply some type of oil to the tip from time to time to soothe/repair/reduce inflammation.. but needs to be something that wont cause any complications or anything obviously.

I wonder if coconut oil or a bit of castor oil would work?

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� #2
Old 01-20-2011, 09:48 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 311
jofus is on a distinguished road

I have used DMSO on that area for my epididymitits and it seemed to help the symptoms. It did burn for a little while, which kind of scared me at first, I used a 70/30 blend. I have read you can dilute it more with distilled water to stop it from burning as much. DMSO works as an anti-inflammatory, and it also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
I used a little spray bottle to apply it. It is necessary to practice cation when using that stuff, and it may also cause a body oder for up to 24 hours after you use it. I drank a teaspoon mixed in water and had every one at my work the next day saying I smelt like sulfer.
I have used coconut oil on that area as well with no ill effects, I don't think it helped my condition any though.
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� #3
Old 01-21-2011, 01:48 AM
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hmm maybe I will try that.. so your epididymitis caused urethral irritation? Is your epididymitis painful?
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� #4
Old 01-23-2011, 09:38 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 311
jofus is on a distinguished road

I didn't really have any urethral irritation. It is painful, although now it is nothing more than a dull ache. It seemed to be worse after ejaculation, but that appears to not bother it anymore. Most of my pain now is above the testicles in the goin and lower abdomin area. Lower back as well. The pain has moved around a lot since this began, I even had pain in my right leg down to my knee, but that went away after I took lamisil. Thats why I am still leaning towards this being cause by a fungus, in my case anyway.
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ejaculation, epididymitis, groin, meatus, testicles, urethral

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