Our bodies seek a certain amount of sodium to keep our osmotic equilibrium in balance.
Not doubting that, but also keeping in mind that all bodies are different. Sodium is also gained from various sources outside of direct salt intake so limiting the addition of salt to the diet is not cutting all sodium from your body.
Not doubting that, but also keeping in mind that all bodies are different. Sodium is also gained from various sources outside of direct salt intake so limiting the addition of salt to the diet is not cutting all sodium from your body.
True, however, by not eating natural salt, intake of the essential mineral chloride will be limited.
Years ago, most people ate processed meat once or twice per year. Now most people eat processed meat several times per day, and that is a big issue.
Processed meat is preserved with nitrates or nitrites, as mentioned by Jim, and it is these preservatives that poison the body. These poisons are in all deli meats, sliced bacon, peperoni, etc., and also pizza and in burgers.
The only solution is to avoid these "meat" products.
As for the salt, sodium and chloride are essential nutrients without which you can't make stomach acid. Sodium/chloride is essential to move water around in the body, for proper brain function, and health in general.
Sodium must balance with potassium, so if you use alot of salt, increase your potassium intake by eating a banana or two per day.
The Japanese use 11 or 12 grams of salt per day, and have much less stroke and heart attack than us westerners, because salt has nothing to do with high blood pressure or heart attack.
I would suggest using a real salt as opposed to regular table salt, which is stripped of all its trace minerals, heated to very high temperature, then chemicals are added to help prevent clogging in the salt shaker.
Mmm... you don't need large amounts of it and it can be found in seaweed, rye, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, and olives. What is the tradeoff of getting Chloride through salt if you have an inflammatory response when eating it? I'd rather stick to eating whole foods than eating salt, becoming inflamed and then dealing with the repercussions of that.
I remember trying that country ham stuff once..OMG.. the salt was unbearable.. and I could feel my blood pressure rising and I didnt have a blood pressure issue then..
I remember trying that country ham stuff once..OMG.. the salt was unbearable.. and I could feel my blood pressure rising and I didnt have a blood pressure issue then..
I saw a slice in a package and bought it (like 15 yrs ago), it was like eating straight salt. Disgusting
Grossly irresponsible of Mr Kresser to say all that. Google 'red meat cancer link' there are pages and pages of results. Scores of studles have shown conclusively that red meat consumption increases cancer risk.
Who is Chris Kresser? Oh yes, an apologist for the now debunked 'Caveman diet'.
Knight notes that Mr Kresser has launched his own range of supplements. Cavemen took bottled supplements?
Though if the 'caveman diet' is so wonderful what do 'you' need supplements for anyway? Oh yes, that's right, because the theory is flawed.
....It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness, that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.
Grossly irresponsible of Mr Kresser to say all that.
I'm afraid I'm not in the mood to respond to those who haven't understood human evolution and grasped the idea that the way humans live now is somewhat different to the time when the bulk of our evolution occurred.
If you've lived for many years eating the typical Western Diet it is unrealistic to think that just switching to a paleo or low carb approach is instantly going to restore all your vitamin/mineral deficiency states overnight.
If you think about Vitamin D or magnesium it should be obvious that modern food sources irrespective of whether or not they are paleo/low Carb or Veggie will fix those deficiency states however much attention to detail you apply.
Get yourself a blood test and unless you are taking an effective strength supplement you will be below 125nmol/l 50ng/ml if you live in the UK it won't make any difference whatever your diet you still need some essential vitamins.
Isn't it strange how all these 'Paleo gurus' have expensive books, supplements and shakes to hawk.
If the Paleo diet can make you ill, and requires the use of supplements and shakes, then it isn't a healthy diet, it isn't a natural diet and it certainly isn't the "ideal diet" - and nor should it be promoted as such.
It isn't historically accurate either. Man is naturally a fruitarian.
Isn't it strange how all these 'Paleo gurus' have expensive books, supplements and shakes to hawk.
No one is forced to buy the books they write and there is ample information on their websites available for free.
I've not found it necessary to buy their books or their supplements and I'm sure that's the same for most people following their advice.
If the Paleo diet can make you ill,
As you know perfectly well eating the foods human DNA evolved to eat generally makes people feel a lot better But if you've lived the whole of your life consuming foods human DNA didn't evolve with you may have serious damage to your immune function or your digestive tract and in these cases the supplements these people recommend may be helpful. But for most people the paleo diet will mean they can manage with fewer supplements that either a Vegetarian or Fruitarian diet would require over the long term.
Scores of studles have shown conclusively that red meat consumption increases cancer risk.
There are two main reasons why red meat contributes to colon cancer. First, because of contamination of the meat with hormones, chemicals, and organisms, and secondly because meat stays in the digestive tract for a very long time, as much as 24 hours. Meat sticks to intestinal walls, which results in "rotting".
There is also an issue with the cooking of the meat. The more well done it is, the more damage it does.
Grossly irresponsible of Mr Kresser to say all that.
Yes, it is horribly irresponsible to formulate an eating plan that maintains your health and body weight, and then share it with others. HORRIBLY IRRESPONSIBLE!!!!
And to think he actually went to school and learned the fedgod food pyramid was a scam just makes me want to stoke up my book burning barrel!!
FYI, circa 80's conjecture in not a healthy way to eat, which is why you continue to add pounds as the years go by.