� #1
Old 02-22-2011, 05:40 PM
Join Date: Feb 2011
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Unhappy levaquin side effects

Just wanted to let everyone know to never take the anitbiotic levaquin ( but you probably are smarter than me in this field and know that already-but tell your friends) After 4 doses of this awful drug which was given to me for a persistent ear ache and sinus infection, I felt awful. Every inch of my body started burning and hurting and I almost went to the ER but I have a high tolerance of pain and my boyfriend didnt seem to take me too seriously. Anyway it has been 6 weeks now and I have excruciating pain in my elbows, forearms and wrists. Some pain in my thighs and feet too.

There are ton of people who are suffering from this/ All you have to do is surf the internet. It is very scary and awful. The warnings on the meds tell you if you start getting any pain like in your joints or achilles tendons, just stop- they dont tell you that you can get excruciating pain AFTER you have taken it. The FDA are a bunch of jerks ( would like to say a harsher word)How many people have to die or suffer before they take it off the market??? It is a drug like Cipro- one of the quinolones- which 9 have been taken off the market already. Anyway...... I went to a naturopath who is on the radio and very health and vitamin conscious. He did toxicity and blood tests. Found out i was very low in iron and protein- must admit my diet is pretty awful- not a good eater- dont like to eat, just pick! Anyway, he said levaquin was the "straw that broke the camels back - not everyone has bad reactions to levaquin. It is a highly prescribed drug- however if your body is not functioning well to begin with, it cant handle this drug. Levaquin actually changes the dna and mitochondria in your tendons and it takes a lot of work to get rid of the bad cells and replace them with good ones( well that is what i have been reading) Also the tendon cells I learned are the slowest growing ones in your body- figures- so now I am eating better, building up my iron and protein, staying off the "crap" food and trying very hard to be hopeful. I also downloaded the book "Healing from Levaquin Toxicity" which seems to be the only treatment I can find. I know this will take a lot of time and patience but I am so depressed and in so much pain I can hardly bare it. I teach second grade and go to school each day which helps me not to focus on this toxicity pain, but it is hard- thank goodness for my little students.

p.s.Doctors don't seem to have a clue about this drug and dont think it can harm you- i even called my doctor up before I took it and he said it was fine to take- don't know why I didnt go by my gut feeling- oh well -too late now. If anyone has any positive outcomes from healing from levaquin, please let me know- I don't really want to hear any negative ones- heard enough of those on the internet- scaring the hell out of me!
thanks for listening!!
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� #2
Old 02-22-2011, 06:25 PM
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D Bergy will become famous soon enoughD Bergy will become famous soon enough

Read the levaquin/cipro poisoning cured with Ozone thread.

Miracle Mineral Solution works much the same way as Ozone by using oxidation as a mechanism of detoxing poisons.

One or the other may do the trick given some time.

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� #3
Old 02-22-2011, 06:41 PM
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Default hi Dan

yes, I read that post on levaquin and ozone- very interesting and hopeful- I have been checking around Florida for doctors who do that but when I call them they say they dont do it anymore or only do the ozone saunas but I will keep looking. Don't know much about MMS. What is that?
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� #4
Old 02-22-2011, 07:25 PM
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There is plenty of information on this forum regarding MMS.


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� #5
Old 02-22-2011, 08:45 PM
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"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius
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� #6
Old 06-07-2011, 06:42 PM
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Hi Felice. So sorry to hear about your experience. I had terrible Levaquin toxicity in May 2008. It has been a long haul to get reasonably back to normal. I had a serious sinus infection on the left side, but it took having a root canal retreated twice, 4 different antibiotics and finally a CT scan before they figured out what was causing the excruciating pain in the roof of my mouth. I was so sick that at the point that they put me on Levaquin for 2 weeks and after day 2 I told my husband I felt like I was being poisoned, I didn't make the connection and continued the full course. By the time I finished, I still had the infection, but could not long use my thumbs to even turn a page and couldn't walk because of my achilles. My back and neck hurt, terrible noise sensivity and racing heart. I was very lucky that my physical therapist had just seen 2 healthy female runners that had both blown out their achille's after taking Cipro for a UTI. If he hadn't told me about the Levaquin connection when I went to internist the next week and had blood work done, she would have told me I had Lupus since I had a positive ANA with pattern. It was drug induced and once I got the drug out of my system my blood went back to normal. Now for the bad news. It was a very long learning curve trying to figure out what I needed to do. The first thing I found that helped me was Magnesium, in theory it binds to the drug and then you excrete it. The only meat, fish, eggs and dairy have to be organic, as this is the antibiotic that is so prevalent in our food supply. I did pretty well with that but was still having problems and then realized that all of the supplements I take were either in gelatin capsules or if tablets they have lactose in them. After 3 years I finally feel like I know how to not get re-exposed, but it is difficult. I know immediately because I get very halting speech and I will reinjure something in the next few days after exposure. The only way for me to eat out was to get Vegan, and even then you can't always trust that they will comply. About 6 months ago I read the book "Eating Animals" Jonathan Safran Foer and now I'm vegetarian at home, Vegan when out. My husband hated that I was limiting myself when the past three years have been so limiting but suddenly I feel better. I no longer feel like such a victum. It isn't really changing how I can eat since I was already so limited by the levaquin, but at least it is now my choice. I hope this helps a little. I will be happy to answer any questions you might have. I've considered going before congress to try to get this drug taken off the market. The problem is that even when 6 months after I had this all of a sudden it was on the news about the black box warning. Drs listened momentarily, then the drug reps came by and told them it was a few really old people and no big deal. So they went right back to prescribing and whenever anyone mentions it they assume you have just jumped on the bandwagon and don't give you alot of credence.
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� #7
Old 06-08-2011, 06:39 AM
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The unfortuante thing about levaquine and cipro is that sometimes they are the only antibiotic that will cure an infection.

Always insist on having a culture done if at all possible if you are considering using an antibiotic so you are sure you are using the right antibiotic. Levaquin and cipro is often used when not really necessary

But the best course of action is to find a doctor that knows how to cure infections without the use of these dangerous drugs and to educate yourself on the other possibilities for in infection.
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� #8
Old 06-09-2011, 05:44 AM
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Hi. thanks so much for responding. I have started my six month of taking
> that terrible pill. I am in excruciating pain- tendons, joints, burning all
> over from the inside,pain in fingers, hands are numb,ringing ears, hair
> falling out. I am aware af the things you are talking about- I don't eat
> anything including meat that isn't organic and I eat mainly veggies, and
> whey protein drinks along with a lot of vitamins. I wasn't aware of the
> gelatin in vitamins but not sure if that is enough to give me all this pain-
> I think it is just what the initial drug did. I am on a few support group
> sites where people did and are getting better- very slowly. I am so worried
> I won't get better. I sometimes read about the people who don't and I freak
> out. I have still managed to teach second grade through all this but I am
> now out for the summer- I am feeling worse than before but people say that
> month 4-6 are usually the worst and then it slowly starts getting better. I
> don't know what to believe. Were you this bad and did your thumbs stop being
> numb after a while?

Originally Posted by QuicklyML View Post
Hi Felice. So sorry to hear about your experience. I had terrible Levaquin toxicity in May 2008. It has been a long haul to get reasonably back to normal. I had a serious sinus infection on the left side, but it took having a root canal retreated twice, 4 different antibiotics and finally a CT scan before they figured out what was causing the excruciating pain in the roof of my mouth. I was so sick that at the point that they put me on Levaquin for 2 weeks and after day 2 I told my husband I felt like I was being poisoned, I didn't make the connection and continued the full course. By the time I finished, I still had the infection, but could not long use my thumbs to even turn a page and couldn't walk because of my achilles. My back and neck hurt, terrible noise sensivity and racing heart. I was very lucky that my physical therapist had just seen 2 healthy female runners that had both blown out their achille's after taking Cipro for a UTI. If he hadn't told me about the Levaquin connection when I went to internist the next week and had blood work done, she would have told me I had Lupus since I had a positive ANA with pattern. It was drug induced and once I got the drug out of my system my blood went back to normal. Now for the bad news. It was a very long learning curve trying to figure out what I needed to do. The first thing I found that helped me was Magnesium, in theory it binds to the drug and then you excrete it. The only meat, fish, eggs and dairy have to be organic, as this is the antibiotic that is so prevalent in our food supply. I did pretty well with that but was still having problems and then realized that all of the supplements I take were either in gelatin capsules or if tablets they have lactose in them. After 3 years I finally feel like I know how to not get re-exposed, but it is difficult. I know immediately because I get very halting speech and I will reinjure something in the next few days after exposure. The only way for me to eat out was to get Vegan, and even then you can't always trust that they will comply. About 6 months ago I read the book "Eating Animals" Jonathan Safran Foer and now I'm vegetarian at home, Vegan when out. My husband hated that I was limiting myself when the past three years have been so limiting but suddenly I feel better. I no longer feel like such a victum. It isn't really changing how I can eat since I was already so limited by the levaquin, but at least it is now my choice. I hope this helps a little. I will be happy to answer any questions you might have. I've considered going before congress to try to get this drug taken off the market. The problem is that even when 6 months after I had this all of a sudden it was on the news about the black box warning. Drs listened momentarily, then the drug reps came by and told them it was a few really old people and no big deal. So they went right back to prescribing and whenever anyone mentions it they assume you have just jumped on the bandwagon and don't give you alot of credence.
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� #9
Old 06-09-2011, 08:37 AM
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Hi Felice, I am sorry to hear that you are still suffering with this...

I do have a suggestion... since most cases of pain are related to inflammation of some sort you might be able to relieve some pain with serrapeptase, which is an enzyme. I have found it very helful for many different kinds of pain and I recommend it often and the results are usually quite good. This would be strictly pain relief.. not likely any cure.

you can read about serrapeptase here: www.serrapeptase.info

and you can try one of their products from the above site but I find them to expensive for my use and I generally recommend Doctor's Best Serrapeptase from www.iherb.com and this product works well. you can get a $5 discount on your first order if you use the coupon code BAR 967
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