hi Paule and all,
so glad
to hear your news, I know it's a particular toughie to overcome so you give hope to others. Also I so agree about attitude. So much in conventional is dread inducing, yet there is so much hope in complimentary / alternative treatments. Nowadays there is the science to back up how our thoughts effect our health and lives. I find Gregg Braden excellent on this subject, much of his on Utube.
suppliments, my Dr uses muscle testing every 2 mths to determine which ones a patient now needs.
I read
IP6 is a derivative of inositol as found in lecithin its also called phytic acid hence it binding with minerals.
As it usually accompanies choline (as in lecithin) which I read is high in cancer cells I wonder if this also plays a part in its effect.
A particular
ratio of IP6 and Inositol is recommended by some practitioners Cell Forte. I got mine from Life Extention Foundation they have many things cheaper than elsewhere although you have to ask what they have in their shop as mostly their brand is listed elsewhere. They are very well researched so you may find their articles of interest, also free phone consultations to members who get a lot off products. I stock up in their dec / jan 10% off sale.
I read it is
essential to maintain the budwig diet without a break for 5 yrs. I'm not sure that one always sees that aspect when reading up on it. Not wishing to cause concern, it said that it came back and was irreversable in those that did not maintain it, so I felt it important to mention.
Any update on that, such as how long a break seems OK, welcome, as it has stopped me starting it , as I also have ME/ CFS and no transport for keeping organic cottage cheese in, or ensure making it regularly.
Alkaline my Dr has me on an alkaline diet including Bi Carb and other Drs also recommend such, so am a bit mystified. I read about the Maple syrup recipe which is meant to be for 1 - 2 mnths. I like it because it gets rid of most of the fizz that was upsetting my stomach. My Dr also suggested external application, not easy for the crumbling powder solution it dries to, so have wondered whether any oils might aid transdermal application (DMSO not suitable as on meds )
DR Leonard Coldwell, I thought his story about his extraordainary lengths, at a very young age, researching for his mothers cancer, heart warming, so have been disapointed that so much around him seems so commercial and expensive. It seems incongruous and not reflective of compassion towards those with the same financial struggles he knew back then.
Wishing you all wellbeing