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� #1
Old 04-18-2011, 08:11 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Sunny, tropical, CA.
Posts: 875
mommysunshine is on a distinguished road
Default President declares a major disaster for California

This is the headline I just opened in my email.

President Declares A Major Disaster For California
Mon, 18 Apr 2011 15:56:49 -0500
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security�s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) today announced that federal disaster aid has been made available to California to supplement the state and local recovery efforts in the area struck by a tsunami wave surge on March 11, 2011.

My heart was RACING and still is but now I see the email was regarding March 11th. How ridiculous to send it to me now. I received nothing on March 11th.

It's very, very, very sad that FEMA and the system is not taking care and protecting us.

Then it had an area to sign up for notification of FEMA warnings.
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