� #1
Old 02-03-2011, 11:58 AM
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Default Numbness in the second toe

Ok, I have this weird problem. I suddenly develop numbness in my second toe of left leg. It gets a little painful when I try to walk. The numbness or the pain isn't always there. It just comes occasionally. Any idea what the problem might be? And, how do I get rid of the problem? Thanks in advance.
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� #2
Old 02-04-2011, 10:07 PM
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Thumbs down Thick socks

I haven't had numbness, but I've had pain or a slight strained feeling in my second toe. This was happening when I was on my feet a lot at work on hard floors, and when I wore thick cushiony socks. I think the sock was slipping, and the toe was getting strained trying to grip as I was stepping. When I went to a more thinner and tighter fitting sock, it stopped happening. I rubbed Magnesium Oil on the problem toe and it helped with the discomfort.
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