� #16
Old 04-15-2006, 12:40 AM
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I have seen homeopthy do near miracles.
Like what?
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� #17
Old 04-15-2006, 10:27 AM
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I don't blame you for being impressed, arrowwind. Those are indeed compelling stories of healing of unidentified diseases that were stressful for all concerned.

I think I'll take you up on your very good suggestion--that is, to utilize homeopathic remedies for the aches and pains of everyday living. Right now I have a click in my ear upon swallowing that I've been tolerating for years. Who knows--maybe 1/100M of some compound will make it go away. It's worth a shot.

However, one must be mindful of what I'm sure are many (most?) cases where homeopathic remedies did diddley squat for the patient. We never hear about those, although I'm certain they exist. If homeopathy was majorly effective, the majority would be using it.
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� #18
Old 04-15-2006, 10:47 AM
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I wonder if the clicking, when you swallow, may be something structural in nature? I'm thinking that something may have popped out of place or snapped ... perhaps something that would require a physical adjustment - of a chiropractic or osteopathic variety? Just a thought.

One reason that I'm not very fond of homeopathy is that it seems that most of the remedies are in a base of lactose (the tiny pellets) or a water/alcohol-base (the liquid remedies).

Ultimately, I just haven't found any success with homeopathic remedies ... up to this point. I always do my best to enter into a situation with an open-mind but so far it hasn't panned out. By the way, I've not only used homeopathic remedies from the health food store but I've also taken remedies that were prescribed by homeopathic practitioners ... individualized homeopathy.

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� #19
Old 04-15-2006, 10:49 AM
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Arrow, thank you so much for telling us about your background in homeopathy - and life in general!

But I wouldn't consider using homeopathy on my own. As I know nothing about it, I should make wrong use of it and then have to admit that "homeopathy didn't work for me"
Tha is the wrong basis for such a statement.
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� #20
Old 04-15-2006, 11:31 AM
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However, one must be mindful of what I'm sure are many (most?) cases where homeopathic remedies did diddley squat for the patient. We never hear about those, although I'm certain they exist. If homeopathy was majority effective, the majority would be using it.

This one I both agree and disagree and this is why...

I have used remedies many times that did not work and I have also paid homeopaths to help me and got no where. But there are more times when it did help than not. Homeopathy works best on children who have never taken many drugs but I have seen it work on the most toxic of people, people doing chemo, people on steroids, etc. In order to have homeopathy work it is necessary for the patient to report the symptoms in detail and accurately. Then the homeopath must have sufficient knowledge and skill to use the repertory to find the correct remedy. There must be success on both sides to come together to find the remedy.

Many people go to the health food store and pick up a remedy that lists its major symptom that it is known to cure on its bottle. This is the sure fire way to select the wrong remedy. Most symptoms will have many remedies that can cure it but that does not necessarily mean that it will cure it. You must take the total symptom picture of the person in to account and find the remedy most similar.

There are a few remedies that will almost always (but not always) cure certain conditions. These are very popular remedies such as cantharis for burns and urinary tract infections, arnica for certain injuries, aconite for acute fear, symphytum for bone injury, hamamelis for hemorrhoids, slicia and kali bich. for sinus infections, thuja for warts., Gels. for the flu. But these remedies will not always work because the symptom picture is not close enough to what the person actually has. If you rely on what it says on the bottle you are likely to fail and curse homeopathy and then be lost to it and its potential to save yourself from fates worse than death (often what you will find in the medical doctors realm).

Then there are the combination remedy bottles. These are usually liquids that have more than one remedy in them often up to 10 or more. This is the shotgun method. It often works in acute conditions but again not always for the same reasons stated above or because the potency is not correct. In chronic disease it is not as likely to work againt because the case is not taken properly. In chronic disease if you just focus on the symptom that is bothering you and select the remedy only on that you are likely to fail. You MUST take the total symptom picture into account in the selection of the remedy.

I always recommed the combination remedies by Dolisos pharmacy for teething and for earache. They always seen to work. CalmsForte by Highland often helps active children get to sleep. Tartephedreel from Heel Homeopathics for mild to moderate asthma attacks (never travel without your Rx inhaler). There are many others.

Homeopathy is always my first choice to avoid the use of dangerous drugs. If need be the drugs can always be resorted to later. Fact of the matter is that most disease people content with, although uncomfortable, is not life threatening. There is time to try other things.

I am not the greatest homeopathic prescriber and I know my limitations. If the disease is severe I go to a very skilled practitioner. I was quite ill a number of years ago that I think held its origin in poison oak systemic poisoning. The practitioner I went to had been a regular pharmacist who went into homeopathy. She works in a medical clinic in Dallas.. A clinic that specializes in allergy. Many of the doctors patients end up seeing her and her help really saved me... When she took my case she considered over 100 symptoms that I had, to find the correct remedy for me. And with this consideration the patient needs to learn what might be considered a symptom so that they will know to report it.

Homeopathy cannot help with many structural issues. It cannot help when surgery is really called for. It can help in many conditions that one assumes surgery is needed for. Like hemorrhoids. Ive cured many cases of hemorrhoids. which are usually very easy cases.

Homeopathy is good in many infectious and pathogen base diseases. It is always my preferred choice in such conditions. I have had lots of experience treating abscess in cats due to cat bites...really nasty infections. ( this really eliminates the placebo fallacy. There are many homeopathic vets.)

I have also cured mastitis which usually requires an antibiotic sensitive to staph infection.

Many homeopaths report cured cancers but as you can guess they are not likely to publicly report them. It pretty much stays between them and their client. But homeopaths will speak of it from one homeopath to another. I have had one case of skin cancer respond very well based on the Ramakrishnan application of remedies.

I have cured several cases of pneumonia and have found them easy to deal with. Sinus infections are pretty easy to cure also.

It is good for allergy disease. It is also good for diseases of addiction. I have known several people quit smoking with the help of homeopathy with little or no stress as is so common with cold turkey.

If your ear clicking is a structural problem then homeopathy may not be able to help. If you have a history of ear infections, injuries, it might possibly help. Such a condition a a clicking ear is not classified as an acute problem and may require the assistance of a skilled homeopath to fully sort out the symptom picture and select the correct remedy.

Homeopathy is good for hormonally based disease, such as pms, post partum depression and other forms of depression. I have cured one case of major depression that I thought was hormonally based. It will bring the hormonal system back into balance so no supplementation is required.

It is very good for injuries and bone healing. I had one case of a woman who broke her foot. Surgery was recommended. The doctor said it was a very bad fracture but did not go through the skin. She did not have insurance so she chose to splint it, continue working as a CNA, (long hours on feet) and I treated it with homeopathy. Her doctor was astounded at how fast it healed. Half the time he thought and confirmed with x-ray. Homeopathy can speed the healing of bones and also alleviate bone pain.

Homeopathy can be very effective for shock and hemorrhage. Most at home emergency kits have the needed remedies.
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� #21
Old 04-15-2006, 03:33 PM
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I think that there is a homoepathic hospital in London, one in Wales also. About 50 percent of allopathic physicians are trained in homoepathy in France.



Since you are into acupuncture I would not guess that there is much of a need to get into homoepathy. In American Nautropathic Schools homoepathy and acupuncture are in general considered the supreme healing modalities and students are encourged to focus in one dicipline or another in their senior year. Since both are so severely demanding, still, not many graduate as experts in the fields. Seems most naturopathic doctors I have met do one or the other in a wishy washy style not in the pure forms it was intended. Then there are the strictly Homoepathic schools and schools for Oriental Medicine that offer the OMD degrees, usually 3 or 4 year study programs, where probably the more skilled professionals come from.

I have heard that the first homeopathic hospital in the US since around 1920 is being planned for the Pheonix, Arizona area.

The inital post on this tread talks about a radionics box to make homeopathic remedies. I would not use these. I have no experience with radionics as being reliable. All medicines I have or would use are make from the original material as intended and according to the formularies developed by the masters of homeopathy. When I have a sick child that I am intending to treat and cure I must rely on the best products. Most of my remedies are purchased from well known homeoapthic pharmacy in India.

Also, with the word homeopathy, there are two ways to spell it. In the USA it is homeopathy. In England it is homoepathy. Since the school I went to was based in England I am forever confused. (Hmmm. Wonder if theres a remedy for that? :wink: )
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� #22
Old 04-15-2006, 03:46 PM
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When I initally posted this it fully disappeared and I had to rewite it. Then in my confusion and trying to read this stuff without my glasses on I fully took the post off thinking I had posted it somehow twice. Oh well, now everything is out of order.

Well, miracle is a subjective term I guess. When I see a disease cured by a nontoxic remedy that is so small no one can find it, and when the selection of that remedy comes through a tested and systematic approach to selection, and when that same disease is typically treated by toxic doses of drugs with known side effects, then yes, that experience goes into my miracles file.

I would also put it this way. When I see a disease cured by a homeopathic remedy that typically would require toxic investigational diagnostic evaluations, expensive medicines that are known to be toxic, invasive procedures that are known to be dangerous, physician bills that would bankrupt most American families, then that too goes into my miracles file.

Please bear with my rather long story.

My first experience with homeopathy came about 30 years ago. I had a friend who had a strange disease that he picked up when he visited Israel. When he was there he got very sick. Symptoms were similar to malaria, but not as severe. He was in high school at the time. When he returned home American doctors failed to diagnose and cure it. Then of course American doctors are notoriously bad for diagnosing parasitic disease. They threw several drugs at it to no avail. The disease caused periodic bouts of sweating, usually at night and diarrhea during the day. Sometimes he would sweat so bad his mattress would soak to the bottom. It would come around every 6 to 8 weeks. When I met this friend he had been putting up with this for some years. Finally at the age of 23 he visited a homeopath and with just one dose of remedy he was cured. He went through a healing crisis of sweating for a few days. He said that it was the worst it had ever been, or more like his original attack in Israel. Then it passed off and never returned. Many years now he has been well.

What sent him to the homeopath originally was another friend of ours. She had been dealing with adult acne for a long time. Many visits to the dermatologist to take their toxic medicines with little help. She was one of those people who were hard to look at the acne was so bad. One day she came to our house. I opened the door and was stunned. Her face was clear. She told me that she had been going to a homeopath the last few months. It was very exciting for her and us as we both had health issues.

My health issue at the time, at the young age of 21 was a bowel that just refused to work for the last 9 months. I tried all the herbs, and other potions. I as already into raw foods, I even tried allopathic medicine and could not get well. I was in fact quite scared by the day I learned about homeopathy. I was considering going to some big fancy internist to try to figure it out. I was at the point where I was hardly eating. After I heard her story about homeopathy I decided to try her doctor first. With one dose of medicine I was perfectly well in just a few days.

It took me a long time to understand and fully accept homeopathy even with the witnessed and experienced successes I had had. I still kept reverting to drugs. Especially during those times when I didn't live near a homeopath.

When my children were small I lived in Dallas, Texas. I didn't know a homeopath at that time. I was isolated in a neighborhood and a lifestyle that was not very forward thinking. There was little alternative anything around.

The boys, when they got to the ages of 3 and 5 were suddenly plagued by green snotty nose, mild fevers. The youngest, Travis had also become a head banger. He would lie on the floor and bang his head when he was angry or frustrated. Very scary for a parent. You get accused of abuse and being a terrible parent when your kids do stuff like that. I took them to a medical doctor, and ear, nose and throat specialist as their symptoms encompassed all these parts. From there they went onto antibiotics, SIX times in one year to try to control this out of control disease. It was awful. The kids were unhappy. They never felt well and then the baby sitter condemned me for being a bad mother and not getting them well and giving her kids the green snotty disease.

In the first week of April the kids were taken to get their vaccinations, which I had put off as long as I could but since we were planning a trip to Mexico I thought that perhaps they should start. They received their MMR and polio vaccine.

Then one day a few weeks after the vaccinations, the eldest, Jake, had a seizure while at daycare. They rushed him to the hospital. By the time I got there the doctors were starting a spinal tap to see if he had meningitis. No. not meningitis but they started Rocephin, a big guns antibiotic anyway. The next day Jake had a major yeast infection on his bottom and about 10 blisters on his chest and stomach. Odd-looking blisters. They looked like little blisters that had blisters on the blisters. One nurse came in and said, �Oh he's got the chicken pox.� The pediatrician came in and said he had an unusual viral infection. One he had only seen in textbooks. Turns out the seizure was a simple febrile seizure.

Then the ear nose and throat specialist came by that we had been seeing over the past year. He recommended that we have a cat scan to look at those sinuses that were still a problem. He came back to tell us that the scan showed the worst sinuses he had ever seen in a 5 year old boy and that he would be on antibiotics and steroids for a long time.

Well, I freaked. I took my spinal tapped, cat scanned, drug poisoned, Candida laden, blistery babe home and vowed I would find another way.

But I didn't know where to turn. So I got on the phone and called all the health food stores and talked to everyone that would talk to me. Finally after about a week of phone calls I was given the name of Dr. Joseph Goldstritch MD. He had at one time been a cardiologist at Texas Southwestern Medical School but now he only did homeopathy. I had an appointment with in a week.

Dr. Goldstritch was kind of cranky with the kids. He didn't like misbehaving children and he was upset when I dragged Travis along, (who just loved to misbehave) with Jake to the appointment and the doctor had his way of letting me know of his disapproval. After a rather lengthy interview he gave Jake the remedy tuberculinium and he said that he would treat Travis for free. Travis received chamomilla, the homeopathic form of chamomile. Travis also went on to have a normal case of chicken pox at some point in the midst of all of this that lasted about 4 days.

With in a week Jake was fully well. Travis was much better to, not banging his head so much and more pleasant to be around. When I made my follow up appointment Dr Goldstritch wanted to make sure I brought Travis along. Travis was then treated with tuberculinium also as his green snotty nose had returned. Both boys received tuberculinium, made from the pus, in homeopathic potency of course, of the tuberculosis toxin. (this kind of remedy is called a nosode) Within a week or two from that second visit the boys were fully well and never took another antibiotic for green snotty nose again ever. Travis never banged his head again and all tantrums stopped.

I asked Dr Goldstritch why he thought Jake had a seizure. He said that he thought it was likely that the vaccine he had had two weeks before compromised his immune system so that it could not normally adjust to deal with the chicken pox. That is why his fever raged and caused a seizure and why the pox looked so unusual. He said that a healthy response to the pox would have had more blisters, less fever.

I don't know if this counts as a miracle in your book but it certainly did in mine. The disease my boys had was a major stress on home life. No one was happy and I was worried all the time about their health. All that dissipated after treatment from the homeopath.

A year later Dr Goldstritch moved to San Diego and I was left again without help. This is when I started to study on my own. I already had some remedies given to me by my first homeopath, about 40 remedies, that he called his emergency kit. I started to teach myself and to treat all the various things that come up in a family. Since then I have taken more advanced training and now have over 300 remedies in several potencies.

I do have many homeopathic stories of cure but this is how it came to me and convinced me that homeopathy is true medicine that leads to true cure.
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� #23
Old 04-15-2006, 03:50 PM
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If you want to play with homeopathy a little get a bottle of cantharis 30c potency. Keep it in the kitchen. The next time someone burns their fingers take the remedy, maybe once every half hour or so and see what happens. The worse the burn the more you take it. When symptoms subside stop the remedy. When pain returns take the remedy again.
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� #24
Old 04-15-2006, 11:49 PM
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Arrow, in ancient times (i.e. 50 years ago) homeopathy was spelled with a diphthong oe so it looked like homoeopathy, Nowadays we have given up the difficulty this caused and no one knows what a diphthong is any more, except we elders who are a dying breed. Homeopathy is our spelling too,
I can't say the same about diarrhoea, anaesthetic or some others!

I am curious about the training of acupuncturists. You say they do ONE year, even if it is a final year in a related studies. I had to do a basic 3 years just to get a licence. Then I did another 2 yeaars for the Bachelors. And later, another 2 years advanced studies. It is worrying to think just how little training is needed to be let loose on the public. Here, there are docs who "practise acupuncture" after a weekend course, or something of equally limited scope. Then their patients proudly say My Doctor is an acupuncturist.

No he isnt'. He may use a few needles for symptomatic relief. But I wouldn't want him to treat me, thanks.
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� #25
Old 04-16-2006, 05:20 AM
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They did a survey on doctors learning accupunture and as you say it was always just a short course. At the time people were becoming ill/dying from accupunture it turned out it was from the doctors as they didnt have the knowledge. I remember something about the heart point. This was when the doctors first started to learn it I don't know if things have changed.

As for homeopathy it has worked wonders for me and my family on a lot of occasions over a lot of years and I normally use my homeopath as my doctor (1st step) if I dont feel well. I have tried a few different homeopaths but feel that I have now found a very good one. I have tried over the counter homeopathic meds but (other than arnica) they have never been that sucessful - proberbly because I don't adhere to the directions the way I do when they have been prescribed.
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� #26
Old 04-16-2006, 07:43 AM
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The NDs, naturopthic doctors that come out of the 4 year post grad Nautopthic Colleges only do a year of acupuncture or homoepathy, as far as I have been able to determine. The do not get the credentials of OMD.
To get the OMD you go to a 3 or 4 year school of Oriental Medicine, which I would think should be minimum for such a study.

NDs tinker with acupuncture, much like chriopractors and some MDs do. They have not received the full knowledge that goes with acupuncture. Much of what they do is electroacupuncture. They have little or no knowledge of the herbals and how to utilize them with acupuncture.

Which brings me to siberian ginsing. What do you know about that stuff anyway? I'm waitin. 8)
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� #27
Old 08-22-2008, 04:23 PM
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Default Thuja

My toddler son had a plantar wart on his sole that we couldn't get rid of. Medicine would burn away everything but the wart. Thuja took care of it in about five days.
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� #28
Old 08-22-2008, 08:33 PM
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Just today I gave a bottle of Causticum to a co-worker who's daughter has many warts on her hands and face that they have not been able to resolve with conventional medicine.

The picuture looks like cauticum, which removed a wart for me a year ago in Q potency, C and M did not work.

If cauticum fails I will fall back on thuja.
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