Herbicides and pesticides can cause Parkinson's


perpetual student
Dec 3, 2007
Texas, USA
This is from Frank Shallenberger, MD

I've written before about the strong link between pesticides and herbicides and Parkinson's disease. However, while researchers were uncovering more and more connections between these chemicals and the disease, they weren't entirely sure what the mechanism causing the problem was. Now, research is shedding light on just why these products are so bad for your brain. Fortunately, it backs up the information I've been giving you all along about how to protect yourself.

Researchers at Northwestern University focused on the connection between Parkinson's and paraquat, a common herbicide. Although paraquat is banned in the EU and restricted in the U.S., it's still possible to be exposed to authorized use (or to encounter it while you're traveling - it's heavily used in Asia and throughout the developing world). The researchers conducted a study, published in Nature Chemical Biology, in which they used a gene-editing tool to determine how the herbicide creates the oxidative stress that leads to cell death.

A major contributor to Parkinson's disease is the death of dopamine neurons in a particular region of the brain. It turns out, those particular neurons are highly sensitive to oxidative stress. The researchers were able to use their gene-editing tool to create thousands of cells, each with a different individual gene turned off, to see how paraquat might harm these neurons.

They found three particular genes that, when turned off, allowed the cells to better resist the paraquat attack. These genes seemed to make the cells particularly vulnerable, which could help researchers in the future as they seek to identify people who may be at higher risk of Parkinson's. People with higher levels of these genes are likely to be more sensitive to paraquat's effects and should take extra precautions to avoid it.

Overall, this study highlighted the impact of oxidative stress on cells. And the researchers' gene-editing tool will likely be able to help them continue to further pinpoint the genes that are most vulnerable to such stress. However, while this could be useful information for understanding disease risk, it doesn't do you a lot of good when it comes to actually preventing disease. After all, you can't just swap out your genes.

What you can do, however, is give your body the tools it needs to combat oxidative stress. Of course, that starts with avoiding toxic products like paraquat that create this stress in the first place. But since it's not possible to avoid toxins in the environment and other oxidative stress-producers altogether, you need to fight back with, you guessed it, antioxidants.

You probably already know that there are a multitude of great sources of antioxidants out there, from the healthy whole foods we eat to powerful supplements. But the most powerful antioxidant in the brain is without a doubt melatonin. That might surprise you, as most people think of melatonin as a hormone (which it is). But it's also a very powerful antioxidant. In fact, it's the body's most efficient free-radical scavenger. And it has an impressive ability to control oxidative damage.

Studies in animals given high doses of melatonin show that it prevents Parkinson's 100% of the time! I have reported on this in the past. This antioxidant ability is part of the reason why it's so effective.

I personally take two capsules of Melatonin Max, a total of 120 mg, every night before bed just to protect me from any neurological or brain disorder. And numerous studies have shown that there's absolutely no toxicity to any dose of melatonin no matter how high the dose is.

Yours for better health,
Frank Shallenberger, MD


...elusive dreamer
Apr 5, 2009
I've always feared that all the chemicals that humans have been using over the decades have been the cause of the increase in Parkinson's, Autism, Alzheimer's, etc., etc. :(

Ron Brown

New member
Dec 14, 2017
key largo fl
Never believe an MD when they talk about nutrition and toxicity in the same breath as they hype a product. All nerve diseases have roots in deficiency primarily mineral deficiency, especially magnesium. The electrolytes needed for electrical transmission in the nerves and brain are macro minerals magnesium, potassium, calcium , and sodium with micro minerals, a total of 77 are necessary for good health. The most important mineral by far is magnesium. The body can not rid itself of toxic chemicals without healthy reserves of minerals and one reason why diseases occur more in older people than younger people is the mineral depletion. Never make the assumption that an MD has any nutritional training in medical school because they may get one hour, that is 60 minutes of nutrition training the rest is all training in the art of selling drugs and making money much like the MD posting here is doing by hyping a product.


...elusive dreamer
Apr 5, 2009
I'm a big fan of magnesium Ron, take it every day.

Ron Brown

New member
Dec 14, 2017
key largo fl
It is unfortunate that when I was in the hospital with my afib and the bills were piling up as they do when quacks get hold of you, that the killers called MDs did not give me a magnesium IV instead of the useless drugs they pumped into me. Can not really blame the ignorant MDs because the money is in the drugs because they are small cogs in a big wheel called the medical mafia. Most MDs really do not know any better because medical schools give no nutritional training, zero, nada, zip. You see the drug companies control the medical schools and nutrition is the enemy of drug sales. They would much rather sell you warfin, cardizan, or xarelto at 400 dollars a refill every thirty days. Of course the warfin restricts k2 a valuable vitamin for the heart that you can not take with that rat poison called warfin or coumiden. The ignorant killers want us on this garbage for life because they don't know any better because the drug mafia controls them. I have freed myself from the curse of the medical mafia, freed myself from being attached at the hip to a drug store, freed myself from having to carry my drugs with me wherever I go lest I fall down and die from a lack of magnesium. Those that may think they have enough magnesium may ask themselves why am I getting leg cramps in my lower legs at night and why does the doctor give me drugs for that instead of magnesium. By the way magnesium is also a natural blood thinner.


...elusive dreamer
Apr 5, 2009
I don't blame the doctors too much Ron, they know just what they were trained for, not natural supplements and treatments. Also, I don't think they have any freedom of personal choice for their patients, like they had years ago. Like you say, they are under the thumb of the big boys in charge. Also, these days everyone is sue crazy, so they always fear that doing anything out of the ordinary with a patient could cause them a lawsuit and termination of their career.

Ron Brown

New member
Dec 14, 2017
key largo fl
It is similar to being in the Italian mafia, if the boss tells you to do a job and you fail he rubs you out. In the medical mafia when an MD does not toe the line they destroy his reputation and his career, thus killing his income. Although he may be breathing he is ruined. Murder by bullet or by the drug mafia, both very bad. The drug mafia is controlled by big banking which is destroying us. By big banking, I mean the only trillionaires on the planet the same people that financed both sides in WW2 the Rothschilds. These people also finance every war being fought today and are responsible for millions upon millions of human deaths. Why are these people never listed in the Forbes list of wealthiest people? They want to hide like cockroaches. You do not dare to print anything about them. No politicians ever attacks them or the drug industry. You heard some grumblings from Trump but that soon went away as you also heard some from Bernie but that also went away as the nomination was stolen from him. Nobody attacks the drug industry and survives to keep doing it unless you are one of the little people like us who has no power.
