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  1. J

    The Genesis of Music

    A very fine musician and composer tells me that her earliest memories are of singing songs with her mother. These memories go back to before she was two years old. She also says that her family tells her that from the day she was born her mother was always singing to her. For hours her mother...
  2. J

    A Note on the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)

    In the world of Nature there is no RDA. What is it then? It is just an artificial system devised by technological man to reassure us after he has defiled and destroyed the nutritional qualities of the products of Nature. The RDA exists not for the good of mankind but for the food refiners to...
  3. J

    The Homing Thought

    When I was a youngster growing up in Australia, I often went surfing at the Sydney beaches. Whenever there was a big wave coming, my friends and I would dive for the sand at the bottom of the water and hold on to that sand with our fingertips. The wave would pass over, and we would come up to...
  4. J

    An understanding of holistic medicine

    Until I first came to America I had never seen the northern sky. In Australia I was quite able to identify the constellations, but in America I couldn’t. I searched and searched for Orion’s belt, and in the end it was pointed out to me. After that I was able to find it easily. Now, we must...
  5. J

    A New Perspective in Medicine “Medicus curat Natura sanat” — the doctor helps Nature heal. The healing force of Nature has been called by many names, for example, Hippocrates called it the Vis Medicatrix Naturae and Paracelsus called it the...
  6. J

    The Doctor-Poet

    He is the true and only doctor. — Emerson, The Poet Looking at all those who have come to me for help, I long ago came to the conclusion that there was only one word to describe their real problem. And I arrived at this not by just looking at them, but by looking into them – deeply. And...
  7. J

    The True Cure

    We read in The Little Flowers of St. Francis how St. Francis washed and healed a leper – “and even as the flesh began to heal, the soul began to heal also.” All healing, all treatment must be directed towards much more than the so called cure of the person’s symptoms or illness. The cure must...
  8. J

    Treatment or Therapy?

    There is a most important difference between treatment and therapy. Treat, from the Latin tractare, means “to act or behave in a specified manner toward,” for example, to treat one’s guests with courtesy. By extension, it means to give medical aid, for example, treating appendicitis by...
  9. J

    Two Dentists and Their Appliances

    In 1975, Dr. George Goodheart mentioned a dentist, Dr. Willie May of Albuquerque, New Mexico who was achieving cures for many systemic diseases. I decided to study with him. I remember him well: a wiry man, mercurial, always active. Filled with passion and enthusiasm. Utterly, utterly dedicated...
  10. J

    The First Time I Took Vitamin E

    I remember very distinctly the occasion on which I took my first vitamin E capsule. I was staying at the house of a friend and I went into his bathroom. There on the shelf before my eyes was a bottle of vitamin E capsules. This was the first time I had ever seen it. I had recently read some...