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Old 04-10-2013, 09:33 AM
sow&reap sow&reap is offline
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Default Prostate - epididymis Journey to success....

Hello all: My name is Joel - this is going to be my weekly update thread: PLEASE ADD questions, advice, stories. PLEASE READ THE 'My Prostatis Story by Love Life' on this thread - MANY KNOWLEDGEABLE awesome people there with great ideas!!! DISCLAIMER: I may be wrong with my attempts and I will never allow pride to usurp rationale decision making � if this doesn�t work I will admit it and try the next option�I do not have my career or professional reputation on the line. I am a mental health therapist by trade and dong quite well other than this HORRIBLE / TERRIFYING ISSUE�

GOAL: I am going to beat this or at very least experience a MAJOR reduction in symptoms. I AM GOING TO BEAT THIS!! I am not an expert (many on here know more than me) BUT I will be by the end of this!!! I have the intelligence, financial resources (not well of at all...but I can afford some options PLUS natural should NOT be expensive) PLUS I have the WILL!!! PLUS, I feel really good being amongst people suffering like me � helps to not be alone � BUT�I don�t want to suffer�I�d rather have prostate health on a deserted island (with my fianc�e!!!)

MY goal IS NOT to refute other options or ideas OR to convince anyone or to sell anything...I hope you all get help ANY way possible BUT anti-biotics are no longer an option for most of us...I don�t have time for arguments - if it works for YOU - great!! But pills aren't working for me....

SYMPTOMS: from most concerning to least:

1. Aching right testicle - ultrasound shows epididymis inflammation - doc says it�s chronic and nothing we can do

2. Itchy groin / uncomfortable / hot / sweaty scrotum area....

3. Constant urination / need to urinate with the dribbles, leaks, and feeling that I never quite emptied

3. Issues EVERY time I ejaculate - always stirs something up and if I don�t shower immediately, then I have major infection set in almost immediately

4. Low energy a lot of times. Feel foggy brain, sore joints (could be my excessive exercise. not sure)

4. Recurring prostate issues...pain down there / weird feeling

5. spasmy muscle that moves penis up and down when erect (don�t know the technical term

6. yellow, clumpy semen reduced in volume....

7. Smelly groin � you know you urinate and smell it / your hands and �gross strong tangy smell�.�

I have to ACT NOW as the more this takes hold the more difficult it is to treat - BUT never impossible - reduction in symptoms is possible for ALL of us!!! It takes time and I may never have perfection BUT I will have SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENTS

Horrible diet � high sugar / fast food etc
Lots and lots of AB�s since child for sore throats, ear infections etc. starting at age 22 and for the last 12+ years experiencing above symptoms and lots more AB�s

Here�s the thing AB�s ALWAYS work for me BUT temporarily and then problem seems to worsen�.

Lots of recreational drug use (hard / soft)

Lots of sexual partners�although I never had an STI I suspect that they are often undetectable or mistaken for other infection and treated by AB�s�.

NOW: I eat and live a health lifestyle (for most part) BUT not a Candida diet�still many ways to improve my diet. I exercise regularly and look healthy � I am your happy, average middle class guy�.. (Oh yeah�I have been on an anti-depressant for 12+ years � chemical imbalance issues runs in the family. I am a therapist by profession and I appreciate mind body connection.. I do not like being on anti-depressant and perhaps this diet will decrease need for my SSRI)


AB�S not answer for most of us�seem to be making us worse

AB�s only cleaning up some of the issue and then bacteria get stronger

Our modern idea of healthy diet is not at all a healthy diet

PLUS: We must have had a low immune system to begin with as we all got infections � so ask yourself WHY..? this is the big question that will explain a lot as time goes on. why did our system allow this in the first place? Most of us never had STI�just go an infection one day�Most of us do not get better after repeated AB�s�why???? Why does the average guy never get this but we did..?


We all have differing constitutions � some weaker than others due to diet / lifestyle sensitivities that lower immune system � some of can be very healthy if we discover food allergies early in life and avoid them as these cause major breaches in our immune system�

So picture our genito-urinary tract and entire GUT as a lawn�some lawns are full of very healthy thick grass AKA healthy gut bacteria / flora. Now the best defense against a weed is a thick healthy lawn that does not allow any weeds the space to grow Just as best defense against infection is healthy gut bacteria that doesn�t allow bad bacteria to set in�.BUT some of us live in areas with lots of weeds, poor soil, too little water and our lawn is not as healthy as it should be and then WEEDS aka bacterial fungal infection sets in�..we need healthy guts where healthy bacteria is constantly keeping weeds from setting in�

But then weeds set in and something strange happens�.these weeds flourish under the worst conditions�.soon they begin to take over the lawn � soon things look bad and we feel bad so we call Dr. lawn Man � he comes out with JUST a pesticide AKA an antibiotic � he looks at the lawn and says: whoa!! He sprays the pesticide kills everything and leaves � job well done�.

NOT really � we all know that if we kill the weds and the lawn the weed always come back way before the lawn � if the lawn ever comes back�

So a good lawn man uses pesticides and lawn seed and fertilizer in appropriate dosage � so that weeds have to compete with lawn � find the right balance and we force weeds out while encouraging great growth...

THIS IS US: we spray our lawns with AB�s, kill everything EXCEPT for one or two weeds OR we KILL EVRYTHING � either way weeds always find their way back to a barren land�

This is why most responsible doctors always recommend a pro-biotic with an anti-biotic�.BUT: AND THIS IS A BIG ONE: there is no magic probiotic pill that will cause lawn to flourish if the soil and conditions are not right. We cannot simply take pro-biotics and eat poorly and expect them to work�.

And then what happens if the weeds become resistant to the pesticide�what then? Well then we have to find a new pesticide�.. a natural pesticide that we can use abundantly that ALSO encourages healthy lawn to grow.

This is where we are at friends: we have sprayed lawn too many times and neglected the good flora / the good natural anti-bacterials and now we have major issues.

So, if we are going to use an AB, we also have to ensure that we are ready on the other end to eat very well and nourish our lawn�.

This is where I am at: I need about 10-12 weeks of HIGH potent AB�s like �I will be cured� suggests but these AB�s wipe out everything and greatly reduce immune system health on the other end. So we kill everything on lawn � GOOD but we have not realized that pesticides hurt the soil too and then good lawn does not grow back�.

My example is crude albeit BUT my reasoning is sound and research shows this..so what now?


Option 1. take a long course of AB�s (oral 12- 16 WEEKS) or injections or IV BUT make sure that my health is ABSOUTELY optimal because if it is not I am only fixing problem temporarily because my immune system gets beaten up (allows bad guys to settle in) my good ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL FLORA gets wiped out allowing a big empty lawn - and the cycle starts again and the AB�s work less and less effectively everytime

Option 2: Go on a Candida diet and really really eat a lot of healthy greens / whole foods / lots of PRO-biotics and appropriate extracts (cheap ones NOT expensive ones � if it costs a lot and they it is natural than they are liars) and go on this for a long time � I am aiming for ONE YEAR

This diet is boring, inconvenient,leaves me craving tasty food at first�.if you are doing this diet right you will feel hungry, dissatisfied, etc at first or you are not doing it right BUT then it gets easier � many people claim the first four weeks are BRUTAL BRUTAL but then you become adjusted and you feel great BETTER than EVER!!!!

Option 3. some other alternative medicince

Option 4: some combo of above

Option 5: hi-jack a plane and demand that Barak Obama puts a team of best scientist in the world on my case�.I considered it�.

Option 6: pray for a miracle

Option 7: do nothing and wait and hope some advancement in technology comes�..

So we have options!!!

ALSO and this is VERY VERY important: we all have exceptional days when we feel a little better or worse�why? Because some days we unknowlingly stumble on a form of relief whether through diet, stress reduction,,something�.so I wnt to control those variable and encourage as much success as possible�

MY OPTION: hardcore candida diet �research supports it:


NOT this flakey � hokey stuff BUT clinical,peer reviewed research is beginning to grab hold of this

WHY: because AB�s are losing their effectiveness. Once the doc runs out of AB�s he looks at me and says��well you�ll just have to live with it..� I SAY NO!!!

Here�s an irony that I hope you can explain (you as in the reader) AB�s always make everything feel great so I say underlying infection�doc says �NOPE � our pills always work so you must not have underlying infection � you must have chronic inflammation� so I say why do the AB�s help so much? He says because they have anti-inflammatory properties. So I say: why do ONLY the AB�s work while purley anti-inflammatory meds don�t. He TRYS to trump me by saying because the AB�s have a special type of anti-inflammatory effect that straight old ant-inflammatory pills alone don�t have�

I say NONSENSE � must be an underlying infection�.

I have so much more to say and share BUT I have to get back to work � just in writing this I had to pee three times THREE TIMES!!! Each one is less and less volume but more and more needed�feeling the urge again right now..

Oh and this is important: I just finished 14 days of Levofloxacin � made me sick half way through BUT cleared up the pain, itchiness. I felt hopeful for a moment�I say to doc better be safe and do another 14 days..he says not necessary�well a week later and the itching is back and right testicle pain starting again��.and to go back on Levo means it will be less effective this time�..


That�s all I have done so far � no major changes � still lots of carbs and some fruit BUT NO processed sugar, junk food, or fast food � mostly whole food � this is NOT the candida diet � JUST the start

I am already craving sugar�my sweet tooth�..oh my sweet tooth and no significant � if any gains�

It takes time and lots more

I will continue to share my success (or maybe my failure but I doubt it)

I will also continue to ALWAYS be open to other ideas. My pride is not the issue. My aching man parts are the issue!!!

Ok friends!!! Join me on the journey!!!
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� #2
Old 04-12-2013, 08:44 AM
sow&reap sow&reap is offline
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hello all

been 10 days now since finishing levofloxacin - I felt pretty good at the end of it..slight tenderness in my right testicle but nothing serious - well pain and itching has returned over last few days then last night my gf's dog ran into my groin and now my ball aches!!!

any ideas? I may try nerve blocks in the interim - I am not giving up on my candida premise - PS I HOPE I DO NOT SOUND LIKE I KNOW IT ALL CUZ I DONT.....but i have to stay positive even though I am not having a 'ball' right now - haha

any ideas? thinking of wearing a cup full-time hah

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� #3
Old 04-21-2013, 04:06 PM
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Default alot of muscle tightness - week 2

Hello friends

Diet has been a struggle! I knew it would be - trying to make a lifestyle change NOT a quick fix...inconvenient to say least

just had some scrambled eggs with onion and garlic - nice!

Been focusing on RELAXING down below

too much clenching as if I am trying to hold in urine or bowel movement - constant tightness

deep breathing and conscious relaxing of entire groin area has helped some...may be a part of my issue... I dunno

Anyone have stretches for the perineum they they recommend?

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� #4
Old 04-21-2013, 04:43 PM
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Welcome Joel, wishing you well, and glad you're posting about your condition and experiences. Don't know if this will help, but here are some recommended exercises for the groin/testicular area...

Exercise: Testicular Pain

Testicular pain is a fairly common condition treated by urologists. Frequent
causes include infection of the testicle (orchitis) or epididymis
(epididymitis), post surgical pain, trauma, tumors, hernia, torsion (twisting of
the testicle), varicocele, hydrocele or spermatocele.

In sexually active men, the most common cause of an infection of the epididymis
is a sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhea or chlamydia.

Older and younger men may also get epididymitis, often because of an abnormality
in the genitourinary system such as enlargement of the prostate.

Most of these conditions are easily diagnosed and treated. Occasionally the
pain, even when treated appropriately becomes chronic. Many patients with
chronic testicular pain, after ruling out the above, seem to find no cause to
their pain. This is the pain I will be addressing.

Men become very anxious when they feel pain in their testicles. Self examination
should become a ritual as brushing your teeth. All men between the ages of 15
and 40 should check their testicles for abnormalities about once a month, and
older men should continue to occasionally do so. The shower or bathtub is a good
place for this because warm water relaxes both the scrotum and the man.

To test, roll each testicle between the thumb and first two fingers of each hand
and look for a lump, or nodule, that feels firm but is painless when pressed. A
visual exam in front of a mirror is another way to look for abnormalities, and
allows you to more easily locate all of the various components that should be

Some men mistakenly discount the possibility that a problem exists because their
testicles don't hurt. Tenderness, too, can indicate a problem, and so can
swelling of a testicle. Neither of these symptoms should cause initial alarm,
however, because there are many possibilities.

Musculoskeletal problems are one of the biggest conditions overlooked by many
physicians. Once the above situations have been ruled out and you still have
pain, it is time to try these exercises. They should be done at least 3 times a
day for two weeks:

Exercise 1.

Lying on your side knees bent and lined up on top of each other about level with
your hips. Arms are straight out in front of you finger tips touching.
You may want to place a small pillow under your head so that the neck is aligned
with your spine.

Move the top hand and top leg slightly forward as you misalign the knees and
hands about an inch, then pull them back to starting position. Now, do the same
move with the top arm and leg but pull them back slightly about an inch, then
realign the knees and fingertips. Keep these stretches constantly moving, never
static. The stretch is very subtle but very effective in stretching the inner
thigh muscles. Repeat 12-15 times. Repeat on the other side. Remember to always
keep the hands and knees touching.

Exercise 2.

Repeat the above exercise in position and manner but as a variation, this time
push the knee forward but draw the fingers back along the arm so that you are
getting an oppositional twist between the upper and lower torso. The stretch is
very subtle but very effective in stretching the inner thigh muscles. Repeat
12-15 times. Repeat on the other side. Remember to always keep the hands and
knees touching.

Exercise 3.
Lying on the floor, you may want to lie close to the wall with your buttocks
right up next to the wall. Straighten your legs up along the wall with ankles
together. Now slowly open your legs as wide as they can to get a very effective
stretch then bring them right back together. Keep the motion of the legs moving.
Keep these stretches constantly moving, never static. Repeat 12-15 times. Do not
use the wall to rest your legs. Keep the legs slightly away from touching the

Exercise 4.
Using a bed or chair for support and a blanket for your knee, kneel down on both
knees. with your left foot (the bed or chair is on your right for support),
step the left foot out into a lunge so that you are getting a good stretch from
the left foot to the opposite right knee that is on the floor. Now push your
hips toward the left leg, place both hands on the left knee as you push the hips
forward. You should get an incredible stretch in the right side of the groin. As
you push your hips forward as far as you can get a great stretch, come back to
starting position by lining your hips back up. Keep the left foot where it is
and then lunge back again. Keep the motion of the legs moving.
Keep these stretches constantly moving, never static. Repeat 12-15 times. Repeat
on the other side.

Andrew Pacholyk, LMT, MT-BC, CA
Alternative medicine and therapies
for healing mind, body & spirit!

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� #5
Old 04-21-2013, 05:30 PM
sow&reap sow&reap is offline
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thank you for your time

experiencing some serious epdidymis pain right now - doc says chronically inflamed.

Its funny because only one small part of the epi hurts me....Not the entire epididymis.

the cat just jumped up on my lap and one light step has ruined my night - aching right now - starts from the epi but makes me dizzy it hurts that much

I just took 3 extra strength ibuprofen
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� #6
Old 04-21-2013, 08:09 PM
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Just a suggestion, I'd try not to use OTC pain remedies like ibuprofen due to all the side effects. https://www.livestrong.com/article/36...oo-much-advil/. Another more natural option may be White Willow Bark, you can learn more if you click on our Wiki tab.

PS: L-Glutamine is an amino acid that helps overcome sugar and carbohydrate cravings. NOW brand offers a powder form that is reasonably priced.
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� #7
Old 04-22-2013, 05:50 AM
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Default thank you

Hi friend,

I will try willow bark - much appreciated!
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� #8
Old 04-22-2013, 08:43 AM
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Default PEMF and ginger root

Ok friends.....hope you are still with me because this thread is not exactly booming:

I am slowly starting to figure out how to beat my issue:

Ginger root:


Pulsed electomagnetic fields:




Retrospective surgery study of the therapeutic effectiveness of MORA
bioresonance therapy with conventional therapy resistant patients suffering
from allergies, pain and infection diseases

PLUS: Robotic spermactic cord block takes pain away 86% of the time

heard some success with soaking your buttox / scrotum in some chinese herbs as well....

either way, I am onto something here.

Ok see you soon
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� #9
Old 04-22-2013, 04:43 PM
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Ok.... 12 days since my first post! Approx. 22 days ago I was nearly sick to my stomach with testicle pain. fortunately 14 days of Floxacin helped alot....here is the thing: on the 7th day of Flox - I had a fever, ball ached...even went to emerg...doc was a real jerk and made me feel like an idiot.......but my ball was aching so badly BUT this is part of that die off 'worse before better thing' that I WILL BE CURED talked about.....

well never felt so good then I did at day 10-14 on the Flox and then the few days after BUT then the itch returned and eventually soreness in ball BUT not debilitating like it was....

tonight I feel GREAT!!! sure I have the weird feeling down there and still a frequent urinator - I have been for years - I am like the terminator of Urine in slow dribbles...aka I am happy to be called the urinator....and even if I cant be "Thunderball" I dont want to be 'tenderball' either - gotta stay light even if my jokes suck..cuz dont want that depression creeping in!!

what is working:

1. NO SUGAR // no junk food
2. conscious RELAXATION of pelvic muscles
3. pure cranberry juice
4 Probiotics and great diet has been giving me great bowel movements! the type where you feel 20lbs lighter and ten years younger...they are big, shaped like S and come out easy - the hard ones where I strain would always irritate me and I squeeze out some prostate fluid from these hard ones......NOT GOOD....
5. POSITIVE Attitude: worse case scenario I will fly to Florida for the Robotic sperm cord denervation operation.....PLUS I am discovering so much other positive stuff on the internet and saving ALL of the peer reviewed studies I find!!!

will the pain be back? YOU BET! But I am going to overcome this. others have and I will too!!! Plus I have a few tricks up my sleeve!!!

I want to thank all of you!! I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for directing me here to find you guys..suffering without friends who can relate is no way to suffer....

Ok , I have to go pee.....again

On that note my doc asked mee if it hurt to hold it years ago. I said yes! when I was on the levofloxacin 22 days ago I was on a long road trip - I guzzled liters of water - no urgency or apin in holding it BUT when I did piss I could have put out a burning building.....I still have the odd one like that but alot of light / urgent / must pee or pain pees that often dribble or i have to force them out....

SO LEVOFLOX. is my friend and enemy. I will not use it again til I ABSOLUTELY need it and even then I will take all the other supplements demonstrated in clinical studies to inccrease its efficacy ...cause one or two more times and it goes in the 'doesnt work pile' ...plus AB's suck - they are not the answer....well..... i dunno....
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� #10
Old 04-22-2013, 06:36 PM
sow&reap sow&reap is offline
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One important question for others who have had epididymitis....I have had several docs examine my epid. Never overly sensitve to the touch - one young doc noted that if I did have epidydmitis I would have screamed when he touched mine....never any pain...

Yet, my ball aches on kind of like the tail end of getting kicked in the balls - NOT that I am going to die of pain type pain that occurs in the moment but the after effects....

well last nite I went searching for my epid. I'll be honest I am a little nervous around the veins and all that - I have no issue 'playing with my balls' so to speak but the idea of the epi..has always freaked me out a bit...well I found my right epi and clear it is inflammed so I pressed on and no real pain..I pressed a little harder and felt a zapping pain so then I squeezed my epi - (the swollen one) and I felt like I had been kicked harder than i ever have in the ball ....tried again this morning in the shower and felt like I was going to throw up and pass out......not nearly as sensitive tonight but in just squeezing lightly I get the pain back (remember how in my above post a few hours a go I was bragging about being pain free.....) and I feel achy again......

Question: Is that how your Epididymis pain feel? hen I squeezed the inflammed epi I thought I was going to pass out, throw up and die of pain all at the same time...like I had been kicked in the one ball by the Karate Kid......

it still hurts..I did it for science though..I had to know for sure where EXACTLY my pain was coming from....

I now know and I never want to know that pain again.....know what I mean?

Thanks all...stilling hurting right now.....ruined a perfectly good night for ...science......and my right ball....
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� #11
Old 04-23-2013, 12:49 PM
tex tex is offline
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baking soda does wonders for having to urinate all the time. keep the diet up.... takes time but helps.
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� #12
Old 04-23-2013, 01:03 PM
sow&reap sow&reap is offline
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Hi Tex

thanks for the tip - I appreciate them all

Is this a personal epxerience you had or do you know others who have found success with it?

How does it help?

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� #13
Old 04-23-2013, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by sow&reap View Post
Hi Tex

thanks for the tip - I appreciate them all

Is this a personal epxerience you had or do you know others who have found success with it?

How does it help?

I used one table spoon in water three times a day....then tapered down. You can use a table spoon of apple cider vinegar with it, but it might be to harsh. I will help you alkalize and brake up any calcifications, if you have them. The diet you are on is an alkalinizing diet.

Might want to look into b-3. It has done wonders for me. I posted it in an earlier thread. I have pain one day a month compared to one day of relief a month.
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� #14
Old 04-23-2013, 02:27 PM
sow&reap sow&reap is offline
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Hi Tex! much appreciated

I will search your posts.

thanks for the B-3 tip as well

Nice to know people are finding relief!
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� #15
Old 04-24-2013, 02:25 PM
sow&reap sow&reap is offline
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Now 26 days since my testicle ached like nothing before – sure I considered killing myself…..I remember telling my mother that I am dealing with ‘this’ and that I may not be able to go on…I was not trying to be a prick and get sympathy….I was preparing her for the inevitable….

Pain in epi and right teste is minimal today – almost non existent…..unitl I asqueezed it again in shower tonight…..a little harder with no pain but then back…thinking that it may be a trigger point (see massage therapy) or by squeezing it I wouls force infection out and allow fresh blood to rush in..cant keep doing this too painful..not worth it. I will find another to maximize blood flow..pain is back to a 3 up from a 1 or 2….

Ironically, I had a major UT issue last night – could not get to sleep til 3am – had to keep peeing WHY? Don’t know…maybe

  • masturbation day before
  • pork and potatoes for supper and free range back bacon…
  • drank a lot of ice cold water before bed as I was at gym (don’t suspect this as cause….probably helped a lot
  • high stress incident at work that I was quite upset with going to bed.

Brings me to emotions: if you are guilty or do nto feel you deserve to heal than you need to get past this. I am a follower of Jesus Christ but I still stumbled many times. Depression and substance use run in the family and I used hard drugs and slept around for a long time....I stumbled even after my conversion BUT I am forgiven and I had to repent and move on…..the connection between mind-body-spirit healing is real and our emotional / mental / spiritual well-being cannot be neglected in this journey – guilt, anger, shame suppresses immuno function STESS is deadly….

CANDIDA diet is miserable…carbs carbs carbs – that’s all that quenches my appetite so this has been tough and I have not got full out yet – eliminated MOST sugar except for a little fresh fruit in morning and naturally occurring in vegatables…..i do not know if Candida is casue but I do know that healthy gut flora is IMPERATIVE for my overall infection fighting capacity…

Still don’t know why my right testicle is so itchy and sweaty – doc says inflammation. I suspect infection which brings me to latest crazy idea:

I have some prescription ketaconazole 2% I used for ring work two years ago…got ring worm from my judo club – I am applying twice a day for seven days to see if I notice a reduction in itch – if so I can suspect fungus is at work down there…

  • Been using an inversion table – letting balls drain..this may help…considering ice and heat to to encourage blood flow
  • READ PAIN IN THE PELVIS…I have not yet but read posts by other sufferers..I am now letting tension go..makes os much sense. Are you clenching all time to hold in urine leaks or bowel movements? Body can not get blood flow or heal down there if so – I have been releasing tension and I feel so much better – go see a pelvic fllor specialist – I am prescribed alium already and been taking when too much tension down there -
  • I am going to see a pelvic floor specialist if I can find one here in Canada
  • I am going to see an INFECTOLOGIST and finf out for sure what is lurking down there.
  • NO SUGAR – trying low carb – going to ramp up my D Mannose too (oh yeah Vitamin c twice a day…
  • Going to keep a log too of food / stress / sex activity etc to identify correlations – try to do one thing at a time so you can identify appropriate factors

  • WORST CASE SCENARIO – denervation of spermatic cord – less then $10,000 for the best robotic surgery money can buy – 86% cure rate – NO PAIN all GAIN..I think…

Shouldn’t have squeezed my epi tonight…pain is about a 3-4 right now WAS a 1-2….cutting that out - I will stick to light finger exam and continue to play with balls in shower to encourage blood flow – this is important

Afraid of the prostate massage at this point…sounds so painful but seems to be important part of recovery….I dunno…

I have not had a BIG pee like I did on Levo Flox……those were good pees! Huge…now I hold so much less…wonder if it is a muscle issue or always prostate related…anyone?

Don’t know what else to say:

I am can live with current pain….. could have been a 1-2 till I squeezed it…I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER knowing so many options available….Ironically, this positivity has created a positive healing cycle – so many guys say just taking mind off it helps so much. I agree. I’ll get the deneravtion if necessary BUT much more to try:

Strict candida diet with ant-fungals / anti-bacterial supplements
Local nerve blocks
Chinese herbal remedy
Some type of ant-inflammatory cream
Any type of herbal remedy that I can soak in …list goes on and on….


Thank you Jesus Christ for forgiving my wickedness…indeed I reap what I sow
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